Get together at my shop on the 25th. Free food and beer.

I should be getting my Mark 8 tonight, if so, I might make the trip up in it. :)
So here it is at 11 AM with enough food and drink for fiddy people and there ain't another soul here. Well there goes my diet. LOL
man just seeing this. im on long-change from work, but my mother came down to visit. so family time first. i'll check in more frequently to see if you have another.
Well we had a lot of fun. Too bad more people didnt show cause we had MASS food there. Steaks were killer and the beer was flowing. Had some good fun doing bad things too. One friend started stuntin his bike so that got the Cobra and Stang guys riled up and they started doing burnouts. Then had to show Jacksun how to do a proper burnout in his Cobra. LOL. Even did some running. Ran the 740i against the 96 Cobra and took him till we let off at 100. Even with me screwing up and knocking it in manual mode by mistake. Cobra was reeling me in though.

Anywho here are a few pics of the fun. I will upload the others when they get sent to me. Should have some burnout vidz and the Cobra/Bimmer run.








BTW, those are all my customers cars. I have done delrin bushings, subframes, blower swaps, motor swaps, brake upgrades etc etc to every car there except the BMW cause it has yet to break.
wow looks like a great time. i wish you were halfway local to me so i couldve been there. good luck with the shop laser
do you have room for a dyno?

Perfect space for one. Got one ya wanna donate? :D
Lies. Sapper doesn't know how to drive the cobra

Trooths. :p

Kinda went down like this: Someone was supposed to drop a flag but you all were too far away and we coudnt see you so I told Sapper to do a three honk. I had my car in Sport mode and he honked three times. I hit the gas but he didnt move so I thought there was a screwup and I let off then saw he was moving so I got back on it again. In the process I didnt notice I smacked the car into manual mode so instead of it shifting at its power peak it waited till redline to force shift the manual change. I still pulled several cars away untill 90ish when he started to reel me in but by the time he was on my bumper I had already won.

So here is something to make you feel worse..... :p I found out since the cars fluids were not at running temps the car was still in low power mode that only allows 90% throttle. That coupled with the me not seeing I accidently slapped it in manual mode then didnt manually shift it slowed my car way down. Had it been at temp and I let it shift when it wanted to then he wouldnt have realed me in.

Time to leave the car at the shop for a blower for the Kewbrah. :D
Yea everyone was yea yea let Jeremy win! And I knew second was funny and that it gets no tractiOn right now. :q:q:q:q and that was m chance it soundS like too
Maybe cameron has a better vid. Beamer on the left cobra on the right.
And it did look like Jeremy pulled ahead but I guess you had already hit a 100 and started to brake.

Lol then having to hide from the cops.

Cobra vs Beamer - YouTube
Sound like fun was had
Laser what makes your car so fast most reported times in the 1/4 are between 14.5 and 15.2
so a cobra should beat you or at least be a good race.
I need to get used to that Cobra more, wasn't expecting to hit the throttle and just sit there and then look into the field to my left. As soon as I nailed the gas it went about 45* let completely off the gas, straightened up and relaunched. I think some wider tires, get the clutch and forks fixed, and me not being SO aggressive on the throttle, the Cobra would have no problem walking away

Was a nice win Bill.. One of our closest races yet :) had fun regardless

The moral of this video is, I messed the launch up big time, and Jackson can't hold a camera straight
Think this is the picture we are gonna use for the buisiness cards.


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