Republicans are the "selfish" ones, espousing rugged individualism and an ironic darwinian survival of the fittest attitude.
The Democrats have more intellectually interesting and colorful people whom many of the simple folk hold in contempt.
This is utterly, disgustingly flabbergasting. You cannot be this ignorant. I refuse to believe it.
You do not understand the concept that those who produce because of the incentive of personal gain actually help the country by producing ancillary jobs and wealth for those around them. Every single major technological gain in the history of this country has come from the desire to make a buck.
You are
accusing people who earn a living by the sweat of their brow of being
selfish because they want to keep more of their own money, while at the same time you support liberal Democrats who, under the guise of government, seek to
confiscate from those producers
that which they themselves did not earn, for the purpose of redistribution to
those who refuse to provide for themselves? And then they have the nerve to attack and smear producers as evil, while at the same time demanding that they continue to produce so that these looters can continue their thieving behavior.
How dare you. You've got a lot of nerve. Either that or you're a fool who's been suckered. You don't know me, you don't know anything about me, or anybody else for that matter, and for you to throw out accusations like that shows what a simpleton you really are. Since I'm not an advocate of violence, I will tell you to go straight to hell.
I encourage you to read Atlas Shrugged. You really need to educate yourself. This is not about greed, or guilt, or about feeling like you care. This is about
legalized theft. Rugged individualism built this country, and redistribution of wealth is destroying it. Get a clue.