Dedicated LVC Member
Sorry, this is a bit of a long article. But you guys who think you know all about Ron Paul haven't been reading enough about him, thus your arguments are flawed. So, here's some good information to start with. Take your time. Any fast response will demonstrate to me that you did not read it.
GOP is Nailing its Own Coffin
This is a revised version of my letter to my Ron Paul precinct. It is more Republican in focus, and points out why McCain will kill the Party. Only Ron Paul can save the GOP.
by Natalie Schultz
Dear fellow Republican,
As you are well aware, this coming November we will be facing the wrath of Hillary Clinton. A year ago it seemed that we were a united Party determined to defeat the Devil Herself. However, instead of gearing up to take on the Clinton Machine, it seems that the greatest accomplishment of this election year has been bringing to light the chaos within the GOP. The three camps of "conservatism" are fighting against each other in a head-to-head war of their own making. The seeds of destruction of the Republican Party were planted in the 1970’s by a very clever group of Democrats, avowed Trotskyites who were sickened by the anti-war Hippie movement of the 1960’s, who realized that re-working the Republican Party from within would be easier than trying to control their own comrades on the Left. In a brilliant play for power, they aligned themselves with the most unlikely bedfellows, the rapidly growing Christian Fundamentalist Evangelical movement. Manipulation, deceit and fraud were the common links between the leaders of this new Religious Right and the new "neoconservative" power brokers. Together they joined forces to help ring in a new era known as the "Reagan Coalition." Unfortunately for the NeoCON power brokers, they were not able to control Reagan and his central core of traditional Conservative Republicans, but they did increase their own ranks enough to make their desires known and wrinkle quite a few feathers.
By the end of the Reagan Administration, the split was becoming obvious. The original, traditional Conservatives were losing control of the Republican Party, and Big Government, pro-war NeoCONism was winning out. This split led to a North-South, Left-Right divide and ushered in Bill Clinton in 1992. The core tenets of Republicanism, small government, low taxes and low spending, a strong defensive military, and avoidance of international conflicts all but disappeared. Many Conservatives just gave up and followed their leader, Pat Buchanan, out of the Party. So, in 1994 Newt Gingrich took the helm and ushered in a new era of Republicanism that managed to curb the Socialist agenda of the Clintons. By the year 2000 the entire country was sick of Clinton’s antics, and the "moral majority" ushered in George W. Bush. Bush was elected on a traditional Conservative "No nation building" platform, but that did not last for long.
By the time Bush took the helm, the NeoCONs controlled the Republican Party via their media empire of FOX News and The Weekly Standard. Suddenly "Globalization" and "Israel First" became the mantra of the Republican Party, and Big Government joined forces with Big Business to undermine the will of the American People. All notions of true Conservatism were marginalized as "isolationist." But then the lies behind the War in Iraq were revealed, American jobs started disappearing, and a non-stop invasion across our southern border made the American People wake up.
Who is to blame? Yes, the Bush administration and its lackeys, but truthfully, the Democrats are just as complicit. And the American People know it. That is why this race is not so straightforward. Everyone knows that Hillary is not really anti-war, but then again neither is Obama. Contrary to popular belief, the Democrats are not a shoe-in for the Presidency. The problem is, ultimately, on the Republican side.
So the bloody war begins. The NeoCONs truly believed they had the election controlled, that Rudy would be King. And, just as a backup, Hillary wouldn’t be too bad either. But then two monkey wrenches were thrown into their ultimate plan: Barack Obama and Ron Paul. The "race-card" has essentially killed Obama for the presidency, but of course Bill, unable to control himself, deep-throated his mouth with his own foot, essentially tainting Hillary in the eyes of Democrats, thereby forcing her hand in choosing her running mate. But on the Republican side there is total chaos. Rudy totally floundered, Fred Thompson was a dud, and now the remaining four candidates have the Party fighting amongst themselves. Huckabee was a ruse introduced by the NeoCONs to siphon off the Religious Right vote. Knowing he would never get the nomination simply because he could never win a general election, the plan was to eat away at Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. McCain was so detested by the entire Republican Party that he would never even chart in the polls, right? Well surprise, surprise!
So now the NeoCONs have flocked around McCain, since he is just as much a war-monger as Rudy. The problem is that the GOP pundits HATE him, and Huckabee too. That’s right, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, those "confused conservatives" who profited so much from the NeoCON revolution, are absolutely furious! They may be pro-war, but they just cannot stand the idea of John McCain, Mr. Big Government "I love Mexico" ever becoming president. Rush even went so far as to say "I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys get the nomination, it's going to destroy the Republican Party. It's going to change it forever, be the end of it. A lot of people aren't going to vote. You watch." So the war begins! Now the Religious Right is furious that he is attacking the "Christian" candidate, the NeoCONs are furious that he is attacking McCain, and the rest of us are all just sitting back and laughing "I told you so!"
