Has anyone had problems with the stock springs getting weak?


Dedicated LVC Member
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, Michigan
I'm asking because my pass. rear sits lower than the rest of the car. It's really noticeable when the 20s are on and that's the only side that rubs. It also leans to that side. On a flat surface, I can get like 2 fingers in between the fender and tire and the other I can get about a hand and half..

If this is the problem, does anyone have some stock springs laying around that maybe they would like to sell? I stopped at the local parts store and they have those coil spring boosters (piece you put in the spring so it doesn't compress as much) but I'm not sure of those..

Btw, I got her out and put more miles on her last week than I have in two years.... Felt pretty good! :cool:
It's possible as springs, believe it or not, are a wear item. True, it takes a long time but they can only take so many bouncy cycles before they start to collapse. More likely one is broken, as Stugots mentions.
Last week was the first time I had it running in 6 months so I didn't really have much time to screw with it. It seems like its been getting worse (maybe because its been sitting without use for so long?) but when I put the wheels on last year I didn't see anything unusual.

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