Help identifying wtf this is..


Active LVC Member
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hey guys,
I was just under the hood cleaning up the engine a little bit, and stumbled upon something that looks kinda broken.
I snapped a few pics with my phone, sorry for the crappy quality..

I can hold the hose to the hole with my finger, but it doesn't stay there unless i hold it

All of this mess is on the upper part of the intake:

Anybody know what that thing does and what the consequences are of it being disconnected like that are? I'm not quite sure how long it's been that way, I just noticed it today.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
is there any oil in the house?
if is so is for the engine bread and the oil gas that can come out from the engine be burn nothigh serius!
its the hose that connects to the valve cover, and vents pressure from the crankcase into the intake tract. w/o it being hooked up, it is drawing in un-metered air, so the car will most likely run rough. you might get a little oil goop on whatever the hose was resting on too..
That is the crankcase ventilation tube. Not sure what problems it might cause, but that is what the part it....maybe someone can chime in with what kind of problems it could cause. :Beer
no problems, unmetered. possible the air metered is the on crossing the maf...that tube is bringing in vacc. air...easy fix close the hole on the tuibe and place a airfilter in the hose from the valve cover
I would either fiberglass the fitting back on the intake tube or replace it. You are pulling in unmetered air, and one way or another affecting your ECM parameters. Are you expierencing any roughness, or check engine lights?

Other than that, the only problem I see you having, is a potental oily mess on your valve cover.


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