Hi there! So I acquired a supercharged (7psi stock engine) mark viii last winter. Got it dyno tuned to make sure everything was good a/f wise and got it chipped. But I have a problem with what feels like ignition cutting out at around 5300rpm and progressively worse up to 6500. if I keep my foot in it ill get a miss then hit 6000ish and miss again and so on...It had aftermarket ignition on it, the tuner told me to get rid of it and its junk and the likely source of my problem. (While it was on the dyno we could see it peg rich during this event). So I replaced both coils with brand new motorcraft, new motorcraft wires. still same problem but it felt like it ran a little better. Today I swapped out the new ngk plugs that the tuner put in. for some autolite plugs (one step colder than stock) and gapped to .025. same issue..i did somewhat of a test to see if it was blowing out the spark. I kept it out of boost in 1st gear all the way up to 5300 and it happened less but it was still the same...anyone have a problem with, I dunno....crank signal dropping out? im getting low on ideas...any thoughts, questions, or suggestions are greatly appreciated