Got the LS back lets see for how long-Vent session_join!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Louis
This is mainly a venting section and also to help others out with problems in the front end. My car has recently had a knocking in the front end then a growling, then bad gas mileage, then no air. What I had replaced in the past 6 months, if that:

Front R & L ball joint
Sway bar (the main reason for the knocking)
Stabalizer Links
Tie Rod (inner)
Wheel Bearing (loud growling, caused terrible gas mileage)
Brake pads and resurfaced rotors (2nd time in 6 months)
Passanger side rims and drivers front (potholes)
AC recharge
Brake Plate

Body work:
Was side swipped and rear ended (3 times)
Drivers door
Drivers rear door
Driver rear panel
Front quarter panel
Bumper (3 times this year)
Repair to drivers door (2) due to the city being #1 in crime and A-holes breaking into it
Angel eye blew (need someone to help me with this ASAP, the ballast started sparking, and wire came loose from it)
Passanger Rear taillight (leaking)

Drivers door handle snapped
Headliner falling (Still falling what would you recommend to fix)
Rear seat not locking (Recall)
Rear Window Regulator

Also last year was just about as bad with coils and VCG and degas bottles and more brake work. Had a warranty but the company filed bankrupcy and F'd everyone.

The 2000 V8 LS has 85k on it and all this has happened to it and more, would you say Ford designed a good car or what.

Would you keep it?
What else should I expect?

The car is looking good and now drives fine im just worried that something else is gonna go out. Need some opinions on what you would do and some help with the bold items I marked. Thanks and sorry to vent it out on you guys. I will be posting pics this weekend once I clean it and of the rims cracked in half.
Holy crap man. With all that stuff going wrong how did you not just want to give up and get rid of the car?
Trust me Ive wanted to get rid of it for a year now but I always have this is the last thing thats going wrong kinda attitude, and it never is. Also I figure with those things being wrong no one will buy it and i cant get :q:q:q:q on a trade in. Also my credit got f'd when my ex ran me over with her lexus and put me in the hospital for a month. Lost my job and fell really behind on bills. Story of my life
It sucks that your having all these problems. But in defense of lincoln, all the things under body work had nothing to do with them. It was all accidents or aftermarket parts that broke. But with that said just find something else that youll like more.
Hey notdaddys, check your taillight for a hole. Mine had several, apparently when the bulb blows it blows and melts the plastic near it, some plastic repair epoxy works like a charm. About 3-4$ instead of buying a new taillight, it'll take about an hour to dry to the point where you can put it back on, fully dry in about 24 hours.

As for the headliner, there are some little velcro pads that hold it up, im assuming youve got a moonroof, the bottom part of the velcro came off and needs to be re-attached to the headliner. Use super glue. If it's falling in the back, or just the fabric coming off I can't really help much.
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Wheel Bearing (loud growling, caused terrible gas mileage)

I feel your pain a bit too Bill, my 04 isnt worry free either and I am looking at other vehicles now just to have something else not as troublesome.

I noticed you had a bearing growl. Was this all the time or when making turns. I have some type of growl now going over 40MPH and making turns or going around right hand curves. I have a new bearing in the front and a used bearing in the rear, which I suspect is the problem.
Mine was so bad that it was mainly at 10mph and over. It got louder the faster I was going. It also cause so much drag on the car, like something was pulling it from behind and the gas mileage was around 10 city and 13 highway, now its 17 city and round 20 highway. It also did get louder when I turned the car. I would guess that this may be the culprit of your problem.
Trust me Ive wanted to get rid of it for a year now but I always have this is the last thing thats going wrong kinda attitude, and it never is.

Far be it from me to judge anyone... but this is my first time back here in probably 8 months and from the previous year already having been here and active. You've had nothing but problems from pounding on your car which i'm sure you'll disagree with. You need to sit back and look at your history of posts for nearly the past 2 years, then look at that enormous amount of repairs you've listed to everyone just in this thread.

You are a driving disaster, that poor car has put up with as much as it can, please take it in a field and put it down and get a KIA or something. Every Monday for the past god knows how long you've come on from the previous weekend with some horror story of running into drive through curbs, girlfriend this, ex- that doing this, or that, god only knows... Dude, you need to calm the hell down and get your stuff together... You've have beaten the proverbial piss out of this car, let it go... If the history of your posts doesn't say anything, the list above should. If its not 3 or 4 accidents or some how being completely ran over by an ex girlfriend, I just don't know what to expect next.

I've given sympathy in plenty of your past threads over 2 years, but this vent session is unnecessary, you bring it on yourself. Sorry to be so harsh but maybe you need it. I'm by no means flaming you man, but god damn bro, open your eyes over the past year.
Ok as far as be beating my car to death, that is not the case. I dont speed i dont rump it around town, Im never posting about how I took the LS to the track. I drive the car how its supposed to be driven. I go the speed limit, i get its check ups when their due, I change the fluids before need be. I dont buy expensive things and put money into a car to look good just to F it up. Thats just not me.

As far as being run over by my ex. The story goes like this. I found out that she was sleeping with an ex, I confronted her, she didnt like what I had to say. I have never nor will I ever put a hand on a girl. I was walking away from her going back to a party and she hit me drug me for a block, I was knocked out, due to my head hitting the pavement. The ambulance came and that was that. I had hemorrhaging of the brain, was in the hospital for nearly a month, lost my job, racked up debt. Im in the process of our court case as we speak. She was served last week. So as far as that goes and her beating my car, cant really help that. She did what she did and she will pay what the judge finds necessary. She is out of the picture now and maybe a little to late.

Your right some of the stuff was due to accidents and I dont care about nor am I venting about that just stating whats been done. Its the suspension, door handle, AC, VCG, coils, tail light, head liner, sun roof, degas bottle, that I am venting about. Now you or someone else tell me that is all my fault. How the F did I have anything to do with all that :q:q:q:q going wrong. I have never gotten in an accident that was my fault, I am a very cautious driver, my friends and family chose me to drive when we go out or on trips due to me being a good driver. I hope this clears something up on how you feel
I ran into my Ex last night.

I backed up and ran into her again.

Sometimes I miss her!
I've eliminated the risk of being run over by my ex, because I dont have one....I will say tho, that I've wanted to run over my wife's ex a time or two...:shifty:

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