Goodbye, America! It Was Fun While It Lasted

As an alternative to: growing up, I give you todays America, the result of millions of people who refuse to be responsibile, and who base their decisions on feelings rather than rational thought. People who think like children, deserve to be treated like children, today they get elected.
I think you can do better than "growing up is highly overated".
Shag, I happen to know a lot about this – it is something I have given my time and my skills to for a long time. No one says that overall illegitimacy is less now then it was 12 years ago, No one. That is why that was a red flag.

But she didn't state "overall" illegitimacy. Here is what she said:
The 1996 Welfare Reform bill marked the first time any government entitlement had ever been rolled back. Despite liberal howling and foot-stomping, not subsidizing illegitimacy led, like night into day, to less illegitimacy.

Welfare recipients got jobs, as the hard-core unemployables were coaxed away from their TV sets and into the workforce. For the first time in decades, the ever-increasing illegitimacy rate stopped spiraling upward.

It is not so clear weather she was talking about overall illegitimacy or just illegitimacy rates for women on welfare.

A distinction should also be made between simply single mom's and illegitimacy. A single mom may be divorced or widowed but that doesn't mean that the kid she has was born out of wedlock. measuring single moms distorts the picture. An effort should be made to to only look at illegitimacy rates and not single moms.

Coulter also seemed to be talking about the "ever-increasing" illegitimacy rate which stopped due to the 1996 Welfare reform. Does that check out in some fashion?

You probably need to get agreement on what the definition of "illegitimacy" is that she is using as well as how she is defining a "drop" in illegitimacy rates. Otherwise any argument is open to the claim of being a loaded statement because it assumes a definition that your opponent might not agree uppon.

She could have stated teenage pregnancy is decreasing, but, she didn’t. And I believe CDC is the only location where the birth mother’s marital status is kept – it is where I have gone the entire time I have been working with this subject, which is since the Clinton administration. It is also where people who do research into single motherhood, rates, race, economic breakdowns go. I bet she went there when researching her newest book, but maybe not, mostly she was concerned with single mothers and their children who are in prison and working strip joints – the CDC doesn’t have those statistics.

You believe the CDC is the only location for that info? Not a very strong argument; I assume it to be true so it is true.


As you can from here (based on CDC data), the upward trend did seem to level off in general from 1996 on and only gradually started to grow, in line with what Coulter said. In the black community, the community that by far was the hardest hit by the creation of the welfare state, after 1996, illegitimacy seemed to actually drop off (though it is slowly rising again). Something had to cause that and the point seems centered on 1996 which was the year the welfare reform was inacted.

So, since you are the arbitrator of all source, tell me where I can find other source on this, I haven’t a clue, and I have been working with this problem, as an advocate for placing women back into the workplace and off welfare rolls for over 15 years. No one other than CDC, as far as I know, keeps numbers like this.

You don't think the government agencies that issue foodstamps, distribute welfare, WIC, whatever would probably have info on the demographics for various years?

What about the Census Bureau? The Bureau of Economic Analysis? Fedstats is a real good source. The University of Michigan?

Those last four, especially fedstats are real good sources for statistical information.

How insensate Shag. You ‘judge’ them without even knowing their circumstances… You know, I don’t know your circumstances. Why at 29 are you still in college? Some would say that you were lazy, and that you are just a perpetual student living off student loans. They would judge you as you are judging those women, on one known fact. I would never assume to know why you are in college at 29, and I would never judge you on that fact alone. You could have had to go to work right out of high school to help out at home. You could have decided somewhere down the line that you wanted something better for yourself. You may have never taken out a student loan. I can’t judge you, I don’t know you or your circumstances.

Well, my circumstances are irrelevant to this discussion, so how about we stay on topic. ;)

You don't seem to realize that in criticizing me for "judging" these single moms, you are judging me. Double standard?

Judging is something everyone does. It is simply human nature. The only question is weather or not the judgement is accurate. A person's actions are probably the best indicator of their true character.

Having kids out of wedlock and ending up on welfare are very rarely unrelated. Those facts together suggest that the person in those circumstances are generally irresponsible and lazy, as compared to the rest of society. While there may be some unique circumstances, those are exceptions to the rule and not the rule. In general, most mothers with children born out of wedlock and on welfare tend to be irresponsible and lazy.

This is due to the lack of incentive to get off of welfare since the 1960's when the welfare state was created.

Michael Tanner in a testimony before the Senate Finance Committee in 1995 said it best:

In 1960 only 5.3 percent of births were out of wedlock. Today nearly 30 percent of births are illegitimate. Among blacks, the illegitimacy rate is nearly two-thirds. Among whites, it tops 22 percent. There is strong evidence that links the availability of welfare with the increase in out-of-wedlock births.

Having a child out of wedlock often means a lifetime in poverty. Approximately 30 percent of all welfare recipients start because they have an out-of-wedlock birth. The trend is even worse among teenage mothers. Half of all unwed teen mothers go on welfare within one year of the birth of their first child; 77 percent are on welfare within five years of the child's birth.

More than half of AFDC, Medicaid, and food stamp expenditures are attributable to families begun by a teen birth.

The non-economic consequences of the increase in out of wedlock births are equally stark. There is strong evidence that the absence of a father increases the probability that a child will use drugs and engage in criminal activity. Nearly 70 percent of juveniles in state reform institutions come from fatherless homes.

Social scientists may dispute the degree of linkage between welfare and illegitimacy, but the vast majority agree that there is some connection. Even William Galston, President Clinton's Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, says that the welfare system is responsible for at least 15 to 20 percent of the family disintegration in America. Others, such as Charles Murray, attribute as much as 50 percent of illegitimacy to welfare. I believe that any objective look at the available literature on this topic indicates a strong correlation between the availability of welfare and out-of-wedlock births.

Of course women do not get pregnant just to get welfare benefits. It is also true that a wide array of other social factors has contributed to the growth in out-of-wedlock births. But, by removing the economic consequences of a out-of-wedlock birth, welfare has removed a major incentive to avoid such pregnancies. A teenager looking around at her friends and neighbors is liable to see several who have given birth out-of- wedlock. When she sees that they have suffered few visible consequences (the very real consequences of such behavior are often not immediately apparent), she is less inclined to modify her own behavior to prevent pregnancy.

