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Boomhower said:
gotcha....I had a paypal account at one time. I don't know if it would be active anymore or not. I'm sure I've lost the password and username by now anyways. Thanks Joey.

Check out the site and see if they have your record on file. (Forgot password thingy)

I hadn't used mine for a number of years and they had my file and some loose change in the account.
How about this?
pepperman - 1991 Lincoln Town Car
" Knowing you've done the right thing is the salve for the pain of doing the right thing " MOSHOLDER
Karma - is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do.

See how much space we've saved?
LOL this thread and the HOTTIE LVC Gold Member that started it and many others..., the people who read them...., and the people who reply.., is why I tithe.

The only thing HOTTER than an LVC HOTTIE is an LVC GOLD HOTTIE!!!!

Oh, and Joey has ALWAYS been VERY VERY RECEPTIVE to suggestions, what are you talking about....tehehe



Hey Pepp, Nice Thread

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