Finally, the "confused conservatives" have come to their senses. They know two things: 1) There is no way a Dominionist Baptist Minister who wants to change the Constitution will ever be elected. 2) There is no way that the Republicans will ever forgive McCain for all of his betrayals; even if it is a race against Hillary, because Hillary has always been the enemy, but McCain is an outright traitor. As Rush said "I can see possibly not supporting the Republican nominee this election, and I never thought that I would say that in my life." He speaks for many disgruntled Republicans.
Now, I am not one of these talk radio aficionados, but I do know that Rush is speaking the truth. The fact is we will be facing the wrath of Hillary in November, and the only way to defeat her is for the entire Republican Party to unite. The problem with Romney is that no one trusts him. We will need more than just Republicans voting against Hillary, we will need Independents and Democrats as well, and Mitt Romney does not have that attraction at all.
Face facts: Over 60% of the country wants to end the war in Iraq. There is no way a pro-war candidate will win, especially not "More War McCain." The problem for Hillary is that there are enough disgruntled Democrats who know she is full of crap, essentially the flip-flopper of the Left, so if there is a true anti-war candidate they will cross the Party line. Plus, there are enough Independents and Democrats who realize that her "economic plan" of spending $120 BILLION immediately (it keeps increasing every day) is absolutely not feasible. Yes, they may want healthcare reform, but her plan brings back the nightmare of "Hillary Care." Remember, Gingrich may have gotten the credit for the 1994 Republican Revolution, but it never would have succeeded without all the votes from Democrats and Independents who were scared beyond belief by Hillary’s attempt to bankrupt and destroy the nation.
There is only one candidate who has an absolutely impeccable Conservative small-government, pro-Constitution record. No GOP pundit has ever argued that his economic policy is flawed, in fact financial and monetary analysts admit that he is the ONLY candidate who actually understands monetary policy and why our economy is an absolute disaster. He is the only candidate with a realistic economic plan that will truly fix our economy for the long-term. Plus, he is the only candidate who has consistently fought against every Constitutional violation our post-9/11 government has enacted against us. Not even Hillary or Obama can say that without lying. Therefore, he is the only candidate who can defeat Hillary Clinton in November because no Republican can argue with his Conservative record, and no honest Independent or Democrat can argue with his strict adherence to the Constitution and the fact that he never, ever voted to invade Iraq in the first place.
Ron Paul has created a true Revolution in the Republican Party. In fact, Ron Paul is the only hope the Republican Party has to remain intact. Ron Paul has managed to re-unite all the factions of the Republican Party who had walked away over the last thirty years. Every single Third Party that was born out of Republican disgust has rallied around Ron Paul. They re-joined the Republican Party in a last ditch effort to save our country from devastation. Because of this the powers-that-be in both the Republican and Democrat Parties have joined forces with the media to black-out his message. This in turn has caused many Conservative Republicans who have never had the guts to leave the Party to finally say "That’s it, I’m leaving!" Unless the Republicans wake up to reality there is going to be a mass-exodus of infinite proportions.
Ron Paul should also not be overlooked for the simple fact that he is the only Republican who has managed to attract a new demographic to the Grand "Old" Party – the youth vote. Ron Paul’s campaign has the same vigor of grassroots support among the 18-45 voting block as Barack Obama. He has attracted many young people who never cared about politics before; ignoring Ron Paul jeopardizes the future of the Republican Party. Now that Obama has been handed the "Kennedy Torch" it is very likely that he will be Hillary’s running mate. The GOP absolutely needs the young, excited grassroots support of Ron Paul in order to take on Clinton – Obama. McCain has less than 5% support among 18-29 year olds and less than 10% of those ages 30-44. Alienating young Republicans will be the kiss of death for the GOP. It can safely be said that 100% of young Ron Paul supporters absolutely hate McCain; 80-90% hate Obama and Hillary, but 10-20% actually crossed over from the Obama and Kucinich camps. That 20% will absolutely kill us in November if they decide to vote for Obama, and a good 75% is already planning a new Revolution via a 3rd Party anti-establishment coup if the GOP does not see the light.
