Head Gasket Issues, Help!!!


New LVC Member
Aug 17, 2005
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OK my 96 sts has a blowen head gasket. my auto teacher told me that a lift is needed to change head gaskets. i wanted to know if it possile to change them while the engine is still in the car.:D
If a head gasket in a Northstar has to be replaced the block must be time-serted (http://www.timesert.com/). Generally, the block is pulled because it will provide easy access and the proper angle to drill the damaged threads in the engine block. But time-serting without pulling the block is not impossible. I know of one individual in another Cadillac forum that has time-serted twice without pulling the engine.

my blocks been rethreaded once already. does it have to be done again?? with that aside though. can the heads be taken off and re installed with the block still in the sts?
NashBridges said:
my blocks been rethreaded once already. does it have to be done again?? with that aside though. can the heads be taken off and re installed with the block still in the sts?

Generally, a block will not need to be time-serted a second time. However, each time-sert should be inspected and replaced if damaged or there are otherwise signs of wear. When removing the head bolts loosen them carefully making sure the bolts turn easily. If necessary, work bolts back-and-forth making certain threads do not cross or strip. Of course, when bolts are torqued in time-serts it's important to make sure threads are not damaged. Yes, Northstar heads can be taken off and reinstalled without removing the engine.

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