Help! Rear Suspension Issues Lincoln Ls V8


New LVC Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Stony Brook New York
I'm a relatively new ls owner and I've noticed that in the rain the rear of my car swings out when I hit a bump. I've replaced both lower control arms and my stabilizer links along with my brake pads and rotors. Before I go and replace the entire suspension of the car I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Thinking it might be the shock towers that went bad? Or maybe the upper control arms?
If I am understanding your problem, it sounds like you only need a good alignment. Have you gotten one yet to address this issue?
My mechanic says that the car doesn't move when he pushes on the rear bumper so he thinks the shock towers are might be frozen.
Really, you can't push it down in the back at all? It's hard to imagine how bad the ride would be if the shocks were really frozen. Note that you can't get good shocks for the LS at all anymore.

Otherwise, it sounds like rear toe-links (a known weakness) and then a four-wheel alignment after that.
Really, you can't push it down in the back at all? It's hard to imagine how bad the ride would be if the shocks were really frozen. Note that you can't get good shocks for the LS at all anymore.

Otherwise, it sounds like rear toe-links (a known weakness) and then a four-wheel alignment after that.
Yeah not at all. It looks like the bumper is going to pop off before the car will move. In terms of the ride I feel pretty much every bump but still smoother then my old toyota

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