Is Ron Paul truly a force to be reckoned with? You bet. The Democrats and other Left-Wing elements are so afraid of him that they launched a smear campaign against him that tried to make him out to be a racist. Although this has been completely de-bunked, it seems to have worked. The media has completely blacked him out, there is a petition to have Tucker Carlson fired for endorsing him, Pat Buchanan, Jack Cafferty, Jim Cramer and John Stossel have been forced into silence on their own shows. The only place where liberal / NeoCON censorship has not held sway is on The McLaughlin Group, the ultimate bastion of traditional Conservatism. How ironic that Ron Paul’s Constitutional message can only be heard on the newest medium of the Web and on one of the oldest mediums of Sunday morning network TV. But, why are the Democrats so afraid? Because they know that their base is anti-war and by running against Ron Paul they automatically lose. The media has been pushing both John McCain and Barack Obama as the ultimate front-runners in this race, to the detriment of all the other candidates. The media is by far a pro-war propaganda machine, even if the liberal media elites attempt to appear anti-war. The truth is that most corporate media organizations profit from war and its industrial consequences. As we all know, the media is anti-Republican at all costs and will hide all truth from the public in order to elect a supposedly anti-war Democratic candidate. Most voters do not bother to examine candidates’ records on their own, so they are easy targets for the media’s manipulation and lies. The media is well aware that Ron Paul is the only honest candidate on either side, but they will do anything to hide the truth and push the absolutely unelectable John McCain into the driver’s seat of the Republican Party.
Ron Paul also has the only weapon that all the other candidates, both Republicans and Democrats, lack: He is a staunch defender of our National Sovereignty. There is absolutely no difference between McCain, Clinton or Obama on the Illegal Immigration debate. They all voted for Amnesty. We all know that the majority of the country was steadfast in their determination to crush the McCain – Kennedy "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act." This one issue alone can turn the November election in the Republican’s favor if Ron Paul is the nominee. McCain wrote that evil bill, so even though he is flip-flopping now, no one believes him. Hillary has flip-flopped as well, first approving Spitzer’s driver’s licenses for Illegals bill, then opposing it. Obama, on the other hand, has not wavered in his approval of both Amnesty as well as giving driver’s licenses to Illegals. We know that the majority of Americans disagree with all three of these candidates on this issue. As a doctor in Texas, Ron Paul saw illegal immigrants deliberately cross the border just to have a baby, and then he saw them immediately receive welfare and Medicaid coverage. He has personally seen many hospitals close due to bankruptcy, thereby negatively affecting the lives of American citizens. This is why Dr. Ron Paul has written legislation to end "Anchor Babies" by changing the law to specifically state that only the children of LEGAL immigrants will be guaranteed American citizenship.
Ron Paul will outlaw all incentives for illegal immigration, such as welfare and Medicaid; they will then go back to their countries on their own. By eliminating the incentives and cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants, the problem will solve itself. In addition, all criminal aliens will immediately be deported. Ron Paul, as a practicing medical doctor for over 30 years, both in private practice as well as a surgeon in the United States Air Force, is the only candidate who is qualified to truly fix our broken healthcare system. He understands that government bureaucracy, in the guise of "Universal Healthcare" is the absolute worst thing, both for the physical and mental health of Americans, as well as for the health of our economy and individual Rights of Freedom and Liberty. He understands that as long as we do not secure our borders that we will never solve our healthcare crisis, our fiscal crisis or our national security crisis.
There is only one Presidential Candidate who stands up for the Rights of every single American Citizen. Only one candidate whose congressional voting record proves that he has NEVER voted against the Constitution of the United States of America. Only one Presidential candidate who can fix our healthcare system because he has spent over 30 years as a practicing Medical Doctor, both in private practice as well as a surgeon in the United States Air Force. There is only one Presidential candidate who has consistently called for responsible monetary and fiscal policy and predicted our impending economic collapse, not because he has a crystal ball, but because he is the only candidate who has actually studied Economic Theory.
Unless the Republican Party wakes up to reality we are doomed. The economy is collapsing and most Americans know it. George W. Bush can laugh all he wants and put band-aids on the problem by sending everyone a $600 check and have Bernanke cut interest rates yet again, but that will not work and most people know it. The fact is we are in debt, in debt to our enemies no less. We spend billions of dollars fighting an unconstitutional war in Iraq, which has led to even more Al-Qaida problems in the Middle East. We never finished the job in Afghanistan and now we keep borrowing trillions of dollars from foreigners to continue a war with troops we do not even have. The American Dollar is worthless and inflation is rampant; the cost of oil has risen from $27 a barrel at the start of the war in Iraq to nearly $100 today. This must stop! Hillary’s economic plan is apparently inspired by Mary Poppins’ bottomless purse. Do you really want to risk a bureaucratic nightmare of "mandatory" Universal Healthcare in which the entire country will be standing in line to see doctors they do not know while Hillary is singing "A Spoonful of Sugar Will Make the Medicine Go Down?" Wake up!
