Shag let me remind you of something, I have never been raised by the government, my dad and my mom weren't together, but my parents bust their arse to make sure their kids weren't welfare reciepienets.
And they should be applauded for that. It takes some very exceptional people to raise a kid right in those circumstances.
But that one example doesn't disprove the trend.
I take offense and I am sure majority of black men or fathers who are in their kids life feel the same way.
Sanctimonious outrage does not justify ignoring the truth. Maybe you should make sure you understand the precise point being made before you take offense. If you take offense at the fact and logical conclusions drawn from the empirical evidence, then that is your problem, not mine.
Illegitimate does not equal WELFARE!
I never said it did. But the two do go together. Look at the welfare rolls if you want proof. Again, part of the war on poverty. Basically, the government started subsidizing illegitimacy and a traditional father-as-breadwinner became unnecessary in far too many black families. Again, the stats back this up. I am not going to run through them all here. I have mentioned where you can find some of the information. It has been a well know fact for decades. However, far too many people are scared to talk about it for fear of offending someone. That breeds ignorance and perpetuates the problems...
I was reading this and thought you might want to read it,
It is more proof of what I said. There are primarily two initiatives from the war on poverty at play here; sex education and welfare for single mothers. Sex education was aimed at reducing illegitimacy, teenage sexual activity and STD's. Instead, all of those went up; disproportionately so in the black community. Welfare was aimed at eliminating poverty. Instead poverty rose; disproportionately so in the black community. That is a big part of the reason why you have a MASSIVE disparity in 2001 between whites (27.5) and blacks/Hispanics (68.2 and 87.8, respectively)when it comes to illegitimacy rates. That disparity has been in place since the 1960's. It has been attributed to the "legacy of slavery" by the likes of Jackson, Sharpton, etc., however, that disparity was NONEXISTENT before the 1960's so the "legacy of slavery" is not a viable explanation.
FYI, as far as trends go, that slight dip downward in black illegitimacy rates in 2001 was temporary it has been rising again sense then.
Also, when it comes to Hispanic illegitimacy rates, those are harder to count as accurately because of illegal immigration. For instance, a family might visit Mexico and come back with 2,3, 4 or more new "kids" which are actually cousins to the true offspring of the parents in the family. My mother works at an ESL elementary school and it is a very common occurrence for a kid in her class to get a few new "siblings" over Xmas break that are then in school with them for the rest of the year.
Rush is in the entertainment industry, he could have said SOME black fathers are absent, instead he said "black fathers" that means ALL.
No, that does NOT mean ALL. That means a MAJORITY. There is a difference. You are distorting what he said; setting up a straw man.
Here is an article by Thomas Sowell on his book, Black Rednecks and White Liberals. You really should check it out and inform yourself on these issues instead of going with ignorant outrage which ultimately only perpetuates more ignorance...
Black identity has become a hot item in the movies, on television, and in the schools and colleges. But few people are aware of how much of what passes as black identity today, including "black English," has its roots in the history of those whites who were called "rednecks" and "crackers" centuries ago in Britain, before they ever crossed the Atlantic and settled in the South.
Saying "acrost" for "across" or "ax" for "ask" are today considered to be part of black English. But this way of talking was common centuries ago in those regions of Britain from which white Southerners came. They brought with them more than their own dialect. They brought a whole way of life that made antebellum white Southerners very different from white Northerners.
Violence was far more common in the South -- and in those parts of Britain from which Southerners came. So was illegitimacy, lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. All of this would become part of the cultural legacy of blacks, who lived for centuries in the midst of the redneck culture of the South.
That culture was as notable for what it did not have as for what it had. It did not emphasize education, for example, or intellectual interests in general.
Illiteracy was far more common among whites in the antebellum South than among whites in the North, and of course the blacks held in bondage in the South were virtually all illiterate. On into the early 20th century, Southern whites scored lower on mental tests than whites in other parts of the country, as blacks continued to do.
Many aspects of Southern life that some observers have attributed to race or racism, or to slavery, were common to Southern blacks and whites alike -- and were common in those parts of Britain from which Southern whites came, where there were no slaves and where most people had never seen anyone black.
Most Southern blacks and whites moved away from that redneck culture over the generations, as its consequences proved to be counterproductive or even disastrous. But it survives today among the poorest and least educated ghetto blacks.
This is a much bigger story than can fit into a newspaper column, which is why I wrote my latest book, "Black Rednecks and White Liberals."
White liberals come into this story because, since the 1960s, they have been aiding and abetting a counterproductive ghetto lifestyle that is essentially a remnant of the redneck culture which handicapped Southern whites and blacks alike for generations.
Many among the intelligentsia portray the black redneck culture today as the only "authentic" black culture and even glamorize it. They denounce any criticism of the ghetto lifestyle or any attempt to change it.
Teachers are not supposed to correct black youngsters who speak "black English" and no one is supposed to be judgmental about the whole lifestyle of black rednecks. In that culture, belligerence is considered being manly and crudity is considered cool, while being civilized is regarded as "acting white."
These are devastating, self-imposed handicaps that prevent many young ghetto blacks from getting a decent education or an opportunity to rise to higher levels.
Multiculturalism today celebrates all cultures but it is the poor who ultimately pay the price of that celebration in stunted development, missed opportunities and blighted lives.
No one today would dare to do what Northern missionaries did after the Civil War, set up schools for newly freed black children in the South with the explicit purpose of removing them from the redneck culture that was holding back both races there.
A wholly disproportionate number of future black leaders and pioneers in many fields came out of the relatively few and small enclaves of Northern culture deliberately planted in the post-Civil War South. What they did worked and what the multiculturalists are doing today repeatedly fails.
But results are no longer the test. The test is whether what you say makes you feel good as someone who is a "friend" of blacks. But friends like that can do more damage than enemies.