Dedicated LVC Member
eL eS said:Before we proceed maybe we shoud wait for barry to return to clarify his comments on Vitas and me. Pursuit of this any further would not be fair without his participation.
eL eS said:Before we proceed maybe we shoud wait for barry to return to clarify his comments on Vitas and me. Pursuit of this any further would not be fair without his participation.
eL eS said:Appears someone did not credit their source
LKs like a liberal conspiracy
eL eS said:according to the figures I just seen on cspan our national debt will be recending this year. You can expect a guy to do a 3 point turn around on a single lane dirt road with a caddilac sized problem left by his predecessor.
JohnnyBz00LS said:This started out as an attempt at humor, but now :thread:
There you go again, talking out your blow hole. GWBs is the one who blew the budget SURPLUS and blew away all the GAIN on the DEBT obtained during the Clinton administration.
Ever heard of trickle down economics? know what that means? Figure it out and ya might know where the economy boost actually came from!GWBs is the one who blew the budget SURPLUS and blew away all the GAIN on the DEBT obtained during the Clinton administration.
Gruuvin8 said::I :thread: the original message in this thread looked like a joke, smelled like a joke, etc. etc. who cares where it came from? I assumed it was found somewhere on the internet, and it was posted on the internet... so who cares???
Ever heard of trickle down economics? know what that means? Figure it out and ya might know where the economy boost actually came from!
as far as GWB goes.... conservatives are called greedy, ???? I personally don't mind if America makes a sacrifice to create peace in the middle east in efforts to educate people and stiffle terrorism. Why does the left have such a problem with this? And the left says that the oil man, GWB, is just after the oil in the middle east... well, have we taken their oil? NO!!!! are we promoting freedom in the middle east? YES!! Again, what's wrong with that? Personally, I think we deserve a break on middle east oil prices now as payment for all we've done. If we get it, great!!! are we demanding it? NO! but we deserve it. Look... it's a win win situation -- peace in the east, fair trade of oil. Who better to pay the price but the most powerful nation on earth, the only nation with the guts to lead the way. It is honorable!!! and those who oppose it have no honor, and they are the greedy ones!! (and wussies too!) So, the left calling the right greedy for approving of surplus $$$ spent to aid in peace in the east is like the pot calling the kettle black... which is all they do these days. How rediculous! Get a GRIP!!! What would the left like to do with this money? more govt. programs to give the lazy a free ride... God forbid the lazy libs have to get off their butts and actually work for what the get... if they had to do that they would start voting republican!! Since the left can't stand to lose power, they keep the little guy down, lazy and stupid.... the democrats in office are pi$$ing on you libs and telling you it's raining.... and trying to blame the right for it? LOL!!! Go back to school, take a class in economics while you are there, get smart, make lots of $$$ and then you'll realize the liberal/socialist/communist way of thinking is going to KILL the wealth in america!! :soapbox:
Gruuvin8 said::I :thread: the original message in this thread looked like a joke, smelled like a joke, etc. etc. who cares where it came from? I assumed it was found somewhere on the internet, and it was posted on the internet... so who cares???
eL eS said:PFFFFFFT shhhhhhh, blow hole exhale and inhale.... would it be too much to ask you to ascend to the surface?
There was no surplus. Your surplus never existed but on paper. Listen I spen a lot of time watching cspan and reading and I only comment on what I hear them, the politicains, say or reporters write.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Hardly.Gruuvin8 said:LOL!
barry2952 said:Hardly.
eL eS said:i didn't think it was serious! But I did think it was original content should have known better to think liberal sympathizers could come up with something so original. Sorry Barry next time I will know better![]()
barry2952 said:So, you judge one's intelligence and creativity by their political leanings? That's just plain ignorant.
barry2952 said:That's lame. You should eschew obfuscation.