help newbie


New LVC Member
Jan 19, 2008
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vernon bc
i have a 1993 mark with 250,000 kms. I just purchased this car in april of last year and it always had a bit of a hesitation under acceleration. Just before winter (sept/oct) randomly one day it started to stutter quite bad at a stop sign and the checkengine light was flickering on and off, I turned the car off and let it sit then started it again and all was fine?? didnt happn again for about a week... then bam same thing turned off and on twice this time and it was fine lol. By now it was time to put the car in the garage for the winter and i finally have the time to take a look at it. wher do i start? totally new to lincolns or efi for that matter. Im an old school man with carberators under my belt lol
Was the temperture gauge over normal and when was the last time you did a tune up,is your charging system working good,did you get the motor wet,if you know your cars history it would help narrow down the field, it could be plugs,wires,electrical problem,fuel problem,wiring short,vacuum leak,do a visual at night and see if you see any spark jumping and do your day time look and look fo broken vacuum lines and fuel leaks,check your alternator and see if you are getting over 13-14.3 out of your charging system
the engine was totally dry. I replaced pugs and wires and have alredy done a spark chek at night and nothn. the car always runs in the low side of the normal range and has never ran hotter as far as i kno. I will chek the alt tomorro tho and see wat the out put is
Pick a can of carb clean and spray for vacuum leaks also,for the c.o.p's they are known for going bad over time and when you pull them out they can fall apart so your spark may be jumping around in your plug hole.if you want to check them make sure you have another set handie or have new ones before attempting to pull them out.
You mean his ignition leads falling apart right papa bear? No c.o.p. on 93. Tylerdude: have you checked for stored CEL codes? May help also.
You mean his ignition leads falling apart right papa bear? No c.o.p. on 93. Tylerdude: have you checked for stored CEL codes? May help also.
My mistake i saw coil packs and the woman was talking in my ear,blah blah blah.quick way to check is to pull one wire off at a time and see if it run any different,if you pull one off and the car runs the same then follow that lead

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