hard shifting problems... suggestions please


New LVC Member
Mar 21, 2005
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i just bought an 04 LS V6 used just under 20k miles. i hadnt really noticed it before, but now i've come to notice that the gears shift very hard. i drove a buddies 2000 LS and it shifts way smoother than my 04. anyone have any suggestions as to what it can be? would the dealership replace the tranny on the circumstance of just hard shifting? additionally, sometimes when it's switching from 2nd to 3rd gear it will not switch smoothly at all (almost like the gear is slipping and then catching repeatedley) and the car will sort of rumble. also, after the car is warmed up and you shift into reverse, the gear really slams into place. and when i say it slams into place, i mean the entire car shakes and it makes a loud quick pound noise when it switches gears. suggestions and help would be appreciated... especially as to what i mentioned previously about would the dealership replace a tranny on the claim of hard shifting. the car has no service lights on.

thanks a lot, and help is greatly appreciated!
Ditto - Solenoids, valve bodies or actual tranny hard parts... all seem to be problems in the 04.
X3 here. Just did two of them on some Explorers that have the same tranny as the LS. All the symptoms sound like the soleinoid pac. and valve body.
thanks a lot for the suggestions. as well, another issue that i have that i forgot the mention is some humming in the vehicle. it's hard for me to pinpoint where it comes from... it only happens when the car is running between 45-65mph and while the accelerator is held at about 2000 or 2500 rpm. when the gas pedal is not engaged there is absolutely no humming sound.

thanks again,
Yup sounds like the tranny problems which are pretty common. My 04 did the same things, harsh shifting and a back and forth feel to the gears, plus rumbling at times.

Since you should still be under warranty, the dealer will try the additive first and then if that doesn't work they will drop the pan and inspect. If they find evidence of overheating then they drop the tranny and remove and replace parts, usually solendois and valvebody plus one or two other things.

I am not so sure about dropping the tranny , but when I had this done on my 04 in March, that is what they said.

BTW, a rental car is part of the warranty coverage. Only gotcha I would worry about is that I have heard a couple times that since this is a customer satisfaction program it is limited in time. But then since it is under warranty I would press for repair even if the satisfaction program has expired.

Good Luck,

Jim Henderson
If you are not going to do the work yourself do not go in telling the dealer what you think is wrong let them diag it first then get on the soap box if you must. But the behavior does fix with the solenoid pack/valve body failure.
i thank you all for your posts and information. my lincoln will be going in a.s.a.p.

They will more than likely start with following the TSB which directs them to use a fluid additive to stiffen up the tranny fluid. If it does not fix the problem return to them as soon as possible.

Hey you should join the midwest chapter it is a very active group and has a growing list of LS owners.
WOW these dealerships that y'all go to sound like a bunch of greedy people. At my dealership we fix the problem if there is one. Why have a person come back twice for the same thing. If there is something wrong (especially under warranty) just fix it right the first time, and you will have happier customers. I don't get this logic of throwing parts at a problem. take the time to diag it properly and then fix the problem. It is really that simple! :soapbox:
cblood said:
WOW these dealerships that y'all go to sound like a bunch of greedy people. At my dealership we fix the problem if there is one. Why have a person come back twice for the same thing. If there is something wrong (especially under warranty) just fix it right the first time, and you will have happier customers. I don't get this logic of throwing parts at a problem. take the time to diag it properly and then fix the problem. It is really that simple! :soapbox:

And I am the patient person. Last visit my I had to the shop I let them have the car for over 120 days.
My dealer Superior in West Covina, took my car in for the TSB, did the additive they test drove it and they didn't like it so they dropped the pan and didn't like it so they dropped the tranny and fixed it. All in one stop and with me in a free rental car. None of this back and forth to the dealer stuff.

I am satisfied with the service there. But I have only taken the car in this once for service and owned it only about 3,500 miles. I'll know better over the long run how good the dealer is, but so far they are batting a thousand.

Other dealers I have used on previous cars were the usual "fix this fix that, come back again and maybe this will work type". I hate that type service. Probably why I do 90% of my service myself. And then I can really chew out the mechanic if he screws up.

Good Luck,

Jim Henderson

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