Got $7000, want to get into the 11's


Active LVC Member
Feb 22, 2005
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Oklahoma City
Ok...wifey said go ahead. I have an "Uber-Mechanic" who swears that this engine with 200,000 miles on it can get 700hp out of it, get the 4:10s, get the Art Carr tranny, get the Kooks headers, port and polish the heads, get a turbo and then a bigass intercooler and I could be in the 11's.

I know there are a few things that i left out, like pistons and fuel rails and pumps, and other misc things. But in a he pulling my leg?

Oh and we are retaining the A/C so it will be a daily driver too.

Sounds about right, maybe even 10's with the right stuff; but I'd buy a new block before all else. 200,000 mile block, especially running highly modded is asking for trouble...
YouthKwest said:
Ok...wifey said go ahead. I have an "Uber-Mechanic" who swears that this engine with 200,000 miles on it can get 700hp out of it, get the 4:10s, get the Art Carr tranny, get the Kooks headers, port and polish the heads, get a turbo and then a bigass intercooler and I could be in the 11's.

I know there are a few things that i left out, like pistons and fuel rails and pumps, and other misc things. But in a he pulling my leg?

Oh and we are retaining the A/C so it will be a daily driver too.


I don't see you making 700 hp with 7,000 dollars.

Figure it up......

*Flips through a few catalogs*

Your gonna need a new reciprocating assy to hold that kind of power. 2,500 is the cheapest I can find for a decent quality kit. Then you need the machine work done to the block which is gonna run you close to a grand. Head work to support 700 HP a cam kit is over 1100 bucks for the 4 valve engine.

I'm at $4,600 and I've only gotten to the engine parts/work. Your wanting to add a turbo, the intercooler, a tranny and rear end work. Your gonna need ALOT more than 7,000 bucks.

I would get your basics done ( forged engine, and the head work while your at it, and maybe go for the cams), then build from there as money allows. The modular engine is VERY expensive to work on compared to older style engines. I build a 10 psi forged 383 stroker to put in my old 97 Z28, and spent about that much for everything.

$7000 grand will not get you there, got all the things 94m5 mentioned and that's not even half way. I probably have over $5000 put into my car so far, and I'm NOWHERE near 11's by any means (also including some mainenance stuff, rims, audio). Sounds like a good plan and $7000 could get you a lot, but not quite 700hp and all the necessary things you'd need with that. I'd start off with bolt on's, gears, exhaust, and other small things and see where you are after that and not to mention your car probably needs some stuff being that it has 200k miles on it.
build a good short block and hit with alot of nitrous , you can fill 100's of bottles for what it will cost to get a turbo to run right
Just so you guys know, the large parts will be used. Not sure if I will change blocks, depend on cost. The guy that is building mine is building a 94 with twin turbos and hopes to crest the 1000hp mark. No pun intended.

All the parts will be found on ebay and for the larger parts he has them in his shop. This guy is known for building 9 second street mustangs and he is stoked about working on my mark.

I have heard from many on this subject, I am hoping for 11's, and I figure that 7 grand will get me there. Maybe not with 750hp off nitrous, but maybe that figure with.

Thanks for the input guys. I see by that parts list that those are all brand new parts. If I wanted brand new, I would be building up a 2005 mustang, but since my car is 10 years old, used parts will be fine. Thanks for the input.

i would use some of that 7k for a racing tranny & torque converter, and internal motor work, ie: forged cams, forged pistons, ported & polished heads!then i guess after that, i would just do the lil things air intake, exhaust, headers, high flow cats. supercharge the beast! then chip it... oh yeah i forgot to mention gears! 4.10's AMEN!!!!
Just my opinion, but if I wanted a car to get into the 11's I would go buy a mustang first. Look at the power to weight ratio. Don't get me wrong :L but not enough to put $7k in the motor\trans\rearend. Just my $.02
$7000 will get you there n/p and you will not need 700 rwhp to do it.

But if your uber/mechanic failed to mention a forged bottom was needed, I'd look elsewhere.
The crank will be good. It is a little lighter than the forged mustang and spins better, plus I have not heard of anybody breaking one.

Vortechs are pretty cheap on the used market. I would get the best intercooler I could find though.

I would leave the heads alone. The 'B' heads flow well in a blown environment as is. Of course you could always get them ported, can't hurt but you could save some money here.

Used Vortech: $2000
New studs, pistons, rods engine assembly. $2000
Upgrade from our stock 24's to 42's on the injector side. $350
Upgrade to a minimum 255 fuel pump. $125
New computer/chip program. Good tune. $700
Bulletproof the tranny. $1600
Gears and shaft. $900

Close to $7,000 and you'll be in the mid 11's.
k9t8m said:
Just my opinion, but if I wanted a car to get into the 11's I would go buy a mustang first.
And be one of 50,000 or one of a select few with the Class, Style and Attitude to go Fast? I prefer uniqueness and the sleeper factor.
MonsterMark said:
$7000 will get you there n/p and you will not need 700 rwhp to do it.

