Had tranny recall done under warranty. If your tranny bang shifts get it done now!!

Jim Henderson

Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
Walnut CALIF
I just got done having my 2004 LS tranny reworked under warranty.

Reading the report, it looks like the dealer tried the additive and didn't get results so they dropped the tranny and tore it down(this can be expensive) What they found was that there was eveidence of over heating and contamination of the fluid. Both of these conditions are symptoms of future tranny failuer in my book.

So the dealer replaced various parts, I am unable to decipher what they are other than solenoid, screen, plate, plate A, Kit G. from what I could interpret, it sounded like they essentially did a mini rebuild including a converter flush and cooler flush.

I bought my LS last month with about 14K miles on it and it seemed like it occasionally bang shifted and had a strange stumble between gears. As I got about 1,000 miles on it I think the stumbles were becoming more frequent and noticable. The burnt fluid and contamination are definitely sym[toms of problems from my previous experience. If this does not get corrected, you can expect a rebuild in your not too distant future.

So if your car is bang shifting occasionally and also if it stumbles between gears once in awhile and the dealer said there may also be hisitiation shifting to reverse, you need to get your tranny looked at soon. If your car is still under warranty, you are in luck. This sevice cost me nothing including the rental car for 2 days. The service sheet said it was a recall so maybe even people out of warranty can still get it taken care of.

BTW, not that I have a lot of experience with this dealer, but I felt Super Lincoln in West Covina Calif gave me good service and I would go back again for other routine things. Oscar was the service rep, give him a call if you got problems and are in my local area.

My car now shifts like I expect a Lincoln to shift and still has good accleration when I want it.

Get your tranny fixed now, if it has the problems I mentioned, otherwise it gets really expensive later.

JIm Henderson
I tested an '03 today. When I put it in reverse from park, there was a harsh thud. Is this consistant with a bad tranny? Or maybe one that is on its way to being a bad tranny?

Thanks Jim,

I'm gonna call them Monday and see what they say since my LS has been having the exact same 'issues' since I bought it and the dealer I purchased it from says everything is normal.
cockerkiller68 said:
I tested an '03 today. When I put it in reverse from park, there was a harsh thud. Is this consistant with a bad tranny? Or maybe one that is on its way to being a bad tranny?

cockerkiller68 said:
I tested an '03 today. When I put it in reverse from park, there was a harsh thud. Is this consistant with a bad tranny? Or maybe one that is on its way to being a bad tranny?


could be the same problem that the 5r55n transmissions have... bad solenoid pack and valve body.
cockerkiller68 said:
I tested an '03 today. When I put it in reverse from park, there was a harsh thud. Is this consistant with a bad tranny? Or maybe one that is on its way to being a bad tranny?


Can't say for a fact that harsh reverse is a symptom of what I had, I never noticed my car giving harsh reverse. But the dealer notes say harsh reverse, not sure if that was a general computer note or an actual note about my car.

From past experience with trannies, and I am NOT an expert, when a tranny is harsh shifting to reverse, or if it delays for more than say half a second, then yes you do have a problem brewing in the tranny. I would take it in and have the dealer look it over. Since yours is a 2003, I would think you are still under warranty. My total cost for this was my breakfast before the dealer opened.

I believe this is a general recall and that any tranny affected is covered. At least on my shop receipt, it was listed as a recall. This recall includes used vehicles. I would recommend calling for an appointment since you don't want to have to sit around for half a day waiting for the diagnosis. You will probably know after 5 minutes if the dealer is thinking warranty and they will assign a rental car to you at no charge. At least that is my one time experience, which was excellent at my new dealer, Super in West Covina. If all dealer experiences are this way, then American car service shops have taken a turn for the better.

Good Luck, get it done since if you do have the same problems as I had, it WILL eventually turn into a major overhaul and big big bucks.

Jim Henderson
Thanks for all your info Jim,
it's actually not my car...it's one I was thinking of buying at a dealer. It was a trade in for an '05. Anyways, I asked the dealer to look into it so they said they would. I just want to cover all my bases before deciding which one to buy. Thanks again!!

cockerkiller68 said:
I tested an '03 today. When I put it in reverse from park, there was a harsh thud. Is this consistant with a bad tranny? Or maybe one that is on its way to being a bad tranny?


My 04 does that but only when the embarassment factor is the greatest. The other other day in a buddies driveway the racket it made going into reverse could be heard for about a block. :slam

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