HELP Starting problem


New LVC Member
May 24, 2013
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Las Vegas
I just bought a 2000 Lincoln LS V6 with 83,000 miles on it. I am having trouble starting it. I have to turn the key to the run position and leave it there for about 15 seconds before I can turn the key to finally start the car. If you try to start the car normally it doesn't start. Seems to me that it might have something to do with the PATS. But this is just a guess. It is frustrating and would like to figure out what I can do to fix this. Oh and btw, the owner I just bought this from said that this started about a month ago when he unplugged the battery to changed the MAF sensor. When he plugged the battery back in this weird starting procedure started. Any clues as to what may be causing this?
First things first.
Try to start it normally. When it fails, leave the key in the run position. The PATS light should be flashing rapidly if it is the problem. Let it do this for a minute or so. It will stop the rapid flash and then flash out a two digit code a few times. (Note that the code always starts with one.) Post that code here for more help.
I tried to start as you described and when it failed i left the key in the run position. All that happened was the PATS light lit up for a sec then went off. No rapid flashing or code.
I tried to start as you described and when it failed i left the key in the run position. All that happened was the PATS light lit up for a sec then went off. No rapid flashing or code.

Then your problem is not PATS.
Is there any sort of aftermarket alarm or remote start?
No aftermarket anything. Everything is stock. Could it possibly be fuel related? Fuel pump maybe?
So when you said you thought it was the PATS, I assumed that when you said it wouldn't start, you meant that the starter wouldn't even engage (because that's how PATS works).
Is it instead that the starter turns the engine over, but it won't catch and run? If so, it could be the fuel pump, or it could be a leaking fuel injector. When it does start, does it run normally, or does it run badly for a few seconds first?
Correct. The starter seems to turn over but the engine wont catch. Sorry for my bad explanation. Once it does start thought the engine is smooth. Idle is fine and car doesnt shut off until i turn the key to the off postion. Then i have to go throught the whole weird starting procedure again.
Correct. The starter seems to turn over but the engine wont catch. Sorry for my bad explanation. Once it does start thought the engine is smooth. Idle is fine and car doesnt shut off until i turn the key to the off postion. Then i have to go throught the whole weird starting procedure again.

That does sound like a fuel pump to me.
That does sound like a fuel pump to me.

With the limited amount of information on this, I agree. A check with a fuel pressure gauge just before key on, just after key on, and while the engine is running would confirm or eliminate it.
I know that it is not a lot of information but that's all that is happening lol. It only starts after the key is in the run position for exactly 15 seconds. Doesn't matter if it runs for an hour, a day, or a few mins. It always happens when I need to start the car. I will check the fuel pump and pressure test the fuel along with changing the fuel filter sometime in the next week. As soon as I do I will let you know what income up with.
I actually have the same issue! when you start it in the morning cold does it start right up? When you leave it for a couple hours it take forever to start unless you press the gas? My LS will not start unless i press the gas pedal to the floor and turn it over but then I get a slight gas smell inside. other than that the car runs clean. I was told it might be a leaking fuel injector flooding the engine but the gas smell only comes up if i turn it over with the pedal all the way down. If someone can solve this it will save me so much money.
I actually have the same issue! when you start it in the morning cold does it start right up? When you leave it for a couple hours it take forever to start unless you press the gas? My LS will not start unless i press the gas pedal to the floor and turn it over but then I get a slight gas smell inside. other than that the car runs clean. I was told it might be a leaking fuel injector flooding the engine but the gas smell only comes up if i turn it over with the pedal all the way down. If someone can solve this it will save me so much money.
What year is your LS?
If it is 2000 to 2002, it might be a dirty/bad IAC. Otherwise, a leaking fuel injector is a good possibility. Why are you dismissing that?
What year is your LS?
If it is 2000 to 2002, it might be a dirty/bad IAC. Otherwise, a leaking fuel injector is a good possibility. Why are you dismissing that?
I have a 2000 but I cleaned the IAC recently and fuel injectors are some work and expensive so for now I wanna knock out possibilities. I could check the IAC but what would I do?

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