In all fairness, Bob, as an admitted racist you run the risk of projecting your own views onto Bryan. Your credibility is suspect in making a comment like that.
Foss i am only trying to get to the reason behind his endless posting and bashing of Obama.
Frankly I don't think it is love of country and it's constitution that is driving him.
To be honest, I think the only difference between his feelings about Obama and mine are, I admit I don't like him because he is black.
If one goes back and re-reads his post for the last year, it is obvious there is something driving this constant attack on Obama, and it goes far beyond love for the country.
To say he is obsessed with the legitimacy of Obama's birth, is an understatement.
There has to be more to this than meets the eye.
Of course, he will deny it is anything other than the birth and constitution that are driving him, but it is more than obvious too me (and perhaps many others, I can't speak for them) he is definetely on the warpath for a reason.
I am not trying to push him into a cornor, but rather ask what his true agenda is concerning his unrelenting attack on the president.
I could understand a couple of post on the subject, but this has been a constant attack since Obama came into the picture.
As good or bad as the U.S.A. is, nothing that comes to mind would justify the barage of hate coming from him, aimed at the president.
I didn't vote for Obama as you know, and I have stated many times I do not like him, and as a leader he stinks.
Monst calls him a marxsist and usurper.
If that's what he thinks, that is fine with me, he is entitled to his opinion.
I don't think the president is either of those.
I DO however feel it is the people behind Obama , telling him what too say and do that are the real Marxsist and usurpers.
Obama is a puppet, and those working for him, behind the scenes are the driving force of the administration.
I have taken the road that says, he won the election, live with it.
On the other hand, Monst keeps on digging and getting nowhere.
Like I said, it is a dead horse.