Dr. Ron Paul is the only Presidential Candidate who has a real plan to bring our country back on course. He believes in a strong National Defense, but opposes any offensive wars of aggression. He has consistently opposed the abolition of the Gold Standard that has led to our current crisis of massive inflation and the devaluation of the American Dollar. He understands that the only way to protect our country from attack and the loss of our sovereignty is to strengthen our borders. He is a vocal advocate of upholding our Rights to free speech and expression and the right of individual citizens to bare arms.
Ron Paul will immediately cut taxes across the board. This will allow Americans to keep their hard-earned money in their own pockets and spend it how they want. He will end all government subsidies to Big Businesses that close up shop here and move oversees. He will end subsidies to oil companies because that is impeding our ability to become energy independent. By not subsidizing Big Oil and Big Industries such as Halliburton, smaller, energy efficient alternative small businesses will be able to compete on the Free Market, thereby making us energy independent and creating new jobs that will help us diminish Global Warming at the same time. Ron Paul will immediately end the monopoly of the Federal Reserve that has allowed unscrupulous individuals, politicians, and corporations to manipulate the value of the Dollar. Ron Paul will allow Hard Currency, Gold and Silver, to compete as a legitimate form of currency against paper "Fiat" money that is currently worthless. This will enable the American economy to get back on its feet without devolving into chaos.
National Defense: Ron Paul has consistently voted for a domestic anti-missile defense shield. This will protect Americans, here on our own soil, from missile attacks. Ronald Reagan’s "Star Wars" are no longer a dream, as modern technology has finally caught up and right now a mere $40 million is going towards real national defense: at JFK International Airport a Laser Missile Defense Protective Shield, "Skyguard," that can detect and shoot down short and long-range and supersonic missiles is being installed. We probably spend that amount of money in one week just feeding all of the troops we have around the world. Our Federal Government has one primary responsibility: to defend the United States from attack. If it only costs $40 million dollars and no loss of American lives to secure JFK, then there is no excuse for any politician to tell us that we must be anywhere else in the world. Best of all, this defense system is built by Northrop Grumman, so local jobs are created at the same time.
Bring our Troops home: Our troops are being used as cannon-fodder in an attempt to force other countries to "democratize" via the barrel of a gun. That does not now, nor ever has worked. The United States is not an Imperial Empire, we are a Republic, and it is high time our government starts representing the citizens of the United States of America, and stops interfering in the sovereignty of foreign nations. By bringing most, if not all, of our troops home, foreigners will not look upon us with disdain for invading and controlling their countries. This will also save us TRILLIONS of dollars a year, money that we never had in the first place, but borrowed from other nations, such as China, who are far from our allies. Instead of bolstering up foreign economies our troops will be stationed at bases here, on American soil where they will be spending their money in local American economies, thereby bolstering consumer spending.
The other candidates claim that Ron Paul’s anti-Iraq War stance will leave us vulnerable to attack; they are dead wrong. The truth is Ron Paul actually has the strongest record on National Defense. A Ron Paul Presidency would be very much like Ronald Reagan’s presidency. They both advocate a strong domestic military force: Peace through Strength. That means not attacking our enemies when we are not attacked, but ensuring that we are strong and able to defend ourselves here at home. Today we are weaker than we ever have been in our history. We already owe Trillions of dollars for the War in Iraq; we are sending wounded, yes wounded, troops back over to fight in Iraq because this war has become so unpopular over here that we cannot recruit enough new soldiers. All the other candidates, on both sides, are threatening war with Iran. Do you want your children to be drafted in order to continue all of these wars? Is that what a Free country should do?
I urge you, my fellow Republicans, to join with all true Conservatives to take back our Party from the usurpers! Unite to defend our nation from the ultimate destruction that shall befall our nation under the wrathful hand of Hillary!
Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who can unite Republicans and Independents; all the other Republicans are divisive NeoCON war-mongers who will split the Party and usher in defeat. If you do not think that is enough to keep many Republicans at home on Election Day in November, well, don’t be surprised when the 2008 Presidential Election goes the way of the local and state elections of 2006 and 2007.
Hillary vs. Rudy McRomnebee: The GOP gets dealt its final blow.
Hillary vs. Ron Paul: The Clinton Machine goes down in flames!
Tuesday, February 5th is Primary Day in New York. I encourage every single New Yorker to go out and cast your vote for Ron Paul. The 2008 election is the most important election in the history of our nation. It is up to all of us, as American Citizens to make sure that our voices are heard. To make sure that our Republic does not continue to deteriorate.
As Benjamin Franklin said "A Republic, if you can keep it."
