Dedicated LVC Member
If the creationists use science to argue against the plausibility of evolution, then what’s the problem?
There isn't; that isn't the issue.
If the creationists use science to argue against the plausibility of evolution, then what’s the problem?
Actually. No.
I.D. recognizes that there were evolutionary processes and that life developed over an extended period of time. It simple maintains that it wasn't 100% random. You could even believe that life on Earth was the result of an alien six grade science project and still believe ID, or be very spiritual, or have no idea-
Evolution (as an origin of all life) says that life was completely by chance.
And Creationism says most things were created and have existed in a similar form to what they exist in today. That the world was created whole.
Huge differences between the three.
This is why I don't bother arguing with you. I already offered proof against your claims in the posts I cited. You don't offer any proof for your claims (or against mine), just arogantly assume your claims are true. Everyone on this board sees you for what you are: willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest. Your ignorance is dogma that cannot be challenged. Who is acting more on faith here? The answer is rather obvious. Your "debating" is a joke, and thus worthy of nothing more then mockary. Now, you will excuse me while I go protest a gay marriage with Fred Phelps.![]()
"Wocka, wocka, wocka!"
Always the clown, at least you know your role; that's a plus. Will you bring up irrelevant statistics to support you claims again, while ignorant statistics that directly relate to the topic? Because that truly was special the last time.
What?! Now yer just talkin out yer ass here. If anyone is ignoring info here, it's you. As I said, I have made my arguments, see posts #71, 74, 83, 93, 96 and 99. Your the one ignoring those. read 'em, then we'll talk.
If can't debate considering all relevant possibilities, you can't have an honest debate. You have proven that you won't consider certian possibilities, therefore an honest debate with you is impossible. Prove to me that you have at least looked at information from a point of view you disagree with (without automatically distorting it), and I will debate you.
Oh - look - it's Rip Van Winkle! Jeez, which points are you referring to, the ones you made back BEFORE THANKSGIVING? What'd you do, fall asleep on the toilet or something?
Your points were unscientific; merely assertions. Ho hum. Hey, I have an idea, why don't you copy/paste an article from so I can refute it with a copy/paste from! Yeah, that'll be fun!
Prove to you what exactly? When I first heard about I.D., I didn't agree with what little I heard, so I went and read up on it, to educate myself on the subject. Does that example meet your criteria, as I am uncertain what your expectations are exactly?
Now, I said the theory of Evolution does not try to disprove or prove the existence of God; that isn't its purpose. You called me "ignorant" for it. So, can you site something in the theory of Evolution that says, "there is no God" or "there is a God"?
See post to Calabrio #127, if you wish to refute what I said about I.D.
Also, I'm not in here as much, as I am busy with life, so you'll just have to excuse me, if I don't reply immediately.
Ah, I see you've finally met DeVille.There is no forgiving what you are doing. If you can't be on here that much, then before you post, you owe it to anyone who has posted on this thread not to ignore their posts! Instead, that is what you are doing and then claiming they haven't made any points in the thread. Either don't post, or inform yourself on the thread, and what facts have been given BEFORE you post. To do otherwise is flat out rude and insulting!!!!
I HAVE refuted it!!! see the previous posts I mentioned: #71, 74, 83, 93, 96 and 99. YOU KEEP REFUSING TO READ THOSE POST!!!! You are CHOOSING to stay ignorant there. It is patently obvious to anyone who knows about this that you haven't educated yourself on this. You haven't (and won't) question the assumptions on this that you already have. You just look for ways to justify them, ignoring any facts or logic that counter it. If God himself came down and told you that you were wrong on this, you would refuse to believe him.
I have shown in those posts I mentioned that evolution inherently assumes that God doesn't exist. I proved it by much more then simply making an assertion (as you do), or spinning thr truth (again as you do). I used actual quotes by Darwinists. For once in your life, stop trying to be "clever" (justifying whatever you want to believe through spin, distortion, ignorance and outright lies), and instead be reasonable, looking at things objectively and going where the facts lead you.
I have YET to hear an advocate of intelligent design claim that the science justifies God creating things. The only people saying anything about that are Darwinists, CLAIMING that is what ID advocates think. Can you say, "constructing a staw man argument"?
There is no forgiving what you are doing. If you can't be on here that much, then before you post, you owe it to anyone who has posted on this thread not to ignore their posts! Instead, that is what you are doing and then claiming they haven't made any points in the thread. Either don't post, or inform yourself on the thread, and what facts have been given BEFORE you post. To do otherwise is flat out rude and insulting!!!!
Ah, I see you've finally met DeVille.![]()
Calabrio hasn't replied back to me in 30+ hours, will you cry over that too?
There are enough voices in this thread, mine's redundant.
You assume tht Evolution assumes such and such, that is the difference, talk about a "straw-man", as you said. You're wrong though, Evolution theory 'theorizes' how life "evolved", changed, transformed, proliferated, spread etc. etc. etc. (take your pick) on the planet; what it doesn't do, is speak of God, that ISN'T IT'S PURPOSE.
Just because Darwinism purposes that "life was undirected", that in no way assumes "there if no God", as a blanket generalization.
You are STILL ignoring my previous posts (#71, 74, 83, 93, 96 and 99), which is rude and insulting, as I said. I took the time to post EVIDENCE for my claims, proving they are not just assumptions on my part. I am not gonna repost that proof just because you are too lazy to backtrack a page or two in this thread. If you are gonna take your sweet time in between posts, you owe it to those of us who HAVE been posting to keep up with the arguments and facts presented. You refusing to do that, then assume I am making assumtions. You are assuming (without checking) that I have nothing worth listening to. If you are gonna be disrepectful then DON'T POST! You aren't adding anything to the debate. Instead, you are distracting from it. Show me some respect (by acknowledging the facts I have presented in posts #71, 74, 83, 93, 96 and 99) and you will get it in return.
Christian groups slam new Kidman children's movie
Dec 3 08:33 PM US/Eastern
Is the author an Atheist or Agnostic, now? I know it's stating the obvious, but these religious groups just did the worst thing possible, their protest will only draw crowds to the movie and increase it's profit margin.
Also, this story confirms that the movie is a "clean" version of the book, where some of the more "controversial" aspect are not included. So I really don't see why the religious groups are crying in the first place, cleaned version or no cleaned version, it's a fantasy book, fantasy, he's free to write what he likes, it's not like he's writing about an illegal subject.
When Scorese did "The last temptation of Christ", the church protested and crowds gathered in protest. When Gibson did the Passion, barely (if any) a peep was uttered against it, and that movie cast Jews in a horrible light.
i think the church does more damage to themselves by speaking out about these things. it actually ends up promoting books/movies etc. more because people want to see what the church thinks is so terrible about them as well as the controversy just adds to publicity. there is already enough information around to cast doubt without they themselves bringing attention to it. but then, i guess they must warn their own and keep their propaganda machine rolling, lest they lose more. it is a FANTASY story after all. i think i'll bundle up my daughter and take her in to see it.