Great News Guys!!!

More bad polling news for Dims....

But for the first time since December 2005, a majority of people did not say the war in Iraq was a mistake; the split was 49 percent to 49 percent. (People are finally waking up it seems.)

Other results of the poll reported in USA Today:
A 55 percent to 42 percent majority said they supported Bush’s terrorist surveillance program, the policy of wiretapping phone conversations between U.S. citizens here and suspected terrorists abroad without obtaining a court order.


55 percent said the U.S. goal in Iraq and the Middle East should be stable governments, while 33 percent agreed with the president that the goal should be democratic governments.
All bad news for Dims, so it must be good news for America.
barry2952 said:
This week? You know this? Prove it.

Like taking candy from a baby...:rolleyes:

Rasmussen, August 4th


Partisan Trends: Republicans Near Two-Year Low
36.8% Democrats, 32.8% Republicans
August 4, 2006
As we head into Election 2006, America is trending slightly towards the Democrats. Perhaps more precisely, the nation appears to be trending away from Republicans. During the month of July, Just 32.8% of Americans identified themselves as Republicans. That’s down from 33.5% the month before and just a tenth-of-a-point above the lowest level recorded over the past two-and-a-half years. These results come from Rasmussen Reports tracking surveys of 15,000 voters per month and have a margin of sampling error smaller than a percentage point.


Please keep in mind that these figures are for all adults, not Likely Voters. Republicans typically do a bit better among Likely Voters (in fact, the two parties ended up even among those who showed up to vote in 2004).


At Rasmussen Reports, we adjust our party identification weighting targets each month based upon actual survey results from the previous 90 days. For the month of September, our partisan weighting targets are 37.0% Democrat, 32.7% Republican, and 30.2% unaffiliated. This represents a slight increase in the number of Democrats and unaffiliateds.
And I have it on good info from my grapevine that they are actually using 37.8 and 32.1 as the real weighting.

Like I said. The day the guy allowed Bush bashing on his site is the day he lost all credibility. Watch his numbers jack up again now that CNN/Gallop/USA are reporting new higher numbers. He has been bought off by the MSM.
MonsterMark said:
Like taking candy from a baby...:rolleyes:

Rasmussen, August 4th


Partisan Trends: Republicans Near Two-Year Low
36.8% Democrats, 32.8% Republicans
August 4, 2006
As we head into Election 2006, America is trending slightly towards the Democrats. Perhaps more precisely, the nation appears to be trending away from Republicans. During the month of July, Just 32.8% of Americans identified themselves as Republicans. That’s down from 33.5% the month before and just a tenth-of-a-point above the lowest level recorded over the past two-and-a-half years. These results come from Rasmussen Reports tracking surveys of 15,000 voters per month and have a margin of sampling error smaller than a percentage point.


Please keep in mind that these figures are for all adults, not Likely Voters. Republicans typically do a bit better among Likely Voters (in fact, the two parties ended up even among those who showed up to vote in 2004).


At Rasmussen Reports, we adjust our party identification weighting targets each month based upon actual survey results from the previous 90 days. For the month of September, our partisan weighting targets are 37.0% Democrat, 32.7% Republican, and 30.2% unaffiliated. This represents a slight increase in the number of Democrats and unaffiliateds.
And I have it on good info from my grapevine that they are actually using 37.8 and 32.1 as the real weighting.

Like I said. The day the guy allowed Bush bashing on his site is the day he lost all credibility. Watch his numbers jack up again now that CNN/Gallop/USA are reporting new higher numbers. He has been bought off by the MSM.

Yeah, just another left wing conspiacy.:rolleyes:
barry2952 said:
Yeah, just another left wing conspiacy.:rolleyes:

That's it? That's your response?

Not, gee Bryan, I guess you were right. The pollsters are once again trying to spin public opinion by telling the sheeple how they should think. I mean nobody wants to be on the losing side, right?

So come out with poll after poll showing the sheeple that people hate Righties more than Lefties, that Bush is bad and Chavez and Ahmadinejad are good.

That the 'polls' show that people trust Dims more than Repubs.

It goes on and on. This tactic has been used for decades. Fortunately, there are more outlets for the truth now than before and more people sharing that truth, so the effects of the brainwashing attempts by the media are fortunately more muted.

But anyway, I digress. That was a great post Barry!:rolleyes:
Rasmussen polls are far more credible than you will ever be. You really blew it when you fixed the numbers on the polls you ran. Oh, that's right, you removed the evidence of your tampering.

Hard to deny it though, everyone saw your blunder. No credibility.
Barry, I can't hear you, thanks to the ignore button, but I can guess what you're saying. Probably something about Bryan having no credibility, right?

What a piker. :lol:
fossten said:
Barry, I can't hear you, thanks to the ignore button, but I can guess what you're saying. Probably something about Bryan having no credibility, right?

What a piker. :lol:

That means so much coming from you, loser.
barry2952 said:
Rasmussen polls are far more credible than you will ever be. You really blew it when you fixed the numbers on the polls you ran. Oh, that's right, you removed the evidence of your tampering.

Hard to deny it though, everyone saw your blunder. No credibility.