"Democratic republics are not merely founded upon the consent of the people, they are also absolutely dependent upon the active and informed involvement of the people for their continued good health." - Dr. Richard Beeman, Vice Chairman of The National Constitution Center’s Distinguished Scholars Advisory Panel.
GOP is Nailing its Own Coffin
This is a revised version of my letter to my Ron Paul precinct. It is more Republican in focus, and points out why McCain will kill the Party. Only Ron Paul can save the GOP.
by Natalie Schultz
Dear fellow Republican,
As you are well aware, this coming November we will be facing the wrath of Hillary Clinton. A year ago it seemed that we were a united Party determined to defeat the Devil Herself. However, instead of gearing up to take on the Clinton Machine, it seems that the greatest accomplishment of this election year has been bringing to light the chaos within the GOP. The three camps of "conservatism" are fighting against each other in a head-to-head war of their own making. The seeds of destruction of the Republican Party were planted in the 1970’s by a very clever group of Democrats, avowed Trotskyites who were sickened by the anti-war Hippie movement of the 1960’s, who realized that re-working the Republican Party from within would be easier than trying to control their own comrades on the Left. In a brilliant play for power, they aligned themselves with the most unlikely bedfellows, the rapidly growing Christian Fundamentalist Evangelical movement. Manipulation, deceit and fraud were the common links between the leaders of this new Religious Right and the new "neoconservative" power brokers. Together they joined forces to help ring in a new era known as the "Reagan Coalition." Unfortunately for the NeoCON power brokers, they were not able to control Reagan and his central core of traditional Conservative Republicans, but they did increase their own ranks enough to make their desires known and wrinkle quite a few feathers.
By the end of the Reagan Administration, the split was becoming obvious. The original, traditional Conservatives were losing control of the Republican Party, and Big Government, pro-war NeoCONism was winning out. This split led to a North-South, Left-Right divide and ushered in Bill Clinton in 1992. The core tenets of Republicanism, small government, low taxes and low spending, a strong defensive military, and avoidance of international conflicts all but disappeared. Many Conservatives just gave up and followed their leader, Pat Buchanan, out of the Party. So, in 1994 Newt Gingrich took the helm and ushered in a new era of Republicanism that managed to curb the Socialist agenda of the Clintons. By the year 2000 the entire country was sick of Clinton’s antics, and the "moral majority" ushered in George W. Bush. Bush was elected on a traditional Conservative "No nation building" platform, but that did not last for long.
By the time Bush took the helm, the NeoCONs controlled the Republican Party via their media empire of FOX News and The Weekly Standard. Suddenly "Globalization" and "Israel First" became the mantra of the Republican Party, and Big Government joined forces with Big Business to undermine the will of the American People. All notions of true Conservatism were marginalized as "isolationist." But then the lies behind the War in Iraq were revealed, American jobs started disappearing, and a non-stop invasion across our southern border made the American People wake up.
Who is to blame? Yes, the Bush administration and its lackeys, but truthfully, the Democrats are just as complicit. And the American People know it. That is why this race is not so straightforward. Everyone knows that Hillary is not really anti-war, but then again neither is Obama. Contrary to popular belief, the Democrats are not a shoe-in for the Presidency. The problem is, ultimately, on the Republican side.
So the bloody war begins. The NeoCONs truly believed they had the election controlled, that Rudy would be King. And, just as a backup, Hillary wouldn’t be too bad either. But then two monkey wrenches were thrown into their ultimate plan: Barack Obama and Ron Paul. The "race-card" has essentially killed Obama for the presidency, but of course Bill, unable to control himself, deep-throated his mouth with his own foot, essentially tainting Hillary in the eyes of Democrats, thereby forcing her hand in choosing her running mate. But on the Republican side there is total chaos. Rudy totally floundered, Fred Thompson was a dud, and now the remaining four candidates have the Party fighting amongst themselves. Huckabee was a ruse introduced by the NeoCONs to siphon off the Religious Right vote. Knowing he would never get the nomination simply because he could never win a general election, the plan was to eat away at Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. McCain was so detested by the entire Republican Party that he would never even chart in the polls, right? Well surprise, surprise!
So now the NeoCONs have flocked around McCain, since he is just as much a war-monger as Rudy. The problem is that the GOP pundits HATE him, and Huckabee too. That’s right, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, those "confused conservatives" who profited so much from the NeoCON revolution, are absolutely furious! They may be pro-war, but they just cannot stand the idea of John McCain, Mr. Big Government "I love Mexico" ever becoming president. Rush even went so far as to say "I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys get the nomination, it's going to destroy the Republican Party. It's going to change it forever, be the end of it. A lot of people aren't going to vote. You watch." So the war begins! Now the Religious Right is furious that he is attacking the "Christian" candidate, the NeoCONs are furious that he is attacking McCain, and the rest of us are all just sitting back and laughing "I told you so!"
