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Jun 20, 2014
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United States
Im having an issue gettin the Upper Radiator hose for My 2004 Lincoln LS V8. Is there another ford/lincoln motor that i can get this part from? I have tried auto parts stores but none have it in stock(as it is a discontinued part) Is the one from the Jaguar 3.9 interchangeable? im having issues finding V8 motors at the junkyard hoses.jpg

The hose on the left is the one needed the one on the right is from a Jaguar

When I got mine I got it online but they are in stock at the dealership near me according to their website. Try ur local dealer. Otherwise you'll have to order it online and wait.
When I got mine I got it online but they are in stock at the dealership near me according to their website. Try ur local dealer. Otherwise you'll have to order it online and wait.

Yes, and you don't want one from a junkyard. The plastic part of the hose degrades over time. You need a new one. I'm pretty sure the Jaguar one shown won't work. If you really don't like your local dealer(s), then there are on-line dealers like FordPartsGiant. Usually ordering on-line saves money if you get a lot of parts or a high dollar part. For something like a single upper radiator hose, the shipping charge will erase the savings.
I order mines from rockauto I bought the good year version the tee in the middle can be replace if it goes bad. Was thinking about just changing it out for a metal tee but heck I will wait and see how well the plastic hold.
Anyone know what the bottom piece is called?? to get it off it looks like i have to remove the throttle body.
Anyone know what the bottom piece is called?? to get it off it looks like i have to remove the throttle body.

are you talking about the Coolant Outlet Pipe (so in my research, I found two different parts with this name, that part, and the part that connects to the thermostat housing that connects to each head) that is kinds in behind the throttle body? or a hose at the actual bottom of the cooling system?
coolant outlet pipe

but you're gonna also need to replace the piece in front of it, and the piece behind it...

also all of the pieces off to the sides of it...
its the part dead center (8548b) in the first pic and #15 in the second pic

You don't need to remove the throttle body to replace that part, but you will need to replace the part behind. The easiest way (for me) to do that is the remove the intake manifold. (Leave the throttle body attached and just remove the manifold and throttle body as one piece.)

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