Dedicated LVC Member
This topic is pure LuLz.
'Freedom of religion, just not here.'
'Freedom of religion, just not here.'
This topic is pure LuLz.
'Freedom of religion, just not here.'
Does "freedom of religion" include the right to worship wherever you want?
What is the scope of the "freedom of religion" in your view?
Would you be OK with banning Christianity and Judaism from the area as well?
Did Christians and/or Jews destroy the WTC and surrounding buildings?Would you be OK with banning Christianity and Judaism from the area as well?
'Ripoff' mosque man sued
Last Updated: 6:31 AM, September 4, 2010
One of the money men behind the developer of the Ground Zero mosque was sued for allegedly ripping off an insurance company for nearly $1.8 million, according to court documents.
Hisham Elzanaty, who owns medical companies that operate out of a building in The Bronx, allegedly billed State Farm for unnecessary tests related to automobile accidents that would maximize the insurance payout, the papers say.
According to the documents, which were filed in 2007, the suspected scheme may have begun as early as 1998.
Elzanaty, who was reportedly a "significant investor" in mosque developer Sharif el-Gamal's $4.8 million purchase of the former Burlington Coat Factory building, was also ordered to repay $331,000 after an audit showed Medicaid had overpaid him.
Did Christians and/or Jews destroy the WTC and surrounding buildings?
Why is it not fair to consider the intention of the people building the mosque when discussing this? Is that not important?
In the rush to "defend" the "right" to build a mosque in that location, those people don't seem interested in asking why there.
I don't have the exact number on hand, but there have been about 36 mosques built in NYC since 9/11. There weren't any huge protests or demonstrations of blind religious intolerance in those instances. So this isn't about allowing Muslim's to exercise and practice their religion.
Why then would you build a mega-mosque/community center 600' from the WTC? An area with incredibly high congestion, extremely limited parking, and no residential population near by to support it? The location of this massive monument to Islam makes little sense from a practical stand point.
If you refuse to acknowledge that there is a profound political/geo-political element involved here, you're living in a either an ignorant bliss or denial. And in the 21st century, the West can no longer look the other way and ignore these statements and actions by the theo-political system of Islam with indifference or as though they were benign.
And the list of shady people associated with the mosque continues.
The only protesting is from the Fox News followers, aka sheep, around the country who have been driven into a frenzy over this victory mosque being built at ground zero that will be opened on 9-11.
Sinclair Lewis, Socialist, Nitwit.
Ironic troll is ironic.why don't you speak english? you know, sentences?
failed troll has failed.fossten said:Ironic troll is ironic
Sinclair Lewis, Socialist, Nitwit.
So, despite all the evidence (on this forum alone) to the contrary (including the post you are responding to) there is no legitimate dissent to this Mosque?
What I am trying to say is that among the people who are near the mosque or are in the area the mosque will be serving, there is not real dissent.
In other words, you are attempting to delegitimize the dissent against the Mosque.
It has already made mischief and stirred up trouble.
It's in the Al Queda handbook
who stirred up trouble? the mosque builders haven't created the trouble.
those closest to it are the least bothered by it.
you been hanging out with fossten in the conspiracy section of the internet?
This from the guy who is a gold member of stirred up trouble? the mosque builders haven't created the trouble.
those closest to it are the least bothered by it.
you been hanging out with fossten in the conspiracy section of the internet?
This from the guy who is a gold member of![]()
The Mosque builders are chess players but you have a checkers mentality.
HA! That's a great line.
On a more personal, anecdotal note, My mother took in a co-worker of my sister's who was Muslim student. The reason she took this young woman in was because a male Muslim student would habitually force his way into this young woman's apartment, beat and rape her. He carried a gun (illegal for a foreign student) and even came to her work a few times and harassed her. She was strongly averse to turning him in to the authorities because of what was ingrained in her due to Islamic culture and what it would mean back home; likely a death sentence should she return.
It is not a coincidence that Muslims build a mosque over EVERY Christian holy site they can and desecrate many others. My sister recently took a trip to Jerusalem and had a number of interesting experiences with Islam and the Islamic community. One thing she conveyed was that muslims closed up the Golden Gate (in the Old City in Jerusalem) and put a cemetery in front of it. Judaism believes the Messiah will come through that gate and, from she said, it is also believed (at least by some sects of Judaism) that the Messiah cannot walk through a cemetery. They hung up signs saying "God has no son" around various Jewish and/or Christian holy sites as well.
Hardly a tolerant "religion of peace", they are in a perpetual holy war against any and all non-believers at every level.