Global Warming Thread

NUKES is THE long term answer to the US energy needs

Anyone see this......... ?

Hate the French if you want, but they invested a long time ago (30 yrs?) and are now making so much cheap electricity they are an exporter of their excess energy. They are also now sitting in the driver's seat for having the best nuke plant designs and are beginning to help the US w/ the few new nuke plants that have been put on the drawing boards in the last few years. And their solution for the nuke waste? Instead of burying it in the ground, they RECYCLE it. What a concept! But NOoooooooo, you won't see that kind of thinking in the US where the dollar trumps common sense. Nukes might cost alot initially, but there is a BIG payoff down the road. Too bad the US mentality doesn't have foresight past a 4 or 8 year term.
Its the environmental lobby that has kept us from going to nuclear power plants. That is about the only thing the French have done right.
Instead of burying it in the ground, they RECYCLE it. What a concept!

I did miss you when you where gone.

I wouldn't know where to look for your kind of 'knowledge'.

Exactly how do they recycle it again?

My guess is into weapons grade plutonium! Humm. Great idea!

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