Help im an idiot....and im new so hi! my name is cam

IT RUNS AGAIN!!!!! lol Thank all of you guys so much for the project...fixing the power bad could it go? lol

Nice job on the fix! Just take you time not to break the door panel hooks when going after the window. I think you can handle the rest ok.
Progress report. First 2 days I was so excited, the car acted like it gained 1000 hp!!!!!!!!! lol It had been acting wierd when going up hills (like not downshifting so rpm's would get low and when i give it gas the car shakes and makes horrible noises) and when shifting from first to secound or secound to third (rpm's just dropping and acting like i had no power even if i got on the gas harder). That had been going on for about 4 years. On day 3, it started doing it again. Bummer. Anyone know what else it could be? Could i have fouled a spark plug or something?....I miss my fast car
Are you getting a check engine light at all? I'm not entirely sure if 95's throw a code for bad/stuck IMRC, but I don't think so. Even so, I'm not sure if a bad IMRC would cause you quite this much grief. Were the plug wires changed when you did the plugs, or are they older/original to the car? A multimeter will probably help you rule out your ignition system parts pretty easily. I would also perform a fuel pressure test as well. Start with the cheapest, easiest things first. Good luck.
I only get a check engine light when im driving for a couple hours and if the ac is on. The plugs and wires were not the original, but i went and put motorcraft back in when i did them. Ill check the fuel pressure and then see if orilley can loan me a multimeter. any good links for checking the ignition system? and i hate to say it...but the shaking/grinding sounds like its happenening under the where the trans is.....Also it just acts like it doesn't know how to shift lol. ill check fuel pressure and looking into imrc. tps is only like 20 bucks so ill just get a new one of those and let you guys know how it goes. Thanks for the help again. Still havn't got started on the power windows but is gunna be my guide for it.
new thing i noticed. when im in park and i turn the wheels im losing 500 rpm if im trying to hold it at 1500. what does it all mean? lol im pretty sure by the end of this im going to be overly qualified to work at jiffy lube lol
.....Also it just acts like it doesn't know how to shift lol.

the TPS is absolutely crucial for the computers shift schedule.
the computer can guess well enough to run the engine without it, but it can't do that shifting.
So sence we all know i dono what im doing........where is the tps sensor at? i have a pic of one but i don't see it when i pop the hood
The TPS and IAC are in exciting places on a Gen 1 Mark. You have fun with that buddy, I know I did my first time.

circled in red.
its way back there.

what the ****......that's in a horrible location you might have to take off the wiper cover to get to it then.....poor design Lincoln poor design. Im glad I own a Gen 2.
yeah but how often do you need to replace a part like that?
maybe once in the lifetime of the car? maybe twice with a defective part?
i'll take the performance aspect of the gen 1 intake over the extra hour or two it takes once every couple hundred thousand miles.
when I did mine I removed the wiper cowl, but that may have been because I also replaced bank 1 IMRC ('96) also helped to jack the tail of the trans just enough to give en extra 1/2'' or so between the firewall
Ya, its extra exciting lol Anyone have any idea how to get a screwdriver back there? ive got a phillips bit through a wrench now and was hopeing there is some easier way......there is literally no room lol just when I thought I was over the hard these 2 tiny screws are givin me a hard time.......reminds me of changing the starter.....
You're not really trying to do it without removing the throttle body, are you? Take the throttle body off and do it on a bench. Replace the gasket too.

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