Proof of this can be found in a study by Professor Ellen Freeman of the University of Pennsylvania, who surveyed black, never-pregnant females age 17 or younger. Only 40% of those surveyed said that they thought becoming pregnant in the next year "would make their situation worse." Likewise, a study by Professor Laurie Schwab Zabin for the Journal of Research on Adolescence found that: "in a sample of inner-city black teens presenting for pregnancy tests, we reported that more than 31 percent of those who elected to carry their pregnancy to term told us, before their pregnancy was diagnosed, that they believed a baby would present a problem..." In other words, 69 percent either did not believe having a baby out-of-wedlock would present a problem or were unsure.

Until teenage girls, particularly those living in relative poverty, can be made to see real consequences from pregnancy, it will be impossible to gain control over the problem of out-of- wedlock births. By disguising those consequences, welfare makes it easier for these girls to make the decisions that will lead to unwed motherhood.

Current welfare policies seem to be designed with an appallingly lack of concern for their impact on out-of-wedlock births. Indeed, Medicaid programs in 11 states actually provide infertility treatments to single women on welfare.​

However, you feel quite righteous in judging unemployed single moms, without knowing anything of their circumstances, their lives, their problems, their past. Well… isn’t that special.

I know their actions that got them pregnant and onto welfare. That is enough to draw a general conclusion about their attitude and how strong of a work ethic they don't have.

Do you have any clue how 1996 changed welfare? The head of the household has to be employed within 2 years of the start of receiving funds. They have to get job training, and they are only allowed 60 months in total over their lifetime (in most states – I believe in 5 states there isn’t a limit, and in about 15 states the limits vary, but are less than 60 months).

Yep and look at the consequences of that action. You was a dramatic drop in the rate at which illegitimacy rates were rising and even a drop in the rate among the black community, which was hardest hit by the creation of the welfare state.

What do you think would happen if we phased out welfare all together? You think that 20 years from now the black population would still largely be living in (or near) poverty?

Yep, it provides you an excuse not to help. People like to sit in their little safe houses and not do anything. And if they didn't have that excuse, they would find another.

While the people who sold it didn't want to say so at the time, government welfare was created to be an excuse for society.

There have been studies that show that when taxes drop charitable donations increase. Seems to suggest that what you say is wrong.

When people don't have the excuse of government welfare, they give more (because they have more to give) and can appriciate the results. They get more of a sense of pride in what they do. Government welfare destroys all that. That has been the trend historically.

If you care, you do it whether or not there is involvement with government funds.

Correction, if you care and have the time and money you will help out in your community.

Welfare takes away peoples money and time (used to earn that money) to distribute the help as they see fit. Someone isn't embarassed to take a government handout and has no incentive to get off the welfare. If it is left to the local level, they are helped by the people they no, and are indebted to them. That is a huge motivator to get back on their feet that cannot be there in a federal system and that a federal system effectively abolishes.

I worked hard in Clinton’s administration to change welfare – my ‘bleeding heart’ approach is practical and realistic. If you worked with these women you would have some idea of what is involved.

Now see, you are assuming that I don't know any single women on welfare. You don't know my circumstances; how dare you judge me. :rolleyes:

Shag, I work with unemployed, underemployed women all the time, I give my time and my skills to help them. I know their problems and the reasons.

I don't care about the reasons they giver; those tend to be self-serving, illogical rationalizations to shift the blame off of themselves in some way. I care about the actions they take. That says more then anything that could ever come out of their mouth.

Many times it is because they have been lazy, or just want to ‘live on the dole’. But, you know, just stopping giving them money does very little. I have seen that. Welfare now runs out in 60 months in this state (most states). They quit being leeches on the state, and become leeches elsewhere – I know. And unless you have taught those women skills, and I mean basic skills like how to get up in the morning and get to work. How to punch a time clock, how to manage money, how you pay your rent, how you go home and stay with your kids instead of drinking, they stay unemployed. People on welfare now have to get this type of training. However, you know there are plenty that just find another way to get money once welfare runs out. Selling drugs, selling themselves, scams, begging. They do fall through the system, but now the government will only continue providing for them once they end up in jail.

The "system" should never have assumed this responsibility. It only creates a worse problem. The welfare state has created a subculture that leeches off society in some fashion. The only way to change that is to cut off their incentive. It is effectively an addiction and withdrawl will be hard for them, but they made the circumstances for themselves.

Did you know though there are many who come to need help because they have left abusive situations. Go ahead and judge these women because they asked for it. Or, some guy knocked them up in high school and they never got to finish school,and that boy is long gone. Blame the girls for that too. Many times they have a sick child that has become a strain on both their finances and their ability to work a full time job. And guess what - the Dad has skipped town, is nowhere to be found, and hasn't paid child support in 2 years. But, he probably has a good reason. If you aren’t realistic and give these women help – and a chance to be better, they too will become hardcore unemployed.

Taxpayers should not be forced to take responsibility for someone's bad judgement.

You can cite as many incedental examples as you like, but they are only exceptions to the rule at best. Most of them can be tied back to bad judgement. That bad judgement is a result of the welfare state removing the negative consequences and re-enforcing those bad decisions.

Again, remember what Herbert Spencer said:
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.

The only way to reverse those trends is to take away whatever shields those people from the negative consequences. Of course they are going to whine and fight it, but is has to be done.

I give my time for a private, smaller community based charity, and there is no way, without government assistance that these women can enter or re-enter the workforce and continue on with their lives in a meaningful and productive way.

You are putting the cart before the horse. You are citing the massive scale of people in need of help as justification for the welfare state. You don't seem to realize that it is the welfare state that created that massive need. Remember, In 1960 (before the welfare state) only 5.3 percent of births were out of wedlock. In 1995, nearly 30 percent of births are illegitimate.

You remove welfare and many of these people will be forced to find a way to cope without that welfare.
It is not so clear weather she was talking about overall or just illegitimacy rates for women on welfare.

Nope it isn’t clear what she talks about sometimes – it drives me crazy – she makes blanket statements constantly, I guess in hopes that they will be construed a certain way.