But if your uber/mechanic failed to mention a forged bottom was needed, I'd look elsewhere.
The crank will be good. It is a little lighter than the forged mustang and spins better, plus I have not heard of anybody breaking one.

Vortechs are pretty cheap on the used market. I would get the best intercooler I could find though.

I would leave the heads alone. The 'B' heads flow well in a blown environment as is. Of course you could always get them ported, can't hurt but you could save some money here.

Used Vortech: $2000
New studs, pistons, rods engine assembly. $2000
Upgrade from our stock 24's to 42's on the injector side. $350
Upgrade to a minimum 255 fuel pump. $125
New computer/chip program. Good tune. $700
Bulletproof the tranny. $1600
Gears and shaft. $900

Close to $7,000 and you'll be in the mid 11's.

With all possible respect, Mr. Administrator, that's over $7,600 and no labor yet.
fossten said:
With all possible respect, Mr. Administrator, that's over $7,600 and no labor yet.

Brian was gonna install it for free. :N

Shoot, I'd want to see the used Vortec for 2 large. :Bang
fossten said:
With all possible respect, Mr. Administrator, that's over $7,600 and no labor yet.
If you look close at my last line, I said, close to $7000, as in over if you add it up, but still in the $7 figure area.
driller said:
Brian was gonna install it for free. :N

Shoot, I'd want to see the used Vortec for 2 large. :Bang
You need one JP. I'll find one for you.

As far as installation, the guy can do his own fuel pump and injectors. The rails stay. The guy doing the tune does the chip/computer flash for that amount.
He can drop and reinstall a beefed up tranny.
JP could set the lash on the gears for n/c.
He can do the headers by himself with the motor pulled.
So all I really see his UBER doing an inexpensive short block and bolting the heads back on.

I ASSummed he was talking of doing most of the work himself for the budget outlined. If he was shopping it all out, I agree that seven-ish is looking a little thin for sure. Heck, he could always sell his car and take that cash plus the $7 g's and make Dennis an offer for his.
Uber is a german word for "over" and many people use it to mean "very" or something of that sort. Like "damn I'm sweating my ass off. It's uber hot outside."
(1) german word for "above" or "over" (correct spelling "über")
(2) Became popular in the american language through its occurence in a phrase of the old nazi-time german anthem, re-used by punk bands ("california über alles")
(3) Is now used as a substitute for "really" or "very" etc.
(1) Ich sehe die Sterne über mir (I see the stars above me)
(2) "...Deutschland über Alles..." (Germany above All Things)
(3) This website is über-informative

Basically a super duper better than everyone else can do anything with his bare hands including torque bolts and carry engines on his back mechanic.
Let me have a go at this.
Rebuilt/ lower mileage block ~1500?
Rebuild/ stronger tranny~ 1500
Giant fuel pump~ under 300 or so
Direct port nitrous kit with all the bells and whistles running 200 hp shot 1500ish
Slicks, 4.30 rear end, driveshaft- still under the $2200 left over.

If the 200 shot doesnt get it there, bump it up a notch
Juice is the best bang for the buck and the only way I see of your car getting into the 11's for $7000. You may very well have a Teksid block, so that is a good starting point. Any less than a Teksid, and your asking for trouble with that kind of hp. But you absolutely need forged internals...and I would go with H beam rods and the best piston I could buy. However, there are some very good crate short blocks out there too.

Another very good option would be to find an engine out of an 03/04 Cobra. Pulley the thing and hang on to your's gonna be a ride. You may have hood clearance issues with the s/c, but there are some very nice and subtle ways to fix that. You are still going to have to find a way to integrate to a computer controlled trans or go to a C4 or a stick, but since you are going to need a good tune anyway, that should be able to be handled. You could also switch to a FAST system. But even this engine can have cooling issues at the 700 hp level so a few cooling mods would need to be done...but they're not that hard. I'm guessing this would run you in the neighborhood of 10 to 12K to go this route with a good used Cobra engine, so that's over your budget...but should be reliable since it's mostly factory stuff.

I would think you could build a good short block and use juice to reach your goal within your budget...or close to it. Remember, you will need a tune with that too.

With either way, you will need an upgraded trans, so that blows your budget anyway you look at it.

If your hot shot mechanic thinks he can get 700 hp out of a 200,000 mile stocker, I would look for another mechanic fast. It might....once.

And one last thing...the first time you hook that kind of hp, you will need a tow truck close by. Your rear end will be all over the pavement.....
phreakness said:
Yea RIGHT! It will cost you another 5k just to put it in and get it running. trust me I know..

You and I are doing ABOUT the same thing. :)

You seem to be a little bit ahead of me tho ;)
The cobra motor seems like the best way to go, but how do you plan on dealing with the transmission? The Cobras never came with an automatic, AFAIK. I would imagine the stock Mark computer would not know what do do with forced induction, etc. Unless there is a way to reprogam it...?

Sorry, I've owned 3 VIII's, but never got into the performance side of them till now.

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