It's a losing battle,but............I feel good about it!
barry2952 said:
I wish to congratulate GWB. As Joey said, I still don't like him but I wish him the best in trying to unite this country. I think the conservative rhetoric has done more to divide the country than GWB has.
First of all, I would like to congradulate President Bush on a job well done!And Sen. Kerry for being very gracious in the face of defeat.
:I I totally agree on this point with Barry2952, however the Liberals were no angels either, and that was what made me sick about the whole thing, everybody spewing venom at anyone who thought elsewise. I am a Libertarian, as I mentioned before, I got sick to death of EVERYONE questioning my political choices by stating phrases like:
Why are you even wasting your vote,you're party's NEVER going to win! I got this from both Liberals and Conservatives.
Yes, I did vote for Badnarik/Campangola for president yesterday, and everyone else that had Libertarian by their names. The truth of the matter is,I voted for the people that I thought could do the job properly, not because Bush is a Capitalistic, War-Monger or Kerry is a Spineless, Flip-Flopper who would hand over this country to anyone who would as much as sneer at us. There were many reasons I did not like either main candidate, but neither candidate was the Antichrist Incarnate as each side would have you believe their opponent is.When I voted yesterday, I was very aware that who I was going to vote for was gonna lose, I am, by far, not THAT stupid as to not know this. I went into that booth, knowing that I was doing what I did for the right reason. I went into that booth knowing I was exercising my right
that many people who had no connection with me at all had fought and died for throughout the years this country has been around. I didn't vote because I hated one candidate or the other or even both. I voted for who
I thought was the best people for the job. And when I left that booth,I FELT GOOD!