Finally, the "confused conservatives" have come to their senses. They know two things: 1) There is no way a Dominionist Baptist Minister who wants to change the Constitution will ever be elected. 2) There is no way that the Republicans will ever forgive McCain for all of his betrayals; even if it is a race against Hillary, because Hillary has always been the enemy, but McCain is an outright traitor. As Rush said "I can see possibly not supporting the Republican nominee this election, and I never thought that I would say that in my life." He speaks for many disgruntled Republicans.
Now, I am not one of these talk radio aficionados, but I do know that Rush is speaking the truth. The fact is we will be facing the wrath of Hillary in November, and the only way to defeat her is for the entire Republican Party to unite. The problem with Romney is that no one trusts him. We will need more than just Republicans voting against Hillary, we will need Independents and Democrats as well, and Mitt Romney does not have that attraction at all.
Face facts: Over 60% of the country wants to end the war in Iraq. There is no way a pro-war candidate will win, especially not "More War McCain." The problem for Hillary is that there are enough disgruntled Democrats who know she is full of crap, essentially the flip-flopper of the Left, so if there is a true anti-war candidate they will cross the Party line. Plus, there are enough Independents and Democrats who realize that her "economic plan" of spending $120 BILLION immediately (it keeps increasing every day) is absolutely not feasible. Yes, they may want healthcare reform, but her plan brings back the nightmare of "Hillary Care." Remember, Gingrich may have gotten the credit for the 1994 Republican Revolution, but it never would have succeeded without all the votes from Democrats and Independents who were scared beyond belief by Hillary’s attempt to bankrupt and destroy the nation.
There is only one candidate who has an absolutely impeccable Conservative small-government, pro-Constitution record. No GOP pundit has ever argued that his economic policy is flawed, in fact financial and monetary analysts admit that he is the ONLY candidate who actually understands monetary policy and why our economy is an absolute disaster. He is the only candidate with a realistic economic plan that will truly fix our economy for the long-term. Plus, he is the only candidate who has consistently fought against every Constitutional violation our post-9/11 government has enacted against us. Not even Hillary or Obama can say that without lying. Therefore, he is the only candidate who can defeat Hillary Clinton in November because no Republican can argue with his Conservative record, and no honest Independent or Democrat can argue with his strict adherence to the Constitution and the fact that he never, ever voted to invade Iraq in the first place.
Ron Paul has created a true Revolution in the Republican Party. In fact, Ron Paul is the only hope the Republican Party has to remain intact. Ron Paul has managed to re-unite all the factions of the Republican Party who had walked away over the last thirty years. Every single Third Party that was born out of Republican disgust has rallied around Ron Paul. They re-joined the Republican Party in a last ditch effort to save our country from devastation. Because of this the powers-that-be in both the Republican and Democrat Parties have joined forces with the media to black-out his message. This in turn has caused many Conservative Republicans who have never had the guts to leave the Party to finally say "That’s it, I’m leaving!" Unless the Republicans wake up to reality there is going to be a mass-exodus of infinite proportions.
Ron Paul should also not be overlooked for the simple fact that he is the only Republican who has managed to attract a new demographic to the Grand "Old" Party – the youth vote. Ron Paul’s campaign has the same vigor of grassroots support among the 18-45 voting block as Barack Obama. He has attracted many young people who never cared about politics before; ignoring Ron Paul jeopardizes the future of the Republican Party. Now that Obama has been handed the "Kennedy Torch" it is very likely that he will be Hillary’s running mate. The GOP absolutely needs the young, excited grassroots support of Ron Paul in order to take on Clinton – Obama. McCain has less than 5% support among 18-29 year olds and less than 10% of those ages 30-44. Alienating young Republicans will be the kiss of death for the GOP. It can safely be said that 100% of young Ron Paul supporters absolutely hate McCain; 80-90% hate Obama and Hillary, but 10-20% actually crossed over from the Obama and Kucinich camps. That 20% will absolutely kill us in November if they decide to vote for Obama, and a good 75% is already planning a new Revolution via a 3rd Party anti-establishment coup if the GOP does not see the light.
