We should come up with a term that means marraige between 2 gay people.
How about Narraige
Sounds the same but is different.![]()
no, you said it was without meaning.That's exactly what you've said it and you're confirming it.
Who's historic and traditional values have included homosexual unions within the societal definition of marriage?
Anthropologists have struggled to come up with a definition of marriage that absorbs commonalities of the social construct across cultures.[19][20] Edvard Westermarck defined marriage in the 1922 edition of The History of Human Marriage as "a relation of one or more men to one or more women which is recognized as custom or law and involves certain rights and duties" to the individuals who enter into it, and any children born from it.[21] Such definitions failed to recognize same-sex marriages that have been documented around the world, including in more than 30 African cultures, such as the Kikuyu and Nuer.
Various types of same-sex marriages have existed,[37] ranging from informal, unsanctioned relationships to highly ritualized unions.[38]
In the southern Chinese province of Fujian, through the Ming dynasty period, females would bind themselves in contracts to younger females in elaborate ceremonies.[citation needed] Males also entered similar arrangements. This type of arrangement was also similar in ancient European history.[39]
An example of egalitarian male domestic partnership from the early Zhou Dynasty period of China is recorded in the story of Pan Zhang & Wang Zhongxian. While the relationship was clearly approved by the wider community, and was compared to heterosexual marriage, it did not involve a religious ceremony binding the couple.[40]
The first historical mention of the performance of same-sex marriages occurred during the early Roman Empire.[41] For instance, Emperor Nero is said to have married one of his male slaves. Emperor Elagabalus married a Carian slave named Hierocles.[42] While there is a consensus among modern historians that same-sex relationships existed in ancient Rome, the exact frequency and nature of same-sex unions during that period has been obscured.[43] In 342 AD Christian emperors Constantius II and Constans issued a law in the Theodosian Code (C. Th. 9.7.3) prohibiting same-sex marriage in Rome and ordering execution for those so married.[44]
no, you said it was without meaning.
i said it wasn't limited to your narrow definition.
marriage [ˈmærɪdʒ]
n 1. the state or relationship of being husband and wife
2. the legal union or contract made by a man and woman to live as husband and wife, (as modifier) marriage licence, marriage certificate
3. the religious or legal ceremony formalizing this union; wedding
4. a close or intimate union, relationship, etc
mind you, this doesn't include the meaning where it means a mixing of things either.
where a chef may call it a marriage of flavours to something he cooks.
so the christians outlawed it. go figure!
no, you said it was without meaning.
i said it wasn't limited to your narrow definition.
marriage [ˈmærɪdʒ]
n 1. the state or relationship of being husband and wife
2. the legal union or contract made by a man and woman to live as husband and wife, (as modifier) marriage licence, marriage certificate
3. the religious or legal ceremony formalizing this union; wedding
4. a close or intimate union, relationship, etc
This decision, as was Roe V. Wade, are both bad constitutional law, whether you like their perceived political outcome or not.
No, all of them are.
Why do you even care? Isn't it a religious union and your far more evolved than to believe in such trivial things... it's so last century.
Unless you're trying to redefine it and co-opt it. But what would you do that for?
Better yet, find a term that denotes a traditional, religious institution, and then "redefine it" to include some other kind deviant act.
Does it matter?
You are all for rule of law vs rule of man in any other situation, why not now?
I want to say that that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, but first I will wait to hear your reasoning.
How was Roe V Wade bad constitutional law?
I want to say that that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, but first I will wait to hear your reasoning.
Perhaps we should model the rest of our society and definitions on the highly successful and culturally developed tribes of Saharan Africa or Ming dynasty China.
And what's even more absurd is that this is a "pro-homosexual marriage" talking point.
A dictionary has to cover any and every possible usage of the term. It doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of any and every society has historically understood marriage as a union between a man and a woman that serves a very specific purpose; a fact confirmed by the first three definitions in your citation.
Your little "definition" proves absolutely nothing except you unwillingness to look at this issue from an opposing point of view.
Your little "definition" proves absolutely nothing except you unwillingness to look at this issue from my narrow minded point of view.
it's widely recognized that the legal arguments and process used to arrive at the decision were wrong. People ranging from Justice Ginsberg to attorney Alan Dershowitz to Obama's regulation czar, Cass Sunstein all disagree with the legal decision. But, apparently you didn't know that.
