Here comes Obama's civilian military...


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Americans acting on behalf of the American government against Americans to enforce socialist ideals here in the USSA.

Give Obama credit. He did wait 3 days to enact this piece of garbage.

To keep it simple, this directive immediately rescinds Bill Clintons 1992 directive that dealt exclusively with the overseas deployment of civilian personnel. No where in this directive is the word "overseas" mentioned. And so the takeover is starting to be put in place. drip,drip,drip...

"Members of the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce shall be organized, trained, cleared, equipped, and ready to deploy in support of combat operations by the military; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of the Department of Defense in accordance with DoDD 3000.05...

Section 4 (d), subsection (e): Management retains the authority to direct and assign civilians either voluntarily, involuntarily, or on an unexpected basis to accomplish the DoD mission.

Here comes Obama's new movement...
YouTube - Barack Obama: Call to Service in Colorado Springs, CO

YouTube - Barack Announces Organizing for America

Read between the lines sheeple.... get ready to be fitted for your shackles.
Geez Bryan....your pissing and moaning has reached staggering levels. Either A) Seek medical help B) Move to Canada already.....

I see you made out OK with a PDF file.......:)
Well, I don't know about you, but I'd never heard the term, "go take a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut" before and thought it was pretty funny.
Well, I don't know about you, but I'd never heard the term, "go take a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut" before and thought it was pretty funny.
It's from Last Tango in Paris. Spoken by Marlon Brando.
While on the topic...we have a guy here who tells people to "Go F*** Your Hat". Any idea where that one comes from??
Last i checked that *stuff* has been around... for 50 years? Lol

If you're going to get into these conspiracy theories, sir, i suggest you get caught up.

Project EndGame
Rex 84
Operation GardenPlot

We've got the cards for things much worse. If anything, this *stuff* is just *stuff* to keep the facists focused
MW, you're completely incoherent. Might be all the profanity smilies, who knows.
Hey Ron,

When you get a chance, please explain Obama's plans for:

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded,”

Will this be like Hugo Chavez's civilian force?
Will Acorn become the "Comites de Defensa Revolucionaria" or "Committees for the Defense of the Revolution"?

And while you are at it, please explain why the Clinton DoD directive in 1992 used the term "OVERSEAS" 33 times, yet the term "overseas" has been stricken from the Obama directive and doesn't appear once? drip, drip, drip

I'll go make some popcorn.:)
Well, I don't know about you, but I'd never heard the term, "go take a flying f*** at a rolling doughnut" before and thought it was pretty funny.
I remember playing 'ring toss' with some girls in college. Fun drinking game but the donut holes were too small it turned out. The girls got frustrated they couldn't "win"!
Hey Ron,

When you get a chance, please explain Obama's plans for:

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded,”

Will this be like Hugo Chavez's civilian force?
Will Acorn become the "Comites de Defensa Revolucionaria" or "Committees for the Defense of the Revolution"?
Just answer one question...what color are the shirts?
Just answer one question...what color are the shirts?

If they are red shirts what does that mean?

Are we talking red shirts like in the original Star Trek TV show? Cannon fodder?

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