Is Ron Paul truly a force to be reckoned with? You bet. The Democrats and other Left-Wing elements are so afraid of him that they launched a smear campaign against him that tried to make him out to be a racist. Although this has been completely de-bunked, it seems to have worked. The media has completely blacked him out, there is a petition to have Tucker Carlson fired for endorsing him, Pat Buchanan, Jack Cafferty, Jim Cramer and John Stossel have been forced into silence on their own shows. The only place where liberal / NeoCON censorship has not held sway is on The McLaughlin Group, the ultimate bastion of traditional Conservatism. How ironic that Ron Paul’s Constitutional message can only be heard on the newest medium of the Web and on one of the oldest mediums of Sunday morning network TV. But, why are the Democrats so afraid? Because they know that their base is anti-war and by running against Ron Paul they automatically lose. The media has been pushing both John McCain and Barack Obama as the ultimate front-runners in this race, to the detriment of all the other candidates. The media is by far a pro-war propaganda machine, even if the liberal media elites attempt to appear anti-war. The truth is that most corporate media organizations profit from war and its industrial consequences. As we all know, the media is anti-Republican at all costs and will hide all truth from the public in order to elect a supposedly anti-war Democratic candidate. Most voters do not bother to examine candidates’ records on their own, so they are easy targets for the media’s manipulation and lies. The media is well aware that Ron Paul is the only honest candidate on either side, but they will do anything to hide the truth and push the absolutely unelectable John McCain into the driver’s seat of the Republican Party.
Ron Paul also has the only weapon that all the other candidates, both Republicans and Democrats, lack: He is a staunch defender of our National Sovereignty. There is absolutely no difference between McCain, Clinton or Obama on the Illegal Immigration debate. They all voted for Amnesty. We all know that the majority of the country was steadfast in their determination to crush the McCain – Kennedy "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act." This one issue alone can turn the November election in the Republican’s favor if Ron Paul is the nominee. McCain wrote that evil bill, so even though he is flip-flopping now, no one believes him. Hillary has flip-flopped as well, first approving Spitzer’s driver’s licenses for Illegals bill, then opposing it. Obama, on the other hand, has not wavered in his approval of both Amnesty as well as giving driver’s licenses to Illegals. We know that the majority of Americans disagree with all three of these candidates on this issue. As a doctor in Texas, Ron Paul saw illegal immigrants deliberately cross the border just to have a baby, and then he saw them immediately receive welfare and Medicaid coverage. He has personally seen many hospitals close due to bankruptcy, thereby negatively affecting the lives of American citizens. This is why Dr. Ron Paul has written legislation to end "Anchor Babies" by changing the law to specifically state that only the children of LEGAL immigrants will be guaranteed American citizenship.
Ron Paul will outlaw all incentives for illegal immigration, such as welfare and Medicaid; they will then go back to their countries on their own. By eliminating the incentives and cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants, the problem will solve itself. In addition, all criminal aliens will immediately be deported. Ron Paul, as a practicing medical doctor for over 30 years, both in private practice as well as a surgeon in the United States Air Force, is the only candidate who is qualified to truly fix our broken healthcare system. He understands that government bureaucracy, in the guise of "Universal Healthcare" is the absolute worst thing, both for the physical and mental health of Americans, as well as for the health of our economy and individual Rights of Freedom and Liberty. He understands that as long as we do not secure our borders that we will never solve our healthcare crisis, our fiscal crisis or our national security crisis.
There is only one Presidential Candidate who stands up for the Rights of every single American Citizen. Only one candidate whose congressional voting record proves that he has NEVER voted against the Constitution of the United States of America. Only one Presidential candidate who can fix our healthcare system because he has spent over 30 years as a practicing Medical Doctor, both in private practice as well as a surgeon in the United States Air Force. There is only one Presidential candidate who has consistently called for responsible monetary and fiscal policy and predicted our impending economic collapse, not because he has a crystal ball, but because he is the only candidate who has actually studied Economic Theory.
Unless the Republican Party wakes up to reality we are doomed. The economy is collapsing and most Americans know it. George W. Bush can laugh all he wants and put band-aids on the problem by sending everyone a $600 check and have Bernanke cut interest rates yet again, but that will not work and most people know it. The fact is we are in debt, in debt to our enemies no less. We spend billions of dollars fighting an unconstitutional war in Iraq, which has led to even more Al-Qaida problems in the Middle East. We never finished the job in Afghanistan and now we keep borrowing trillions of dollars from foreigners to continue a war with troops we do not even have. The American Dollar is worthless and inflation is rampant; the cost of oil has risen from $27 a barrel at the start of the war in Iraq to nearly $100 today. This must stop! Hillary’s economic plan is apparently inspired by Mary Poppins’ bottomless purse. Do you really want to risk a bureaucratic nightmare of "mandatory" Universal Healthcare in which the entire country will be standing in line to see doctors they do not know while Hillary is singing "A Spoonful of Sugar Will Make the Medicine Go Down?" Wake up!
