Help! Light on dashboard...


New LVC Member
Feb 9, 2011
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El Paso
2002 LS - The yellow light is illuminated on my dash, it looks like a lightbulb with an exclamation point inside and 2 curves on the sides of it. Is this brakes or tail light?

Could be low on brake fluid, or a brake malfunction.

Nice first post, btw. You must be familiar with male dominated forums lol. :D
well, we'll need pics of you first before we can answer that.... oh wait... nevermind lol

Could be low on brake fluid, or a brake malfunction.

Nice first post, btw. You must be familiar with male dominated forums lol. :D

It appears that she knows how the boards work already lol
I would try and get a diagnostic tool and see what type of codes are being sent. Autozone do free diagnostics but not sure if driving the car there would be such a great idea. Other than the actual indicator on your dash, has you vehicle felt any different. When you have problems with your brake fluid, the feel to your brake pedal will be different. Fairly easy to spot.
@FrankLS - I just got my front brakes done 2 weeks ago & now all of a sudden the light kicked on... I'm probably just going to take it back to the shop that did them & have them figure it out. Car isn't driving any different & the braking is normal... Thank you for the help
@pektal- I have been reading this site for years, just joined though =) I do realize I'm surrounded by men so I came prepared!

@the0captain- I'M 0N T0P 0F IT! Figured if I was asking a bunch of guys a car question, you'd rather see my face then my car, Ha!
well pics of your car are expected. Good luck with the shop

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