And here I thought only women couldn't let things go.:shifty:
MonsterMark said:
And here I thought only women couldn't let things go.:shifty:

I just think that newcomers should learn of your deceit before engaging you and your underhanded tactics. I really don't care what you think of me. That goes for your pivot boy, too.

Just admit that you fixed the numbers and hid the evidence and I'll stop.
And like a woman who has to have the last word, you can simply ignore him.

Cue woman-like reply from barry:
barry2952 said:
Just admit that you fixed the numbers and hid the evidence and I'll stop.

I'd rather refresh the threads in all their glory once a week so people get an advanced education about you so they don't fall for the inevitable pissing contest you will engage them in.
Pm from Barry to MonsterMark on August 25th, 2006 at 10:53 a.m.



So, when are you going to take the poll down? The point's been made.

Are you suprised at the outcome?

In all fairness, I initiated no PMs to garner a response in my favor. I did tell Pepsi to check out the poll in response to a car show question he posed to me, but that's it.

I love Fussy's response.


Shortly after seeing his PM I pulled down the thread although it had been less than 1 day and at the time I went to pull it, Barry was ahead by one vote. I added my vote and called it a tie so the situation would be resolved as a win-win and the two warring parties would see fit to stop the nonsense. Later, a couple people offered that Barry was ahead by 2 votes at the time the poll came down and I conceded that it was possible an additional vote had come in between the time I last viewed the thread and the time I pulled the thread.
MonsterMark said:
I'd rather refresh the threads in all their glory once a week so people get an advanced education about you so they don't fall for the inevitable pissing contest you will engage them in.
Pm from Barry to MonsterMark on August 25th, 2006 at 10:53 a.m.



So, when are you going to take the poll down? The point's been made.

Are you suprised at the outcome?

In all fairness, I initiated no PMs to garner a response in my favor. I did tell Pepsi to check out the poll in response to a car show question he posed to me, but that's it.

I love Fussy's response.


Shortly after seeing his PM I pulled down the thread although it had been less than 1 day and at the time I went to pull it, Barry was ahead by one vote. I added my vote and called it a tie so the situation would be resolved as a win-win and the two warring parties would see fit to stop the nonsense. Later, a couple people offered that Barry was ahead by 2 votes at the time the poll came down and I conceded that it was possible an additional vote had come in between the time I last viewed the thread and the time I pulled the thread.

Just for the record, Mr. Liar, you started the poll by saying that, in order to make the poll fair and impartial, you were not going to vote, but you did.

Just want people to know how you manipulated the poll numbers to make your buddy look good when, in reality, people think he has less credibility, in two consecutive polls.

It's hilarious that you start this thread by quoting Rasmussen and then go on to discredit his polls. Are you confused?
Oh yeah, for anyone that thinks that PRIVATE MESSAGES are private here, you're mistaken.

Looks like privacy is a foreign concept to Bryan.
barry2952 said:
Oh yeah, for anyone that thinks that PRIVATE MESSAGES are private here, you're mistaken.

Looks like privacy is a foreign concept to Bryan.

Private messages are private here. At least as far as I am concerned. I have never read anyone else's PMs. Period. I posted this one because YOU sent it to ME, supporting my assertion that you asked to take the poll down because obviously you were ahead and wanted to desperately win. So I appease you and this is the crap I get. I never did vote officially in the poll. I simply stated that based on the vote totals and including my vote, it was a tie so nobody's feelings would get hurt. I actually wanted Sparky to win but that kite never took sail. So don't make it sound like I was reading your PM's intended for other people. Never have, never will.

And privacy is a foreign concept that I do understand. That is why I want our President to have full authority to listen in on whatever bad guys he deems necessary and to interrogate them with whatever means necessary.
barry2952 said:
Just want people to know how you manipulated the poll numbers to make your buddy look good when, in reality, people think he has less credibility, in two consecutive polls.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the second poll included the results as stated by you and then the participants in the 1st poll voted again in the second, thus doubling the numbers.

The poll posted by Frogman includes 'un-manipulated' numbers and you are behind. If you want to win so badly, start trolling and PM'ing. Oh wait, don't PM because I might be watching. What! Are you out of tinfoil?
MonsterMark said:
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the second poll included the results as stated by you and then the participants in the 1st poll voted again in the second, thus doubling the numbers.

The poll posted by Frogman includes 'un-manipulated' numbers and you are behind. If you want to win so badly, start trolling and PM'ing. Oh wait, don't PM because I might be watching. What! Are you out of tinfoil?

Does anyone believe that you haven't manipulated the numbers in the last poll?
Originally Posted by barry2952
Oh yeah, for anyone that thinks that PRIVATE MESSAGES are private here, you're mistaken.

What a big whiner. Any PM sent by one person on this forum to another person is fair game to be pasted. Even you aren't that dumb.

Your foot stomping is splattering the rest of us with your tears.

It's like I've been asking you, Bryan. What does barry actually contribute to this board besides trolling and name-calling and whining?
fossten said:
It's like I've been asking you, Bryan. What does barry actually contribute to this board besides trolling and name-calling and whining?

Not much. It's been a year since he's posted one of his thoughts on any important topic of the day. He used to actually engage in a conversation but soon after his 'hate Bush' persona took over and he has been trapped inside it ever since.

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