A distinction should be made between simply single mom's and illegitimacy. A single mom may be divorced or widowed but that doesn't mean that the kid she has was born out of wedlock. measuring single moms distorts the picture. An effort should be made to to only look at illegitimacy rates and not single moms.

We are only looking at illegitimacy rates here shag with regards to Coulter’s statement. That is what the charts are all based on.

Coulter also seemed to be talking about the "ever-increasing" illegitimacy rate which stopped due to the 1996 Welfare reform. Does that check out in some fashion?

Nope, didn’t stop – increased every year except one, which remained flat.

You believe the CDC is the only location for that info? Not a very strong argument; I assume it to be true so it is true.

Sorry shag – before you answered, but obviously while you were writing, I did add the Census Bureau- they work with the CDC and cross use numbers. I use the CDC because they do most of the compiling. But, if you want to, buried within the Census Bureau are also the same numbers.

As you can from here (based on CDC data), the upward trend did seem to level off in general from 1996 on and only gradually started to grow, in line with what Coulter said. In the black community, the community that by far was the hardest hit by the creation of the welfare state, after 1996, illegitimacy seemed to actually drop off (though it is slowly rising again). Something had to cause that and the point seems centered on 1996 which was the year the welfare reform was inacted.

As I said shag earlier – the rate of increase is about 1/2 from 1996 to 2005 as it was in the preceding 10 years. The leveling you see right after 1996 is due to all births leveled off at that time.

Having kids out of wedlock and ending up on welfare are very rarely unrelated.
You seem to think that I was for keeping the more kids more money idea in welfare – haven’t you caught on what I worked for? I was happy when welfare reform was enacted in 1996. There are great things in TANF that reward states for reducing the amount of children born out of wedlock. There are good things that reinforce keeping families together – getting fathers back into the family unit. I know that having children out of wedlock increases your chances for being on welfare – especially if you are under 19. I haven’t gone against any of that shag. All I did was question Ms Coulter’s statement that illegitimacy went down since 1996. It hasn’t.

In general, most mothers with children born out of wedlock and on welfare tend to be irresponsible and lazy.

So shag – some numbers? Or is that just an observation on your part?

I know their actions that got them pregnant and onto welfare. That is enough to draw a general conclusion about their attitude and how strong of a work ethic they don't have.

Their actions alone Shag – hummmm… last I checked most of those births weren’t done with artificial insemination or had much to do with immaculate conception.

You are failing to mention that one little common fact that also ties this group to welfare – absent fathers. I was waiting, obviously in vain, in hopes that you would maybe come to that conclusion too – it takes an absent father to create a single mom (out of wedlock or other). I tried to clue you in – mentioning absent or dead beat dads a couple of times, but you just didn’t catch on. This isn’t a ‘it is all her fault’ problem.

Yep and look at the consequences of that action. You was a dramatic drop in the rate at which illegitimacy rates were rising and even a drop in the rate among the black community, which was hardest hit by the creation of the welfare state.

What do you think would happen if we phased out welfare all together? You think that 20 years from now the black population would still largely be living in (or near) poverty?

And haven’t you caught on that welfare now does phase out. Can we phase it out all together – if charitable contributions took over, of course, but there is no way that would happen. Even now, with all the cut backs, charitable contributions haven’t made up the difference. How do you expect them to make up the difference when the entire program is eliminated?

There have been studies that show that when taxes drop charitable donations increase. Seems to suggest that what you say is wrong.

Really shag – I haven’t seen those studies – charitable contributions will come in and pick up the entire load once government steps away. I would love to see that study.

Correction, if you care and have the time and money you will help out in your community.

Correction, if you care enough you will find the time or money. It is as simple as that shag.

If it is left to the local level, they are helped by the people they no, and are indebted to them. That is a huge motivator to get back on their feet that cannot be there in a federal system and that a federal system effectively abolishes.

And shag – with the current welfare system, it is state and local communities that decide what and how to distribute the money. They have great leeway. They get the community involved. They depend on other charities to help, and ask for help from them.

I worked hard in Clinton’s administration to change welfare – my ‘bleeding heart’ approach is practical and realistic. If you worked with these women you would have some idea of what is involved.
Now see, you are assuming that I don't know any single women on welfare. You don't know my circumstances; how dare you judge me.

I didn’t say that you didn’t ‘know’ any people on welfare – you might be on welfare, how would I know? You stated earlier that you didn’t have to do anything else, since you gave ‘at the office’ with your taxes regarding these people. Back in your post #19 I am frankly not all that interested in the "plight" of single mothers who are too irresponsible and lazy to get off their back and get a job; they get enough of my time in the form of taxes I pay from the money I work for. Or maybe I read that wrong – you give more than just the taxes you pay? It certainly didn’t read that way shag. It doesn't seem from that statement that you work with charities to help alleviate this problem.

The "system" should never have assumed this responsibility. It only creates a worse problem. The welfare state has created a subculture that leeches off society in some fashion. The only way to change that is to cut off their incentive. It is effectively an addiction and withdrawl will be hard for them, but they made the circumstances for themselves.

And I never said welfare was good shag – you keep implying that I did. We are stuck with it, and need to reform it because we cannot cut it off cold turkey. With continuing reform, like the reforms made in 1996, welfare can be a stop gap tool to get people working again. Having a welfare state is appalling, and I did work to start to move us away from that. Welfare is very much a generational thing. Mothers, daughters, granddaughters look at this as a solution and not a problem. We need to educate them and show them that it is a problem, and they have a better solution available to them.

It is effectively an addiction and withdrawl will be hard for them, but they made the circumstances for themselves.

Shag, as I said, in many cases they did, but believe me I see plenty of cases where they didn’t make their own bed. I can’t believe that you would always place the blame on the woman – that is just so wrong on so many levels.

Remember, In 1960 (before the welfare state) only 5.3 percent of births were out of wedlock. In 1995, nearly 30 percent of births are illegitimate.
Cause and correlation shag? You might have forgotten a couple of little things, like the sexual revolution, society’s views regarding children born out of wedlock, the acceptance of single motherhood. Men leaving their families. Welfare certainly increased it, but, it isn’t the only cause.

