just dont want to step on any toes or give out info that the board dosnt want out. i enjoy this site very much. lot of good info and people here. no wounder FF wrote the article about this site. proud to be a member and any help.thanks
i beleive it is a trans go kit,sounds like someone put the shims in the wrong place causing premature brakeage.i thought the shims were supposed to go in the case first then the spring then the piston then the spring then the cover. im supprised that you didnt find more damage than that.BlackIceLSC said:Yea...I wouldnt touch the EPC screw...it's like lighting a fuse.
Geno, my apologies. That's why I said the guy who's JMOD I did "told me" he paid for a baumann kit...if you saw the spring(s) that fell out of the lower 1-2 assembly, and the shims, you'd laugh yourself(double-coiled lower spring, like a racing valvespring...it was odd)...and gag. He told me it was a baumann. I have had NO personal experience other than that mess, and what he said. it might have been a trans-go....I dunno.
So, thanks to Ray, telling us(me) that the Baumann is basically a pre-drilled sep. plate, I fully understand now.
My apologies...you are right(did I just say that?) it WAS total BS.
anyway...JMOD< >Baumann< > apples to apples....
BlackIceLSC said:anyway, the point i was making is, the JMOD isnt an "aftermarket" kit, per se. It is simply drilling some holes. period. No additional parts, nothing to fail. all Ford goodies, at no additional cost(except if you need to buy alpha-numeric drill-bits).
but, again...apples to apples.
driller said:Mmmmmm... didn't your old tranny have the Jmod? I don't remember you saying anything about the Jmod taking down your tranny.:Beer
67Continental said:i'm going to put a transgo in mine.