Dedicated LVC Member
She won't be getting my vote.I can't stand her. she is weird!!!
MonsterMark said:Ok. I know most of the left is lining up to cast their fateful ballot for ol' Hil but I am sure you are all concerned voters and want to make sure you field the 'best' candidate. Ie: the most electable. I think you should take the time to read a book before you cut your heads off like you did with the traitor Kerry.
A new book by Edward Klein called 'The Truth About Hillary' is out and is a must read for all lefties.
This has been a public-service announcement brought to by the radical right-wingers of the LVC. Why? So we can say:'See We Told You So' in 3 years. You have been warned about Hil. If you decide to put her up for scrutiny, expect me and my millions of cohorts on the right to reveal the truth about Bill's better half.![]()
MonsterMark said:See, for a liberal it always comes down to greed.
I feel like i'm in an episode of seinfeld....is this bizarre-o world?
MonsterMark said:Like I said, blockbuster book...
Just one day after its official release, Edward Klein’s new "The Truth About Hillary" has soared to the No.2 spot on Amazon.com’s list of best sellers. More: the Washington Times editorial page editor says the book is "required reading" for both conservatives and liberals.
Get informed before it is too late.
JohnnyBz00LS said:In retort........
Richard Cohen is a columnist for the Washington Post.
MonsterMark said:The left coast has a new show coming out on ABC called, of all things, Commander-In-Chief, and features Gina Davis (as Hillary obviously). I guess Hollywood feels fiction precedes real life and if they show what a woman supposedly would be able to do as the Chief, well then we'll all warm to the idea of Hillary in '08. I just love liberals. They are so clever.
What I posted there is what the headline would have said if a Republican had offered up this legislation. Bi-partisan? Ha. Partisan. All it is a ploy by the Democrats to try to look strong on defense. It is all so painfully pathetic.JohnnyBz00LS said:Jeezzzus Bryan, you should see a shrink. How you've twisted an bi-partisan initiative (that just so happens to be initiated by some Dems, who you've long bitched about being "part of the problem and not the solution"......... now they come with a proposal and you are still not happy) into some sick, twisted re-election campaign on the backs of "poor black kids" is disgusting.
Really, seriously. Get some help.
JohnnyBz00LS said:Dude, you are talking out your a s s.
What do you call GWB's attempts at raping the SSI system? Personal bankruptcies peaked during GWB's watch, not Clinton's.
I don't know about everyone else, but the ONLY time I ever had to take out a 2nd mortage was under Reagan & Bush Sr. During the 8 yrs Clinton was in the White House, I have gained a significant amout of REAL OWNERSHIP (house, cars, etc.) while since GWB took office that growth in my ownership has stagnated. I even went through a divorce in the '90s which set me back a chunk in terms of "ownership" and I still came out WAY ahead by 2000. And before you start harping about my gains being a result of the "dot-com" boom, NONE of my personal gains can be atributed to that.
The only buisness dealing GWB succeeded at was the Texas Rangers stadium. He was (an is) an utter and complete failure at everything else.
Man, I wish I could fail my up to become President of the United States!JohnnyBz00LS said:The only buisness dealing GWB succeeded at was the Texas Rangers stadium. He was (an is) an utter and complete failure at everything else.
bufordtpisser said:Personal bankruptcies did indeed peak during GWB's first four year stint. But bankruptcy isnot something that happens overnight. Those bankruptcies or the spending frenzies that caused them started duringthe Clinton years. You don't just go out onedayand spend thousands and the next day file bankruptcy. It is that samd short sighted attitude that will get another Clinton in the Whitehouse. Boo Hoo Hoo, look what GWB did to us. Give us all a break, he inherited this mess from the so called little fat intern chasing leader that was in place the previous eight years. If Little WIllie would have done his job, we would not be in this mess now. Next time you do your history lesson, take off the blinders, read all of the words. Not just the ones that have pictures.
bufordtpisser said:Personal bankruptcies did indeed peak during GWB's first four year stint. But bankruptcy isnot something that happens overnight. Those bankruptcies or the spending frenzies that caused them started duringthe Clinton years. You don't just go out onedayand spend thousands and the next day file bankruptcy. It is that samd short sighted attitude that will get another Clinton in the Whitehouse. Boo Hoo Hoo, look what GWB did to us. Give us all a break, he inherited this mess from the so called little fat intern chasing leader that was in place the previous eight years. If Little WIllie would have done his job, we would not be in this mess now. Next time you do your history lesson, take off the blinders, read all of the words. Not just the ones that have pictures.
JohnnyBz00LS said:Typical RWW response, blame it on Clinton.
FreeFaller said:If you renege on your contract you should be liable to hefty fines.
FreeFaller said:Also, don't think that President Bush came into the office with a desire to rob you of your hard earned money.
Do you have ANY proof of all of Bush's ill gotten gains? Or are you dancing in the dark again?JohnnyBz00LS said:No, he just stood at the door of the "screw the american consumer party" and took the money of the paying industries.
MonsterMark said:Do you have ANY proof of all of Bush's ill gotten gains? Or are you dancing in the dark again?
JohnnyBz00LS said:Quit acting like you don't know how the government works. It's a well known fact that the banking lobbyists lined the pockets of the RNC and the GOP to help get their legislation passed through. I don't have to show you a direct-deposit from Citibank to GW's personal banking account to prove my point.
fossten said:First of all, having worked in the Financial Industry, I know that the CC industry doesn't need the gov.'s help to rip people off. They've been doing that for 150 years, long before Bush was president, and during repub and dem presidencies alike.
It could be argued that Bush is protecting responsible people from irresponsible people.JohnnyBz00LS said:Isn't one of the primary roles of government to protect it's people? No so, it seems, w/ GW in office.
Kbob said:It could be argued that Bush is protecting responsible people from irresponsible people.