run-on, run-on, run-on, run-on, run-on, run-on....'dick head, dick head, dick head'...lmfao, lmfao, lmfao, lmfao....the (predicted) meltdown...
and instead of cutting small holes in the BOTTOM of my lights, you CHOP OFF the lenses and 'seal' them...your method is SO superior?, LMFAO

Veins sticking out of your head yet???

Waiting for the girlfriends' insults, I am aware they got your back, name-changer.
Why can't you just try to see that other's might have another way to solve the same problem-instead you have to start with the 'I'm dieing (sic) to see this', like someone else had no chance if it is not done the way you do things. Then, you get ugly-(LMFAO)-was that necessary? You can dish it out, but can you take it? I doubt it, with the 600 word profanity laced answer. I know you are a 'family man' with 'kids' and a 'business'-you are special in that respect?
I offered my experience in what worked for me, then you and your 'friends' offered their opinions with the requisite insults (looks halogen, alright I guess, or yours which was somewhat difficult to pick out what with the rant-prose).
Whatever, hope you someday mature into that bald headed adult body.

And work on your sentence structure and proper usage, you make my point for me when you go off, which you do a lot.