Giffords had history with Palin, Tea Party

Don't tell me republicans don't play to win.
Look at all the demagaugery over Obama's birth certificate and other attempts to de legitimize him as an imposter, secret muslim or a manchurian candidate.
I'll admit he added to it by not releasing the long form but after reading about the birth announcements in the papers in Hawaii only an unreasonable person (still plenty of those) would doubt his citizenship.
Palin is a dilletante and if she can't stand the heat she should get out of the kitchen.
Let's be blunt here for a moment or two. As is now being used, 'blood libel' and 'negro' fall into the same category. And that category is a word or set of words that've been erroneously given emotional import. We're probably all aware of the emotional content that Jews have chosen to invest into what, otherwise, are quite benign words. Jews have been indoctrinated to think of a historic malfeasance and that's the only definition that'll be tolerated.

Demagogues have taken the more-or-less scientific appellation 'negro' and, by making an issue of it, they reach for aggrandizement. The use of 'negro' therefore caused a widespread bristling in the less-educated strata of those to whom the designation might apply, when used as part of the recent census. Yet MLK, Jr., used it as part of his 'Dream' speech. And it's widely recognized that ':q:q:q:q:q:q' is almost a term of endearment UNLESS it's used by someone, or in circumstances under which a complaint might be made. Victimhood has power. There's no better example possible than the little emoticons popping up, just above, to try to keep me from using 'n i g g er' and therefore be politically incorrect.


But you would be sensitive to where you would use the n word and not just throw it out without considering who was listening and what they may think about you unless it was people you already knew.

Oriental has also fallen out of fashion and been replaced by asian.
Asians don't want to be called orientals because that brings back memories of the British occupation and the opium trade.

IMO African americans are not doing themselves any favors continuing to use this word to describe (and continue to stereotype) themselves amongst themselves but that's another topic.
Or, as I was saying, create a figurehead and destroy it. And if you're lucky, you'll kill the "body" in the process, even if it's just by association or demoralization.

Yep - we agree on this Cal. If the tea party has a 'face' it is Palin, and if you have to run against the tea party - you are going to going to have to define it in simple terms - the head of the party - and then, you run against the head of the party...

She wouldn't have a brand if it weren't for the attacks on her.
The embrace of Palin is mostly a RESPONSE to the unfair attacks she is subject to.

She had a brand the moment she was introduced to the American public at the RNC convention in 2008. Hockey mom, lipstick on a pig, 'rogue'. The Republican party started the branding, and she has built on it.

People like her as a person, they identify with her as a person, and they object to the way the political class attacks her. Attacks on her are also perceived as elitist attacks on them.

'Some people' like her Cal - Her numbers have fallen a lot lately. Do you think that she can turn this around? Her speech where she tried to paint herself as a victim was intended to do just that, rally people around her, as well as make her look 'presidential'. But, I don't think the American people saw her as a victim in that speech, nor did she come across as being presidential. She had a good opportunity to create a win/win, however she ended up with a big loss. Especially when you see that she has to continue to defend herself, specifically the imagery used in the speech. If you are constantly defending yourself, you aren't going to be winning anything.

And the more she's attacked, the more she's defended. The more her name is circulated and repeated. The more people circle the wagons.

But, that circle is getting smaller and small cal. She is ardently defended by her base - but anyone even close to the middle is backing away from her.
So, it makes sense that you attack her, or her staff, or whatever underhanded, subtle method you chose. What's more entertaining is how someone thinks they are "in on it" by piling on or trying to convince us all of his intellectual superiority over this woman. Vigorously reading the slanted news stories tracking the biased polls, "oh look, there's a +/-% change in support amongst based on...." as those these observations have any kind of value or represent some kind of "inside" thinking.

I don't think she is dumb, I never have thought that. She became governor, that takes a certain amount of 'smarts' and political savvy. I still think that now that she is in the 'big game' she needs to reevaluate. Once again - her handlers and speech writers are thinking 'small' when they need to look at the much bigger picture of national politics.
But, that circle is getting smaller and small cal. She is ardently defended by her base - but anyone even close to the middle is backing away from her.

You keep focusing on Palin yet ignore directly confronting the disgusting personal attacks directed at her by the Left (while implicitly supporting and promoting those personal attacks)...
You keep focusing on Palin yet ignore directly confronting the disgusting personal attacks directed at her by the Left (while implicitly supporting and promoting those personal attacks)...

I haven't ignored them at all shag - I have acknowledged them, while at the same time gave a good reason of why she has to deal with them - her speech writers and handlers.

I have called for a stop of the hateful rhetoric - on both sides. I have said that the left needs to stop this as well as the right.

I have stated that the press was wrong in labeling the Arizona shootings as Palin's fault.

However, you seem to be rather lax in actually looking at this in the real political arena - I have been very brutally honest in my evaluations of what could happen with the fall out of this.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich took to morning television Tuesday to offer advice to fellow potential 2012 GOP presidential contender Sarah Palin, telling the former Alaska Governor to "slow down" and be more cautious in the wake of her response to criticism following the shooting in Arizona.
"I think that she's got to slow down and be more careful and think through what she's saying and how's she's saying it. There's no question that she's become more controversial," Gingrich said on ABC News's "Good Morning America." "But she is still a phenomenon. I don't know anybody else in American politics who can put something on Twitter or put something on Facebook and automatically have it become a national story. So she remains, I think, a very formidable person in her own right."
Following the rampage in Tucson, Ariz. that left six dead and 13 others wounded, Sarah Palin sought to counter accusations that her inflamed political rhetoric may have motivated the alleged shooter, charging the media with carrying out a "blood libel."
After fielding taking her knocks for the anti-Semitic nature of the term, Palin returned to the airwaves Monday, telling Fox News's Sean Hannity that a "blood libel" was "exactly what was going on."
A recent poll showed widespread dissatisfaction with Palin's handling of her address, with both President Barack Obama and the media receiving much higher approval ratings for their responses.

Newt says Palin needs to be less thoughtless.
The jockeying has begun.

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