HELP!!!! Alarm, turnsignal and side marker?????????????


LVC Member
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Prairie Village
so i was driving along one day and lassie decided to play in on coming traffic. so tryed to stop and warpped the rotor and smashed the front bumper and conder, trannycooler, radiator. ok so now the alarm wont set and my driver side turnsignal and sidemarker dont look...only got the lower grill when i hit it. :confused: all the wiring looks to be fine and the bulbs are ok. but i dont get why the alram doesnt work...HELP....need to fix it so i can trde it in on a v6 5spd :D oh its a 01 v8
so i was driving along one day and lassie decided to play in on coming traffic. so tryed to stop and warpped the rotor and smashed the front bumper and conder, trannycooler, radiator. ok so now the alarm wont set and my driver side turnsignal and sidemarker dont look...only got the lower grill when i hit it. :confused: all the wiring looks to be fine and the bulbs are ok. but i dont get why the alram doesnt work...HELP....need to fix it so i can trde it in on a v6 5spd :D oh its a 01 v8

I believe this sums it up...


Haha Ya Does Anyone Know Much About The Wiring. I Honestly Have No Idea How That Could Have Affested It.... Basically The Wole Driver Side Front Is Electrically Dead....checked For Breaks In The Wiring....any Ideas???
those freakin roommates!

Did it ever occur though that the roommate and the idiot who claims it was the roommate spell and type the same way?

Give us a break, get a life and get off our forum.

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