Headlights flash randomly in few hour intervals..


Active LVC Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Trying to figure this one out, long before my cluster went bad (now fixed)
I noticed late at night my headlights, rear lights would flash on just one time.. and it would do this in probably couple hours at a time.. I never could figure this out.. either having something to do with the alarm? the headlight switch? or light sensor by the alarm led on dash??

Anyone had this issue before? Im also assuming this is causing a small parasitic draw.
Ive got the ohptool obd, and forskin software, so those are available to use.
Trying to figure this one out, long before my cluster went bad (now fixed)
I noticed late at night my headlights, rear lights would flash on just one time.. and it would do this in probably couple hours at a time.. I never could figure this out.. either having something to do with the alarm? the headlight switch? or light sensor by the alarm led on dash??

Anyone had this issue before? Im also assuming this is causing a small parasitic draw.
Ive got the ohptool obd, and forskin software, so those are available to use.
I would suggest running Forscan ...maybe something on this software can point you in the right direction
I'm back on this electrical gremlin now.
Any news or suggestions for this one? Headlights just randomly flash once in the middle of the night a few times.
Years later, and still an issue. Thanks
Do they flash like an anti-theft alarm, minus the alarm?
Well, there goes my 1 good idea. Guess he'll probably end up chasing ground points for this then.
Well, there goes my 1 good idea. Guess he'll probably end up chasing ground points for this then.
Yeah. I'm wanting to blame the FEM for this, but there is not enough evidence for that yet, and the REM has to be cooperating in this headlight issue. (The FEM switches the ground to the headlights, the REM switches the battery power to the headlights as well as several other things.)
Unless it's haunted, but what's the odds of that? Lol
I have had problems described to me before where the most likely possibility (if the description were accurate and true) would be demon possession. This one doesn't rise (or fall) to that level.

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