You remove welfare and many of these people will be forced to find a way to cope without that welfare.
If you just drop it crime will increase immensely, and guess what – it costs a whole lot more to incarcerate a single mom then it does to put her on welfare. Prison is a great place to teach her job skills, prisons have a great track record regarding getting people out of prison and having them not return:rolleyes: . And, unlike Ms Coulter’s idea that it is single motherhood is the root of all of our problems regarding crime, it is just one of many reasons. But higher on that list is having an immediate member of your family who was once in jail. It is a huge factor in what creates a criminal. So, guess what, if Mom suddenly has no money and no skills to get a job, and she turns to crime to feed her kids, you can almost guarantee those kids will end up the same way. You want to look at a huge strain on the government – putting people in jail is far worse than 5 years of welfare. But, if you can educate, and move people off of welfare, showing them that yes, working, having pride in ‘you and your family’, raising kids to be independent, that is what will stop the cycle.
If this bill was so all important in order to prevent total collapse and get the American people back to work...

Why didn't Obama sign it yet? It's been on his desk since Saturday.
If this bill was so all important in order to prevent total collapse and get the American people back to work...

Why didn't Obama sign it yet? It's been on his desk since Saturday.

Well, there is the great PR opportunity that he gets by signing it out here in Denver, I'll wave so you can see me in the photos and the broadcast ;)
Nope it isn’t clear what she talks about sometimes – it drives me crazy – she makes blanket statements constantly, I guess in hopes that they will be construed a certain way.

She is a lawyer by trade.

Nope, didn’t stop – increased every year except one, which remained flat.

But the rate at which it was trending upward was dramatically decreased. In washington, then call that a cut.

Sorry shag – before you answered, but obviously while you were writing, I did add the Census Bureau- they work with the CDC and cross use numbers. I use the CDC because they do most of the compiling. But, if you want to, buried within the Census Bureau are also the same numbers.

Fair enough. Still, you should bookmark those sources for later. They are very good resources to have available.

You seem to think that I was for keeping the more kids more money idea in welfare – haven’t you caught on what I worked for? I was happy when welfare reform was enacted in 1996. There are great things in TANF that reward states for reducing the amount of children born out of wedlock. There are good things that reinforce keeping families together – getting fathers back into the family unit. I know that having children out of wedlock increases your chances for being on welfare – especially if you are under 19. I haven’t gone against any of that shag.

Yes, it greatly increases the chances of being on welfare.
Having a child out of wedlock often means a lifetime in poverty. Approximately 30 percent of all welfare recipients start because they have an out-of-wedlock birth. The trend is even worse among teenage mothers. Half of all unwed teen mothers go on welfare within one year of the birth of their first child; 77 percent are on welfare within five years of the child's birth.

More than half of AFDC, Medicaid, and food stamp expenditures are attributable to families begun by a teen birth.

I am not talking about "more kids=more money" stuff. I am talking the foolish behavior of irresponsible promiscuity, especially to someone you hardly know (most of the dad's in these situations tend to be deadbeat). If they had taken the time to get to know the person a little bit better, a better screening process if you will, that wouldn't happen near as often.

However, they don't see any consequences to other classmates having kids (welfare removes the more obvious ones) so they don't veiw sex with any degree of responsibility.

Their actions alone Shag – hummmm… last I checked most of those births weren’t done with artificial insemination or had much to do with immaculate conception.

You are failing to mention that one little common fact that also ties this group to welfare – absent fathers. I was waiting, obviously in vain, in hopes that you would maybe come to that conclusion too – it takes an absent father to create a single mom (out of wedlock or other). I tried to clue you in – mentioning absent or dead beat dads a couple of times, but you just didn’t catch on. This isn’t a ‘it is all her fault’ problem.

Deadbeat dads are an issue all their own. The are equally as irresponsible, but they don't effect my pocketbook as directly with their actions.

Most of these single mothers on welfare are women who need to learn to keep their legs shut.

Guys (at a certian level) are only lookin for some tail. Women are usually the ones to decide if it is gonna happen and they are the ones who could pay the most consequences, so they need to exercise real good judgement or they pay a heavy price.

Welfare aliviates many of the more obvious and visible consequences attached to that bad judgement, so it perpetuates the problems.

And haven’t you caught on that welfare now does phase out. Can we phase it out all together – if charitable contributions took over, of course, but there is no way that would happen. Even now, with all the cut backs, charitable contributions haven’t made up the difference. How do you expect them to make up the difference when the entire program is eliminated?

Charitable donations and private charities were more then adequate before the Great Society. After the Great Society came along, welfare increased the numbers of people with their hands out to levels that the private sector couldn't maintain. You cut out the government and it will eventually shrink back down. But it won't be fast. It took us a generation to get to where we are.

Correction, if you care enough you will find the time or money. It is as simple as that shag.

Now that is mindless nonsense. It doesn't matter how much you care, you only have 24 hours in a day. Other more pressing matters may demand your time. Maybe you have your own kids. Maybe you have older parents to take care of. Your job may be very demanding of your time. What medical bills do you have? Etc, etc.

To expect anyone to be able to "find the time and/or money" is absurdly unrealistic.

And because I have to now pay for someone to lazy to work, I have to work more myself to pay for my standard of living. I am already giving time.

And shag – with the current welfare system, it is state and local communities that decide what and how to distribute the money. They have great leeway. They get the community involved. They depend on other charities to help, and ask for help from them.

Yeah, and look at the bang up job they are doing. political concerns still get involved and you cut out any "tough love" type measures to not seem too harsh.

Private charities still do it better. They don't have the political concerns that government always injects into anything they do.

I didn’t say that you didn’t ‘know’ any people on welfare – you might be on welfare, how would I know? You stated earlier that you didn’t have to do anything else, since you gave ‘at the office’ with your taxes regarding these people. Back in your post #19 I am frankly not all that interested in the "plight" of single mothers who are too irresponsible and lazy to get off their back and get a job; they get enough of my time in the form of taxes I pay from the money I work for. Or maybe I read that wrong – you give more than just the taxes you pay? It certainly didn’t read that way shag. It doesn't seem from that statement that you work with charities to help alleviate this problem.

