so this $800 bargin is quickly becoming a couple thousand money pit. a few day ago i was driving down the hwy and went to pass a lady that cut me off as i was traveling in my lane, as i punch it to go around the car went to downshift but it was like it didn't know what gear and bounced off rev limiter like a manual would if you missed a gear, it caught and took off. I though ok maybe just a fluke thing i had been cruising at a constant speed for a while and maybe the car just got caught off gaurd lol.
long story short this has happened a few more time and even on surface streets but only seem to do it when the car has to downshift more than one gear at a time. example hwy going from 5-3 or surface street 4-2, basically whenever you hammer down and it needs to drop more than one gear.
any explination? is the trans on its way out? fluid needs changing? solonoids? any help is much appreciated.
long story short this has happened a few more time and even on surface streets but only seem to do it when the car has to downshift more than one gear at a time. example hwy going from 5-3 or surface street 4-2, basically whenever you hammer down and it needs to drop more than one gear.
any explination? is the trans on its way out? fluid needs changing? solonoids? any help is much appreciated.