help please

Actually not much labor at all. New upper and lower control arms will run ya about $100-200 depending on where you get them and shouldn't take more than a couple hours to swap them out. If you supply the parts, most mechanics will let ya out the door for about 2-3 hours labor, so I would guess about $300 in labor. That was my experience a couple months ago when I did mine.
Just my opinion but from the looks of the car itself, I wouldn't even bother. Interior has been trashed, needs paint, if the ball joint went out, then the other side is next and I'm sure that ain't all it needs for the front end, especially since it took a dive. He says he's taking offers but that's just one of them cars that I wouldn't even "low ball" him on.
alright, thanks for the info. I am going to pass on this one and keep my eyes open :)
Depending on how many miles it has on the motor, I would pick it up...but I'm also a mechanic
lookin at that one Id say don't give over $800
ball joints are very easy, and he is giving the part, all ya gotta do is replace it
when I got my Mark the ball joint snapped right after I got it home from a 3 hour drive to get it...
You've come to the right website if you want advice in fixing one of these up
yea already got the LS so been on here for years, but was thinking about a foxbody then says screw it go with the 8
Once you read up on here about services and repairs, these cars are cake...
The first time I did my AC it took about an hour, after the 5th one I realized I had to leave it unplugged till only took me 10 minutes

my hopeful thought for humanity is if I or someone else with a brain teach grab a wrench and get busy...I could think of about 4 or 5 people on here that could probably walk you thru the entire rebuilding of the Mark8
The ball joint is an easy fix but i wonder what other damage was caused by it breaking?
The ball joint is an easy fix but i wonder what other damage was caused by it breaking?

Bags or springs? Mine was just ball joint the first time, then when I did my kmember the nut backed off and lower ball joint fell out of socket and landed on the inner rim lip and since I was doing about 60 when it happened it scored the aluminum, but that was easilty buffed out with a sanding disk...both of my wheel splash gaurds are gone but that's only because I'm on lowered springs, struts went bad and I drive on crappy city roads
easiest way to tell what it needs is to....LOOK!

If you're not sure what you're looking at..take pics,post them here, we will either laugh and joke , or give advice ...or maybe even both
If you like the car, then buy it. Whether you do the work yourself or have someone do it, it's going to cost some money. MarkVIII's cost money, no matter how you look at it.
I'd bet there is more wrong with it ... ball joints should cause anyone drop the price too much ...But a 1995 Mark VIII in that condition ... I wouldn't offer much more than $500

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