Because most of the people today who utilize charities are not interested in change, they are interested in getting a handout and doing whatever they want.

I have worked in corrections and my father is a parole officer. We have both seen how well "corrections" works. Heck, even the term "corrections" shows how it is supposed to be more about changing their behavior then it is about punishment today.

The children that result from welfare mommies were the ones I dealt with and as adults (and either deadbeat dads, or welfare moms) were in and out of the jail, or the parole office. They are not at all interested in changing. They will talk the talk if it can get them something, but in the end, they don't change.

Even when the potential consequence is going to back to jail, they will still go out and smoke pot, get drunk, not show up for work (assuming they actually took the effort to get a job), etc. etc. But when you try and punish them for it, you are the one to blame. You are a hater, racist, whatever they want to call you.

There is a whole class of society that leeches off of the rest of us. They have no right to do that and should be ashamed of themselves. It is immoral on every level. They should be cut off. That is the only way to ultimately fix this problem, force them to become responsible or die, pretty extreme consequences. That will provide the necessary incentive to get them to be productive members of society.

Otherwise, the problem keeps getting perpetuated and another generation of people even larger then the last grows up to leech off society.

It cannot last and they pain in making the necessary changes will be worse the more it is put off.

Shag, as I said, in many cases they did, but believe me I see plenty of cases where they didn’t make their own bed. I can’t believe that you would always place the blame on the woman – that is just so wrong on so many levels.

I never placed the blame soley on the woman, you are making another assumption. But they with their kids are the ones who end up on welfare because of their irresponsibility.

You might have forgotten a couple of little things, like the sexual revolution, society’s views regarding children born out of wedlock, the acceptance of single motherhood. Men leaving their families. Welfare certainly increased it, but, it isn’t the only cause.

Social scientists may dispute the degree of linkage between welfare and illegitimacy, but the vast majority agree that there is some connection. Even William Galston, President Clinton's Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, says that the welfare system is responsible for at least 15 to 20 percent of the family disintegration in America. Others, such as Charles Murray, attribute as much as 50 percent of illegitimacy to welfare. I believe that any objective look at the available literature on this topic indicates a strong correlation between the availability of welfare and out-of-wedlock births.

It isn't the only cause (or correlation), but it is the most substantive. All the other things you listed tend to be very superficial. Welfare, especially when it was created in the 1960's actually gave a monetary reward to having a kid out of wedlock.

If you just drop it crime will increase immensely, and guess what – it costs a whole lot more to incarcerate a single mom then it does to put her on welfare.

I am not saying just drop it. You would need to slowly decrease it and eventually abolish it.

And you are not considering the full cost here. What about the cost to society of her and her kids being on welfare and growing up to likely be welfare moms and deadbeat dads. What about all that cost to society. In the long run, it would be cheaper to incarcerate her. She can't get pregnant them, can she. That is assuming you wanna look at this from a purely cost standpoint.

And, unlike Ms Coulter’s idea that it is single motherhood is the root of all of our problems regarding crime, it is just one of many reasons. But higher on that list is having an immediate member of your family who was once in jail.

That is a load of crap. Statistical slight of hand at best. It is very rare to find a criminal who doesn't come from a single parent household. You look at that family member, it is probably a brother or a sister. So one single mother on welfare produces two criminals, each of whom has a family member in jail.

So, one family can get counted only once when it comes to looking at single parent household on welfare and crime, but the family will get counted multiple times when looking at family members in jail.

That statistic only hides the truth in the way you presented it.
She is a lawyer by trade.

And that excuses her? ;)

But the rate at which it was trending upward was dramatically decreased. In washington, then call that a cut.

Ann isn't in washington... and it increased.:p

And now, I am going to do a little cherry picking in your response - because this has to get out of the way before I can even start to look rationally at the rest of your post.

This will be irrational - I claim it up front -

Deadbeat dads are an issue all their own. The are equally as irresponsible, but they don't effect my pocketbook as directly with their actions.

Most of these single mothers on welfare are women who need to learn to keep their legs shut.

Guys (at a certian level) are only lookin for some tail. Women are usually the ones to decide if it is gonna happen and they are the ones who could pay the most consequences, so they need to exercise real good judgement or they pay a heavy price.

And you know if guys could learn to keep their pecker in their pants, all of this would be solved. If only they could learn to wait, or buy (and use) a condom. Or, learn to be better at oral sex, everyone would be happier. Because, you know women (at a certain level) could care less about what is between your legs and are just looking for a quick orgasm. Men are the ones that cajole, plead, beg, threaten, lie, promise, and pressure their way so they can get those legs to open up.

It is too bad that men have zero good judgement. It doesn't seem fair - women pay the price because some men are a$$holes.

I never placed the blame soley on the woman, you are making another assumption. But they with their kids are the ones who end up on welfare because of their irresponsibility.

Yes, she is irresponsible because the guy she is married to decides to deck her one day because he had a bad day at work. She should take it so she doesn't have to leave him and go on welfare until she can finish high school because he promised that he would love her forever before he got her pregnant when she was 15.

Yes she is irresponsible because the guy she is married to leaves in the middle of the night. She has 3 kids that aren't in school, and she can't make enough as a maid to pay for their health care or childcare expenses.

Yes she is irresponsible because she has a happy family, her and the two kids, until one of the kids ends up with cancer. Because of the time required to take care of the child, her job fires her because she showed up for work late one too many times. So now she has no health insurance, no way to get a job, and health bills piling up, as well as another child to take care of.

Yes she is irresponsible because her daughter comes up to her one day, telling her that Daddy touched her where the teacher at school told her that no one should touch her. She should just stay with the bastard in hopes that he gets better.

Yes, she is the irresponsible one. But, if you castrated him much of this problem would go away.
Well, there is the great PR opportunity that he gets by signing it out here in Denver, I'll wave so you can see me in the photos and the broadcast ;)
Well, at least you acknowledge that he's a phony.
And that excuses her? ;)

Ann isn't in washington... and it increased.:p

And now, I am going to do a little cherry picking in your response - because this has to get out of the way before I can even start to look rationally at the rest of your post.