Dr. Ron Paul is the only Presidential Candidate who has a real plan to bring our country back on course. He believes in a strong National Defense, but opposes any offensive wars of aggression. He has consistently opposed the abolition of the Gold Standard that has led to our current crisis of massive inflation and the devaluation of the American Dollar. He understands that the only way to protect our country from attack and the loss of our sovereignty is to strengthen our borders. He is a vocal advocate of upholding our Rights to free speech and expression and the right of individual citizens to bare arms.
Ron Paul will immediately cut taxes across the board. This will allow Americans to keep their hard-earned money in their own pockets and spend it how they want. He will end all government subsidies to Big Businesses that close up shop here and move oversees. He will end subsidies to oil companies because that is impeding our ability to become energy independent. By not subsidizing Big Oil and Big Industries such as Halliburton, smaller, energy efficient alternative small businesses will be able to compete on the Free Market, thereby making us energy independent and creating new jobs that will help us diminish Global Warming at the same time. Ron Paul will immediately end the monopoly of the Federal Reserve that has allowed unscrupulous individuals, politicians, and corporations to manipulate the value of the Dollar. Ron Paul will allow Hard Currency, Gold and Silver, to compete as a legitimate form of currency against paper "Fiat" money that is currently worthless. This will enable the American economy to get back on its feet without devolving into chaos.
National Defense: Ron Paul has consistently voted for a domestic anti-missile defense shield. This will protect Americans, here on our own soil, from missile attacks. Ronald Reagan’s "Star Wars" are no longer a dream, as modern technology has finally caught up and right now a mere $40 million is going towards real national defense: at JFK International Airport a Laser Missile Defense Protective Shield, "Skyguard," that can detect and shoot down short and long-range and supersonic missiles is being installed. We probably spend that amount of money in one week just feeding all of the troops we have around the world. Our Federal Government has one primary responsibility: to defend the United States from attack. If it only costs $40 million dollars and no loss of American lives to secure JFK, then there is no excuse for any politician to tell us that we must be anywhere else in the world. Best of all, this defense system is built by Northrop Grumman, so local jobs are created at the same time.
Bring our Troops home: Our troops are being used as cannon-fodder in an attempt to force other countries to "democratize" via the barrel of a gun. That does not now, nor ever has worked. The United States is not an Imperial Empire, we are a Republic, and it is high time our government starts representing the citizens of the United States of America, and stops interfering in the sovereignty of foreign nations. By bringing most, if not all, of our troops home, foreigners will not look upon us with disdain for invading and controlling their countries. This will also save us TRILLIONS of dollars a year, money that we never had in the first place, but borrowed from other nations, such as China, who are far from our allies. Instead of bolstering up foreign economies our troops will be stationed at bases here, on American soil where they will be spending their money in local American economies, thereby bolstering consumer spending.
The other candidates claim that Ron Paul’s anti-Iraq War stance will leave us vulnerable to attack; they are dead wrong. The truth is Ron Paul actually has the strongest record on National Defense. A Ron Paul Presidency would be very much like Ronald Reagan’s presidency. They both advocate a strong domestic military force: Peace through Strength. That means not attacking our enemies when we are not attacked, but ensuring that we are strong and able to defend ourselves here at home. Today we are weaker than we ever have been in our history. We already owe Trillions of dollars for the War in Iraq; we are sending wounded, yes wounded, troops back over to fight in Iraq because this war has become so unpopular over here that we cannot recruit enough new soldiers. All the other candidates, on both sides, are threatening war with Iran. Do you want your children to be drafted in order to continue all of these wars? Is that what a Free country should do?
I urge you, my fellow Republicans, to join with all true Conservatives to take back our Party from the usurpers! Unite to defend our nation from the ultimate destruction that shall befall our nation under the wrathful hand of Hillary!
Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who can unite Republicans and Independents; all the other Republicans are divisive NeoCON war-mongers who will split the Party and usher in defeat. If you do not think that is enough to keep many Republicans at home on Election Day in November, well, don’t be surprised when the 2008 Presidential Election goes the way of the local and state elections of 2006 and 2007.
Hillary vs. Rudy McRomnebee: The GOP gets dealt its final blow.
Hillary vs. Ron Paul: The Clinton Machine goes down in flames!
Tuesday, February 5th is Primary Day in New York. I encourage every single New Yorker to go out and cast your vote for Ron Paul. The 2008 election is the most important election in the history of our nation. It is up to all of us, as American Citizens to make sure that our voices are heard. To make sure that our Republic does not continue to deteriorate.
As Benjamin Franklin said "A Republic, if you can keep it."
"Democratic republics are not merely founded upon the consent of the people, they are also absolutely dependent upon the active and informed involvement of the people for their continued good health." - Dr. Richard Beeman, Vice Chairman of The National Constitution Center’s Distinguished Scholars Advisory Panel.