That really depends on what you want. Turtle wax ice is a good product for the interior due to the fact that it drys clear and leaves no white residue even if you happen to miss a spot. Meguiars is a carnuba based wax that will likely "deepen" the color of your car but will not last but a few weeks realisticly, even less in the summer. If your looking for maximum durability you should look at a synthetic polymer instead of a "wax". I recommend Zaino (about $80ish for the whole set) or pick up some Meguiars NXT* Tech Wax. That and Nu Finish are the only products sold in most stores that I believe are not carnuba based. I don't recommend Nu Finish tho because it tends not to last near as long at the latter, its a polish (which you don't need because your cars newer, AKA it takes a verysmall amount of the clear coating off of your car when you apply it).
So in short the simplest solution for you is to get Tech wax unless you really want to get into car care.
Oh, and I would'nt recommend mothers, not because its not a great wax, but because you have a lighter colored car and it isn't really appropriate for this situtation.