Go Bush!!!

Its down to ohio, . . . . . . .

Joey get that backhoe ready, we might still have to go build a bombshelter.
Remeber whoever wins our president is still either the GIANT DOUCHE or the TERD SANDWICH (southpark)
what its looking like- is that we will spend a few days like we did in 2000 - not really knowing who won.
well - edwards just basically declared it aint over yet --- 1.33am
Joey's safe. He's in Illinois, a blue state. I can't believe Joey voted so Osama wouldn't attack him. Were you afraid that the paint finish on your car might get damaged?

I just bought a semi-automatic rifle that I plan on making fully automatic.

Osama, Bring It On!!!
LOL ---

MonsterMark said:
Joey's safe. He's in Illinois, a blue state. I can't believe Joey voted so Osama wouldn't attack him. Were you afraid that the paint finish on your car might get damaged?

I just bought a semi-automatic rifle that I plan on making fully automatic.

Osama, Bring It On!!!
Wow...a state populated by inbred toothless slack jawed yokels gets to decide the next presidency. I guess we'll see how strongly the US populance will be Bush nut-huggers after 9/11 The Sequel.....
Bush won the popluar vote by what was is 2 million. For those who said they are leaving if bush won, dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. :headbang:
Pepsi2185 said:
Remeber whoever wins our president is still either the GIANT DOUCHE or the TERD SANDWICH (southpark)

Stupid Americans are going to elect the TURD sandwich. At least you could use the giant douche as salad dressing in a pinch, but no matter how you slice the turd sandwich, it still tastes like S-H-I-T.
I must admit, I just can't believe the American people are that dumb. Oh well, it just goes to show ya how powerful fear is, and how good of a job Bush has done putting it in the minds of the American people. It shouldn't be a surprise really. Most people will stay with a losing situation rather than try something new. Fear of the unknown is a powerful tool especially among sheep.
Katshot said:
I must admit, I just can't believe the American people are that dumb. Oh well, it just goes to show ya how powerful fear is, and how good of a job Bush has done putting it in the minds of the American people. It shouldn't be a surprise really. Most people will stay with a losing situation rather than try something new. Fear of the unknown is a powerful tool especially among sheep.

Its down to ohio, . . . . . . .

Joey get that backhoe ready, we might still have to go build a bombshelter.

apparently fear wasn't that much of a factor ;) :N

Maybe they know something you don't ;) try taking off the blinders and stop listening what the dems tell ya

back to you're regularly scheduled crying... :bash:
Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them stupid.
Well -- CNN hasnt declared it yet. Ohio seems to be the key this time around. Whoever wins Ohio wins the race - I was under the impression that Ohio was in the red when I went to sleep - I need to get up to spped cause CNN is showing it undecided. 2000 all over again.

I did get one wish --- Bryan, those of us in the Blue camp thank you and the state of Wisconsen for your efforts and electoral points :Beer
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MonsterMark said:
Kbob and SCSteve, how you guys feeling this morning?
I'm very tired. Stayed up way too late last night watching the networks. I'm also optimistic, especially with the popular vote. The country as a whole seems to have embraced a more conservative stance and moved away a little more from liberal ideology. I loved it when Daschle went down. I hope this will be over today. I'm also disappointed in the inflammatory reactions of some here in this thread, but it wasn't unexpected. I appreciate the good-natured jabs as well. The early exit polls of yesterday were proven wrong, again, giving me more proof not to trust polls. I hope our country can move forward in a more bi-partisan way.
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When you factor in the extreme left wing pickups in New York, Illinois and California, that was almost 3.5 million votes. So Bush actually picked up 7.0 million votes nationwide. The greatest election to election gain of any politician. Ever. And the most votes ever garnered. Impressive, indeed.

And Pennsylvania turns out tighter than Ohio and nobody says a thing about it. If they count the military and absentees, he might pull that one out too.

Joey, hopefully you will see some articles down there on the Wisconsin election. 5 precincts in Milwaukee actually had something like 115% voter turnout. The fraud was huge. More than the margin of victory. I spent the afternoon driving around from polling station to polling station camcordering the MoveOn.Pac people that were camped out either inside the polling area or within less than 100 feet of the front door. The Milwaukee cops had a very busy day chasing all these people away. You should have seen the looks on their faces when they saw me recording them. Priceless.
Bryan, please tell me your not the right wing equivelant to Michal Moore
Joey, we have same day registration in Wisconsin. All that is needed is a utility bill, or a library card, or a driver's license. If you are already registered, you don't need anything, just a name.

I was there Joey. Call me what you will, but I watched partisan poll watchers typing names into hand held devices as people approached to announce their name. The intention was to cross-reference those names with ones on the voter rolls to see who hadn't shown up yet. At 7:00, suddenly bus loads of people were coming to the polls. Anybody in line by 8:00 was allowed to stay in line and vote. Polls were open till 9:30. Now, compare the results in Wisconsin showing a solid Bush lead all night. It evaporated at 10:00. The RNC challenged over 37,000 registrations that did not have valid postal addresses in the city of Milwaukee alone. Most of these were supplied by ACORN and another group called ACT that paid people to register people on the street. All those registrations were declared valid by a Democratic dominated election committee. I posted in some detail these facts on another thread. 30 Republican Minivans in Milwaukee had their tires slashed so they could not be used for get out the vote efforts.

So before you diminish what I say, please understand I know what I am talking about. I spent over 2 solid months on this election. I raised alot of money. I talked to lots of people.

I BELIEVE MY POLL ESTIMATES FOR THE POPULAR VOTE AND THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE WERE CLOSER THAN ANY NATIONAL POLL. Maybe I'm wrong on that but I haven't seen one. Nobody else but Kbob was willing to make a prediction of the results on this board. So I think I have earned a little slack on the Michael Moore thing.

Thanks anyway. I am trying very hard not to be a gloater. I feel this country needs to rally behind our President and move forward. I am the most glad at this point that now President Bush will be able to accept all the credit or shoulder all the blame for what happens internationally and domestically for the next 3-1/2 years. I welcome the challenge awaiting all of us.
MonsterMark said:
I feel this country needs to rally behind our President and move forward.

Bryan -- I agree -- I may not like GW, but he is my President.

However, that is one reason I dont Like GW. He cant rally the country behind him. granted - you either love GW or hate him- which mirrors his "take it or leave it" approach. My fear has always been that as long as he is president the country will be divided.

IMO this is partly due to GW's agenda being divided. He is for the rich - and could care less about anyone who isnt. He is worried about foreign policy, and could seemingly care less about domestic agenda.

The exit polls bear me out on this. Those who earn 75k or less mostly voted for Kerry, those who made 75k or more mostly voted for Bush. Those who voted for Kerry were mostly worried about the economy and healthcare, those who voted for Bush were mostly worried about terrorism. I hope Bush can and will temper himself a little, become a little more moderate, and help draw this country together.

Bryan, I have to say, I admire you for what you have done. We may have disagreed on candidates - But you went all out for what you believe in, and stand little to gain personally for your efforts. I admire that immensely. You might be a right wing nut job, but your aces in my book.

I'll be proud to buy you a beer at the meet on December 4th.
Joeychgo said:
I'll be proud to buy you a beer at the meet on December 4th.
Since I can't come, can you ship me a six-pack of one of your local favorite brews?

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