Head Lamp Housing Clear Coat Issue

They looked as bad as the ones up above... I did not take pics of them during my "discussed with life" stage. But I promise to post pics of my results.

The biggest pain in the a$$ was sanding down until I had all the old clear off. The 3M kits don't come with enough sanding discs so buy a a kit for each side plus 500, 800 and 3000 grit paper. Take your time and don't rush. The end result is so worth all the work.

If you price new housings, they will run you close to 500.00 a side. I spent around 80.00 for everything. Took me about 10 hours total. But this would have been less if I had not screwed the pooch and sprayed that Spar Urethane on them. I was truly apprehensive when I went to wipe of the 1 to 1 mixture of Spar Urethane and Mineral Spirits. But one swipe and I was completely sold. I showed a couple friends of mine and they can't believe I didn't buy new housings. that how great this works.
Here is a cell phone shot I tookk last night.

Can't tell how clean they are

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