help with upper control arms!


New LVC Member
Nov 11, 2012
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first off i have searched for this am just looking for a lil advice

My question is not to remove them but simply seperate them.
I know you have to remove the bolt and then spread the channel allowing you to seperate the controls arms. i run into problems as soon as i try to remove the bolt i cant get it out! i have tried everything down to a rubber mallot any suggestions guys? i need this to finish my spring conversion. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
A rubber mallet probably isn't hard enough to hit a bolt with..use a regular hammer with a punch on the end of the bolt so it doesn't damage the threads..use some kind of wedge to spread the opening of the spindle to help it out.
will try this tommorow thank you, so the bolt should simply be slid out and im not crazy?
Yep, this is the bolt with the square head, once the nut is removed it should come out..probably hasn't moved in a long time so it needs some motivation..spray it with some pb blaster to loosen it up before you call it a night and come back tomorrow and beat that sh*t out..I just went through this last month when I installed my springs.
I just took the nut off and hit every thing with PB and then just tapped a small cold chisel in the gap to open it ever so slightly and all was golden.
i hit it with pb trust me lol

yah it seems it should be square from what i see in pics but i thik it was replace with a normal bolt someone had laying around.... i will work on it tomorrow and report back thanks guys!
i hit it with pb trust me lol

yah it seems it should be square from what i see in pics but i thik it was replace with a normal bolt someone had laying around.... i will work on it tomorrow and report back thanks guys!

i sure hope someone didnt force a bolt in there that was bigger threaded.

it may be "turned" in to the ball joint stud :eek:
The replacement bolt with my NAPA control arms wasn't a square bolt but, was the correct length and thread size. I had to spray it with pb and used a chisel to spread the clamp slightly then knocked the bolt out with a 3lb hammer. It took a few good hits to break it loose just due to the rust.
I see you still haven't resolved this issue according to this thread If you absolutely can't get the bolt out, cut the end of the bolt off (thread side) so it's flush with the spindle, find a drill bit that's about the size of the bolt and drill it out. Since you are replacing the upper control arms you won't have to worry about messing up the ball joint. Make sure you have a corded drill otherwise you'll be going through batteries left and right.

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