This will be irrational - I claim it up front -

And you know if guys could learn to keep their pecker in their pants, all of this would be solved. If only they could learn to wait, or buy (and use) a condom. Or, learn to be better at oral sex, everyone would be happier. Because, you know women (at a certain level) could care less about what is between your legs and are just looking for a quick orgasm. Men are the ones that cajole, plead, beg, threaten, lie, promise, and pressure their way so they can get those legs to open up.

It is too bad that men have zero good judgement. It doesn't seem fair - women pay the price because some men are a$$holes.

Yes, she is irresponsible because the guy she is married to decides to deck her one day because he had a bad day at work. She should take it so she doesn't have to leave him and go on welfare until she can finish high school because he promised that he would love her forever before he got her pregnant when she was 15.

Yes she is irresponsible because the guy she is married to leaves in the middle of the night. She has 3 kids that aren't in school, and she can't make enough as a maid to pay for their health care or childcare expenses.

Yes she is irresponsible because she has a happy family, her and the two kids, until one of the kids ends up with cancer. Because of the time required to take care of the child, her job fires her because she showed up for work late one too many times. So now she has no health insurance, no way to get a job, and health bills piling up, as well as another child to take care of.

Yes she is irresponsible because her daughter comes up to her one day, telling her that Daddy touched her where the teacher at school told her that no one should touch her. She should just stay with the bastard in hopes that he gets better.

Yes, she is the irresponsible one. But, if you castrated him much of this problem would go away.

How much of that is even relevant to this debate? If you have an axe to grind, do it somewhere else please.

The problem here is people like you who try to turn the single mother into a victim when she is highly irresponsible and wreckless and that gets transferred to her kid.

Stop trying to shift the blame to the deadbeat dad. Society already chastises and punishes them, but it rewards single mothers who ruin their kids lives. That was the whole point of the welfare reform in 1996; to try and change that.

A few snipets from Coulters new book (which I just bought today) on this issue (Chapter 2 is exclusively about this):

...By their own choices, they [single mothers] consign their children to starting life with second class status...

...controling for socioeconomic status, race, and place of residence, the strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison is that he was raised by a single parent. (source). By 1996, 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers (source). Seventy-two percent of juvenile muderers and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes (How Now Shall We Live?, by Charles Colson; p. 323). Seventy percent of teenage births (source), dropouts, suicides (source), runaways, juvenile delinquents and child muderers involve children raised by single parent mothers (source). Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous and more likely to end up divorced (source). A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared ( Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social Problem by David Blankenhorn; p. 31).

...This rash of single motherhood is breeding a huge underclass. Half of the single mothers in the United States are below the poverty line, amking their children six times more likely to be in poverty then children with married parents (Colson; We Shall Live). Single Mothers account for 85 percent of homeless families (source). Ninety percent of welfare recipients are single mothers (source)...

...The English doctor who writes under the pen name "Theodore Dalrymple" says the conceptual framework of the underclass is to see themselves as the passive victims of circumstances, with no control over their own loves. This is a worldview unique to two groups - derelicts and liberals. Dalrymple reports that three muderers in the prision he serves used the exact same words to describe their crimes; "The knife went in." As Dalrymple says, "That the long-hated victims were sought out, and the knives carried to the scene of the crimes, was as nothing compared with the willpower possessed by the inanimate knives themselves, which determined the unforunate outcome." Murderers view their arrests for murder as a matter of bad "luck". all their life choices are things that happen to them, these "marionettes of happenstance" (source).

It's the same thing with battered women who act as if they could not possibly have foreseen the violent tendencies in their boyfriends. This, Dalrymple says, "serves to absolve them of all responsibility for whatever happens thereafter, allowing them to think of themselves as victims alone rather then the victims and accomplices they are." And yet Dalrymple demonstrates that they know exactly what they were getting into with the men who beat them. He ascertains this by asking battered women two questions: (1) Do you think I could have guessed by looking at your boyfriend that he would beat you? (Answer: Yes); and (2) What do you think I noticed about your boyfriend that would cause me to know he would beat you? (Answer: the tattos, the scars, the shaved head, etc.). This, Dalrymple concludes that they knew it, too, but acted as if their boyfriends' beating them was a bolt out of the blue in order to hold themselves blameless for hooking up with abusive men (source).

How much stranger is it to act as if unwed pregnant women have nothing to do with their circumstances? Getting pregnant isn't like getting cancer. Single mothers don't occur randomly in the population. As any kindergartner in today's public schools can tell you, pregnancy is the result of having sex without using a condom.​

I could easily go on, but you get the idea...
Most of these single mothers on welfare are women who need to learn to keep their legs shut.

Guys (at a certian level) are only lookin for some tail. Women are usually the ones to decide if it is gonna happen and they are the ones who could pay the most consequences, so they need to exercise real good judgement or they pay a heavy price.

Welfare aliviates many of the more obvious and visible consequences attached to that bad judgement, so it perpetuates the problems.

How much of that is even relevant to this debate? If you have an axe to grind, do it somewhere else please.

The problem here is people like you who try to turn the single mother into a victim when she is highly irresponsible and wreckless and that gets transferred to her kid.

Stop trying to shift the blame to the deadbeat dad. Society already chastises and punishes them, but it rewards single mothers who ruin their kids lives. That was the whole point of the welfare reform in 1996; to try and change that.

You mean you EXPECTED me to take that lying down… oh, that’s right – you did EXPECT me to take that lying down, because I am a woman, and it is what women do, since they can’t learn to keep their legs shut…

You really spent money on Ann's book? Couldn't you have just borrowed it? (that is what I did...)
You mean you EXPECTED me to take that lying down… oh, that’s right – you did EXPECT me to take that lying down, because I am a woman, and it is what women do, since they can’t learn to keep their legs shut…

You really spent money on Ann's book? Couldn't you have just borrowed it? (that is what I did...)

I would hope for some degree on intellectual honesty. Instead, you are doing everything you can to make the single mom into a victim when she is not.

The women in these circumstances are equally as disfunctional and to blame as the men.

