No you just simply dont get it.
HOW would you have acted/felt had I had an unknown third party chatting with you via IM???
You simply betrayed the trust that I have for you, now.. you cannot be trusted.
you would have LOST YOUR FREAKING MIND, had I done the same to you. simply dont deserve it any longer, you've proven that.
No, i suppose i don't get it, Tommy. It was a conversation you had with someone who does that stuff for a living. You talked shop. It's not like you spilled secrets, thinking it was I you were talking to.
Had you done the same to me, my first thought would have been "it ould have been nice if he had told me before", (and incidentally, should have told you before i let you talk to my buddy. I did not. screw-up on my part, I admit), and then i would have asked if there's any more knowledge I may impart upon the person. I would not have made such a big deal about it. Then again, that's me.
i find it ironic that you get bent out of shapeover a private chat, yet you post about it in a public forum, complaining about it.
Trust has many levels, you could trust someone with say, your car, but not with your life, for example.
And comparing this incident with Ray's brother... I just don't see the comparison. Maybe i missed something.
Either way, since you won't even call me so we can discuss this like two (at least chronologically) adults, then I don't know what to tell ya. I didn't think you'd get so bent out of shape over a cnversation. For what it's worth, I have apologized to you, but you don't seem to accpet it. My conscience (or, what passes for a conscience for me), is clear. I hope, in the future, you will realize that you have blown this out of proportion, and come around.
Sorry for any typos, I'm posting this from my phone.