we have 4 migs at work, all millers, they are fairly large 220's, we also have a huge miller tig welder which probably hasnt been turned on in a few years, one of our miller's is stricly set up for steel, the other 3 are set for steel and all 3 have aluminum spool guns since most of our product at work is aluminum. and we also have a 2200 lb 2 cylinder gas miller arc/tig/mig portable generator/welder that we take out on alot of on site welding jobs, in fact, thats what we have been using at Macdill to put together all the stuff i made a few months back. that also uses a spool gun, we have been trying to use steel wire at Macdill but with the rain and wind we have had thepast 2 weeks we've been burning through flux core spools left and right, we bought every roll from 6 home depots around the base lmao!!! i have pics on my phone of the stuff i made now that its erected on the base it came out awesome and we made zero modifications to install it, i'm that damn good!!!!! just dont know how to get the pics from my phone to this!