Deadbeat dads are punished by society. Wages are garnished, they are not usually favored in divorces, etc.

Many of the ill effects of the womans self-centered foolishness, though, are dumped on society and her kids. That is morally wrong. I shouldn't have to pay for her narcissism and irresponsibility.

Women are effectively rewarded through welfare. That is the issue here originally; welfare.

Your attempt to defend and victimize single motherhood is only a red herring in that discussion.
Deadbeat dads are punished by society. Wages are garnished, they are not usually favored in divorces, etc.

Men are followed around with child support and medical support orders from job to job.
Used to take till the next 1/4 for it to come up on a new hire.
Now the orders arrive within a week.
Some guys have 2 or 3 from different women.
Child support can take up to 65% of net wages.
On top of that because we offer healthcare 50/50 galling orders come compelling us to forceably enroll the worker and dependants into a family plan that can run up to 1000.00 a month.
This confiscationary reality is more than most can bear for any length of time and they quit.
In one case a worker got so upset about the latest additional 25.00 a week charge from woman "b" (there being an a b and c)
that he took it out on us and sabotaged expensive equipment and keyed a supervisor's car before quitting.
Single poor mothers may be the weakest members of society(another reason to discourage single motherhood)
but poor men are punished and crushed by having to pay up to 70% of their wages for child and medical support.
I would hope for some degree on intellectual honesty. Instead, you are doing everything you can to make the single mom into a victim when she is not.

The women in these circumstances are equally as disfunctional and to blame as the men.

Deadbeat dads are punished by society. Wages are garnished, they are not usually favored in divorces, etc.

Many of the ill effects of the womans self-centered foolishness, though, are dumped on society and her kids. That is morally wrong. I shouldn't have to pay for her narcissism and irresponsibility.

Women are effectively rewarded through welfare. That is the issue here originally; welfare.

Your attempt to defend and victimize single motherhood is only a red herring in that discussion.

I am not trying to make the single mom a victim, I was trying to show you that both men and women are equally to blame.

If they had taken the time to get to know the person a little bit better, a better screening process if you will, that wouldn't happen near as often.

You kept hoisting the biggest share of the responsibility on women.

I tried to show that there is equal responsibility on both sides. Why would women have to be the only one to have to do this whole 'screening process' of yours?

And I tried to show instances where the woman may be the victim. There are also cases (rarer) that men might be the victim.

I just got tired of you saying if only women would shut their legs. Men have choices too, I happen to know you aren't rutting animals and can actually think with your 'big' brain.;)

So, since you finally have 'equal' stated I can get on with the rest of the points of yours in post #31

Soon... I promise:)
You kept hoisting the biggest share of the responsibility on women.

I was never doing that. I was never said that the men didn't have an equal share of the blame.

You were the one who brought them up and when I didn't immediately slam them, you started running with the assumption that I am somehow blaming the women more.

The men are irrelevant to the discussion here.

However, there is an effort on the left and among feminists to make the single mom into a victim. You never hear anyone blame her. That kind of thinking is what the justification for welfare money toward single mom's is based in. I am countering that. The single mom is in no way merely a "victim" she is at best and accomplice and at worst mostly responsible, depending on the circumstances.

Celebrating single motherhood show a lack of intellectual honesty and/or care for the child over the mother.

That is the whole idea behind this concept of a "baby mama". It is sick and perverse, not to mention narcissistic.
I worked for a Rent to own at one time in my early 20s. Many of our customers were single mothers. I used to hear them brag about how much money they got from AFDC, and how they were planning on getting pregnant so their income would increase.
OH!!! You mean you were able to read the bill?? According to the Head Honcho of Right Wing Weenies, Rush Limbaugh, you CANNOT search a PDF file.........LOL........:)

So I'm really surprised you were able to read the bill at all....:slam
Celebrating single motherhood show a lack of intellectual honesty and/or care for the child over the mother.

I don’t celebrate it anymore than I celebrate ‘couple’ motherhood, nor do I blanketly condemn it. It is motherhood, and doesn’t need to be labeled with marital status

The men are irrelevant to the discussion here.

And therefore the women are irrelevant as well. Otherwise shag, you still don’t get that both parties are responsible (or irresponsible).

So, ‘who is at fault’ means nothing – right Shag?

Deadbeat dads are punished by society. Wages are garnished, they are not usually favored in divorces, etc.

Many of the ill effects of the womans self-centered foolishness, though, are dumped on society and her kids. That is morally wrong. I shouldn't have to pay for her narcissism and irresponsibility.

Deadbeat Dads usually can't be found - and when they are, they stop working... as 04sctls said. They can't make enough money to support their own kids... so they work under the wire, or find a phony SSN and disappear.

So, the dad's lack in taking responsibility for their actions is also dumped on society. Once again shag you keep trying to blame the moms - they are morally wrong, foolish, narcissistic and irresponsible. They are taking the brunt of your hate in this discussion.

But.. my rant happened a few posts ago... and as long as you can say that both sides are EQUALLY responsible... I can look at the rest of #31

Charitable donations and private charities were more then adequate before the Great Society. After the Great Society came along, welfare increased the numbers of people with their hands out to levels that the private sector couldn't maintain. You cut out the government and it will eventually shrink back down. But it won't be fast. It took us a generation to get to where we are.

Shag - do you have any idea of the number of poor people in the US before 1930? Obviously not. So, lets see those numbers where private charities were handling the load - I have asked this before. Show me where there were fewer poor people before the 'Great Society'? Show me the numbers where private charities were doing a bang-up job. Or is this just a 'feeling' that you have?

Now that is mindless nonsense. It doesn't matter how much you care, you only have 24 hours in a day. Other more pressing matters may demand your time. Maybe you have your own kids. Maybe you have older parents to take care of. Your job may be very demanding of your time. What medical bills do you have? Etc, etc.

I know people who work 2 jobs, have kids, and still are able to work a spaghetti dinner at church. You do find a way Shag, if it means something to you. Maybe nothing has meant that much to you, I don't know.

Because most of the people today who utilize charities are not interested in change, they are interested in getting a handout and doing whatever they want.

