Good day all. I am sitting at my computer listening to my wife bitch at me for not listening to her.
I am very sore and stiff, swollen at the neck and can hardly swallow my saliva without it causing me to cringe. I have been in bed for 5 days now, and I am trying to get around without the bounce of my footsteps causing pain.
The surgeon ended up cutting me in two different areas of my neck, so it was 2 surgeries in one. He ended up fusing the C2 and C3 together, and removing 3 bone spurs lodged in between my C3 thru C5, which were prohibiting my nerve signals to send from my brain to my left and right arms and hands. He also fused my C5 and C6 together also. Then removed the disks between C2-C3 and also C5-C6 and replaced both with bone matter and used metal plates and screws to fuse them together.
It may take up to 3-4 weeks before I can get the nerve up to try anything physical. I can not hardly talk out loud as of yet, been communicating with my wife thru pencil and paper. I took a pic for you all to see where they cut on my neck. Since the surgery, I have not been able to sleep for more than 2 hours at a time since my throat is swollen to the point that I can not swallow unconsciously.
In the pics, the incisions are about 3 inches in length, and have internal stitching and external medical tape so to limit the long term scarring, and I still can not feel my throat with my bare hand as all the nerve endings were cut there, and have to wait for that to heal.