Hi from Iraq


Active LVC Member
Jun 16, 2004
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Greetings from Iraq! Everything is good here, it's hot as the pits of hell. It's definitely not what I expected, much nicer. I have A/C in my ROOM and at work... I'll post pics when I get more time and bandwidth. Just found out my wife replaced (with a little help from the neighbor) the alternator and did the coil spring conversion. Boy am I proud of her!! And all this days from our 10th anniversary. Well, back to the war... I miss my car!!!! :bow:
Marine, your wife just posted a time slip showing a 14.1@ 99 so not only can she work on cars, she can also race them.


Hey, glad to see you are safe and sound. Keep it that way, OK?
Hey Marine
A Crazy :tmi: friend of mine is over in Bagdad haulin gasoline is he crazy or what. He's a civilian
It's nice you have a wife that helps with a car.
Hey brother. Nice to hear from you. Let a brotha know if you need anything. I can send it from Scott AFB free of charge...hell...let me see if I can arrange a C-17 to haul your ride out there...we can mount a M249 out the passenger side window...ha ha. Seriously...If there's anything you need let us know here. Take care of yourself and while your at it hit up the USAF TALCE (airfield seizure) guys at any major airbase there if you need bandwith. We got mad SATCOM in our MARC shelters. Just go to the 3-in-1 lookin shelter with all the friggin antennas hangin off it. Tell em HQ Air Mobility Command sent ya...ha ha. Peace out Devil dog...be safe...stay frosty.
I think I need to give her a call, I just found out I need new front bags, how much she charge!?

Thanks Man - Love, Prayers and Stay Safe!

Dad and I took a high speed 400 mile cruise today in both of the marks. I had a good time, but now I realize we have guys over there fighting for the freedom to allow me to do that. Thanks man.

Marine said:
Greetings from Iraq!

I have a friend that just spent a half year there in the Army Engineering Corps.

He told me that things are relatively much better today than they were when he first got there.

Hopefully, that is true.

Thanks to you for your service to our country!
FreeFaller said:
Hey brother. Nice to hear from you. Let a brotha know if you need anything. I can send it from Scott AFB free of charge...hell...let me see if I can arrange a C-17 to haul your ride out there...we can mount a M249 out the passenger side window...ha ha. Seriously...If there's anything you need let us know here. Take care of yourself and while your at it hit up the USAF TALCE (airfield seizure) guys at any major airbase there if you need bandwith. We got mad SATCOM in our MARC shelters. Just go to the 3-in-1 lookin shelter with all the friggin antennas hangin off it. Tell em HQ Air Mobility Command sent ya...ha ha. Peace out Devil dog...be safe...stay frosty.
A friend of mine is stationed at Scott AFB, he got pretty lucky too considering it's only a few hours from our hometown.
Camp Fallujah is freakin club med!!! Thanks for all the responses, and when I need something, I know who to contact. The thought of a 249 on my car was cool, but I'm thinkin of a .50 Cal and standing up through the sunroof.... that would be fun. It's got alot better here since we first took this place. Now all I need is some time off, 12 hour days for the next 8 1/2 months suck!!! Everyone enjoy everything you do everyday, especially your families. Dont leave home without telling everyone how much they mean to you, and dont go to bed angry (unless it leads to make up sex). My mailing address is:

Edwin Halpain
RCT 8 3rd Radio BN
Unit 73915
FPO AE 09509 3915

Drop a line and I'll write back, not much else to do!

Thanks again LVC members!!

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