O.K. are you suggesting we also reform our society and model it after yet another, pre-Western society, pagan society that ultimately failed.i see your going to dismiss the roman allowance of the practice.
I don't find the premise of living in an era before modern Western society to be appealing, nor do I think we should be emulating the ancient pagans and tribal African and Asians that you, and other desperate defenders of homosexual MARRIAGE, have dug up and furiously repeat.the point is, marriage has never been historically only a man and woman union. there are cultural instances that predate your christian doctrine and tradition.
The court is not going to revisit this no matter how much you guys may wish.
We a have seen that when you're challenged, you'll invest countless of pages of text into avoiding or justifying why you feel no need to respond directly. So, I'm hard pressed to understand why I should invest any more time discussing this with? It's really not interesting. Worse than being wrong, worse than being stubborn, you've identified yourself as really boring. There's no reason to even attempt to dialog with you. I'll give you another opportunity, but my expectations for you are understandably low.
Do you know anything about the decision?
Do you know what the legal argument and logic supporting the majority opinion was? Do you understand what precedent was used? Do you recognize the role of the political process when it comes to the issue of abortion? Because, while you seem quite confident in yourself, you've demonstrate a vast ignorance of virtually everything you speak of.
Waaahhhh, I don't have facts or reasoning to back up my statement so I am going to just belittle you and attack you instead.
Besides, if it is ONLY a religious institution, why should marriage come with so many legal and tax benefits? Would you approve of civil unions if they universally provided every single benefit and drawback of marriage and were treated exactly the same in the eyes of the law or the IRS?
That has to be the most ignorant, close minded comment I have ever read on this forum.
Because this is not an issue of law nor should it be.
it fits in with your view of humanity as how people are instead of how they could and should be.
The decision is a fait accompli and has become settled law.
There is nothing conservatives can do about it on the federal level other than stew and vent and make legalistic arguments.
FIND said:This message is hidden because FIND is on your ignore list.
I don't know what point you are trying to raise but this comment has very profound implications. Are you proposing that policy by directed by how people could and should be? That is a recipe for tyranny.
When "the right" takes precedent over "the good", when "ought" is viewed as synonymous with "can" the rule of law ends up being torn asunder and arbitrary power reigns.
When "the perfect" is made the enemy of "the good", society suffers. This basic fact is at the heart of George Orwell's 1984. Societies are oppressed in pursuit of ideals; especially when those ideals are incompatible with human nature. The view that human nature is a variable to be changed, a means to an end, is a view that leads to tyranny.
Even the suggestion that policy should be made according to what "should be" is a very scary proposition.
There is no safety for honest men but by believing all possible evil of evil men.
-Edmund Burke
In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution
-Thomas Jefferson
individual freedom cannot be reconciled with the supremacy of one single purpose to which the whole society must be entirely and permanently subordinated.
-F.A. Hayek
It is bad law that is inconsistent with the Constitution. It should be overturned. But even ignoring that, it is not simply "stewing" in pointing out that it is bad law. The fact that the law distorts the constitution as it does is a teachable moment and should be viewed as an example of why judges should not engage in activism.
It's repetitive, but no more so than his posts, and far less insulting.FIND said:This message is hidden because FIND is on your ignore list.
The Roe v wade decision is a decision of imperfect humanity.
You're the one on the should be side of the argument on this one.
Usually you dismiss idealism and liberalism by bringing up human nature
as being imperfect ie the it is what it is argument.
Ideally Roe v Wade should be resettled but since IMO the resettlement would ultimately wind up in such a way as to not change anything on a practical basis there is no point in revisiting and expending great energy and divisiveness and strong feelings on what would turn out to be just an intellectual exercise.
Ideology (in the technical sense) is at best unnecessary and at worst, trends toward tyranny.
In this case the idealism I was refering to was also on your side.
Not idealism as a philosophy but just your ideal wish.
Ideally Roe v Wade should be revisited but I contend it will not
for the very human reasons that I have outlined and that you use in other arguments as justification for your positions.