Head light Question

My high beems aren't too bad, I've never been flashed though, I think the low beams were ment for parking lots...
why the hell did ford fuse the damn things together, I mean come on be a little curtious and have them screwed together so u could remove the lense by taking off some screws. Oh well.....
I would think that would take some serious sanding, and how much material would be left??
rmac694203 said:
Yeah mine suck. I usually drive with my brights on unless it is a well-lit street.

I always drive with my highs, even if i get flashed, lol. even my highbeams are worse then the low beams on most cars iv been in or driven.

My friend got these sylvania bulbs (sealed something or other) for his 85 MCss ,just low beams, and they are brighter than many high beams.

I was wondering if anyone knows what exactly they are, and if sylvenia makes a set for the mark?
when you sand the inside of the lights you could ruin the light broadcast pattern. the ridges are their for a reason. we havent got our light mods done yet. polished the lens and replaced the silver with heating duct tape that i have polished up. with cold weather coming will have time to finish them up . we are going to adapate vw golf hids to them . one of the back burner jobs. i don't know if mike posted pics . will check with him and find out if not will post soon. jd mike 94m5 dad.

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