So, shag - now you have charities as being just pawns for poor people too - a way to scam the system... I thought they were the harbingers of 'tough love'.

It isn't the only cause (or correlation), but it is the most substantive. All the other things you listed tend to be very superficial. Welfare, especially when it was created in the 1960's actually gave a monetary reward to having a kid out of wedlock.

Yes, it did - and I worked to change it - why do you keep bringing this up - we are talking about changing the system, and the changes that have worked in the past... you and I agree it didn't work before...

I am not saying just drop it. You would need to slowly decrease it and eventually abolish it.

And that is what 1996 started to do - slowly decrease it. I don't think you can ever totally get rid of it - I certainly think that the limits on it could be so severe that people would do almost anything (including working) rather than be on welfare. You can make the community service requirements worse than work - make it so you have to do full time service and go to school to get the funds. You can also make it so if you have more children, you get less money... so long as contraception is provided for free. There are lots of ways to make Welfare the stop gap measure it should be.

And you are not considering the full cost here. What about the cost to society of her and her kids being on welfare and growing up to likely be welfare moms and deadbeat dads. What about all that cost to society. In the long run, it would be cheaper to incarcerate her. She can't get pregnant them, can she. That is assuming you wanna look at this from a purely cost standpoint.

Cost standpoint - losing her job, she turns to crime to feed her 3 kids...

Cost to arrest - approx $600 (police and booking, holding cell time, etc)

Trial cost - obviously court appointed attorney - approx $8,000

Say she gets 6 years for drugs... approx $40,000 year - $240,000 -

Total cost almost 1/4 million

And of course there will be parole costs - and she won't be working when she gets out in 6 years - so either it will be welfare or more jail...

Now, those kids have to go into foster care 3 - at $500 each a month - $18,000 x 6 - $108,000

So we are over 1/3 million for 6 years...

TANF - $900
Food Stamps - $500
And say the cost of the Federal workers to administer the program for a single family - $1,000 a month (that is pretty generous)
Training opportunities - $1,000 a month (again generous)
Total cost per month - $3,400
Total cost over 6 years... wait, only 5 years - that is the limit - $204,000

A savings of $154,000

And, kids in foster care - they aren't going to do society any favor either, and they do have a mom in jail - close family member in jail raises the children's chances of ending up in jail themselves. And, the mom will more than likely end up in jail again.

Where, with welfare, she has a chance to get off welfare, get a job, and provide for her kids... The numbers are going up here, getting people out of the system...

A few snipets from Coulters new book (which I just bought today) on this issue (Chapter 2 is exclusively about this):

I know about her chapter on single moms - it is the only one I have made it through. Maybe if we go for the Coulter assumption on single motherhood on crime, we should start a new thread... but, I do know there are other elements that are quite telling when looking at criminal stats... economic strata, criminal element peer groups... She is probably looking at cause/correlation again...
OH!!! You mean you were able to read the bill?? According to the Head Honcho of Right Wing Weenies, Rush Limbaugh, you CANNOT search a PDF file.........LOL........:)

So I'm really surprised you were able to read the bill at all....:slam

Mr Rocket - we could really get the right worried - I can change PDFs - if they are text based and unlocked... ohhhhhh.....

Searching is easy - my gosh - did Rush really think you can't search a PDF file... what did he think the little search block in the header is for?
Mr Rocket - we could really get the right worried - I can change PDFs - if they are text based and unlocked... ohhhhhh.....

Searching is easy - my gosh - did Rush really think you can't search a PDF file... what did he think the little search block in the header is for?

Well, if he was using Adobe, there's a good chance it didn't run long enough for him to conduct an actual search before it crashed :)

I thought it was bad when he & Kanjorski tried to tell us the financial crisis was a premeditated event conducted with the purpose of getting Obama elected. But, to find out we can't search a PDF, that's pretty good.

I'll even one-up that - I can create and edit images in PDFs!

<hijack> what makes me nervous about that guy & Michael Savage and similar characters is that there are people who subscribe to those shows and their content as Holy Gospel and believe every word of it - or worse, those shows become said individuals' sole source of information without doing any more background research in the matter.
You people love to speculate.

How about some facts.

Judged by their answers to three news knowledge questions, the most informed audiences belong to the political magazines, Rush Limbaugh's radio show, the O'Reilly Factor, news magazines, and online news sources. Close behind are the regular audiences for NPR and the Daily Show.

Audiences with the highest educational achievement, by far, are the literary magazines and online news outlets. Readers of news magazines, political magazines and business magazines, listeners of Rush Limbaugh and NPR, and viewers of the Daily Show, and C-SPAN also are much more likely than the average person to have a college degree.
You people love to speculate.

How about some facts.

That may be true..and my comment wasn't about that (Turn on your spin machine, eh??). Clearly the guy doing the show isn't the brightest......Here's what HE said on HIS show (the show the brightest people listen to):

"....they have reformatted the bill -- they've made it a PDF file when they posted it. Now, for those of you that don't use computers, basically what that means is that it cannot be keyword searched. A PDF file is essentially a picture of a page. And, so, you can read every page, but you cannot keyword search it. It's not a text file as legislation normally is as posted on these public websites. They don't want anybody knowing what's in this; they want it happening as fast as possible so nobody can know what's in it."

Are you really disputing that he said that??
That may be true..and my comment wasn't about that (Turn on your spin machine, eh??). Clearly the guy doing the show isn't the brightest......Here's what HE said on HIS show (the show the brightest people listen to):

"....they have reformatted the bill -- they've made it a PDF file when they posted it. Now, for those of you that don't use computers, basically what that means is that it cannot be keyword searched. A PDF file is essentially a picture of a page. And, so, you can read every page, but you cannot keyword search it. It's not a text file as legislation normally is as posted on these public websites. They don't want anybody knowing what's in this; they want it happening as fast as possible so nobody can know what's in it."

Are you really disputing that he said that??
No. I wasn't talking to you, I was responding to LR. Look who's butting in now...
No. I wasn't talking to you, I was responding to LR. Look who's butting in now...

Oh were you? You didn't respond to anyone by name or by quote. You said "You people" implying more than one. As far as I knew, it was directed at the entire forum.....hence my reply.

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