MonsterMark said:
... This is the reason I am here. 1st to have fun. 2nd to share ideas. 3rd to poke some fun at the opposition and 4th to maybe open up some minds that may think or believe differently than myself.
this is a website that lists some of the things in the quran that are destructive. you can click on the points and be redirected to another website with the text of the quran (the watered down english version). here are a few of the main points that make the quran and islam a serious problem:
Don't bother to warn the disbelievers. Allah has blinded them. Theirs will be an awful doom. Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.
War is ordained by Allah.
We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Their habitation is the Fire
Allah will bestow a vast reward on those who fight in religious wars
Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them.
If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant
When you fight with disbelievers, do not retreat. Those who do will go to hell
Exhort the believers to fight. They will win easily, because disbelievers are without intelligence.
Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.
If you refuse to fight, Allah will afflict you with a painful doom.
Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are all going to hell anyway.
Don't pray for idolaters (not even for your family) after it is clear they are people of hell-fire.
Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you.
Allah does not hear the prayer of disbelievers.
Allah sends some people astray
Iblis will lead humans astray. Only perfect Muslims will be safe from him. The rest will go to hell.
Allah could have led everyone to the truth, but he chose not to
Allah destroyed entire towns, yet the people still disbelieved.
The people cried out for mercy, but Allah killed them anyway.
Whoever thinks that Allah will not give Muhammad victory should go hang himself.
It's okay for believers to own slaves
Allah leads those who do not believe in the Hereafter astray by making things work out OK in this life, so that he can torment them forever in the next. They will get the worst punishment and will be the greatest losers.
Allah will taunt Christians on the day of their doom, saying: Where are My partners whom ye imagined?
Never help disbelievers.
Allah will tear Christians apart for ascribing partners to him.
It's OK to own slaves.
Allah does not love disbelievers
Allah will give disbelievers a little comfort for a little while, and then he'll torment them forever with a heavy doom.
Allah sends whoever he wants astray.
If Allah feels like it, he will drown everyone
Allah sends some people astray and then punishes them for it by burning them in the Fire.
Allah will taunt the disbelievers that he torments in the fire, saying: "Taste the doom for that ye disbelieved."
Smite the necks of the disbelievers whenever you fight against them. Those who die fighting for Allah will be rewarded.
Allah curses people by making them deaf and blind.
If you refuse to fight for Allah, he will punish you with a painful doom.
But if you're willing to fight for Allah, he will provide you with lots of booty.
Don't make friends with Allah's enemies. For those who do so, Allah has prepared a dreadful doom.
On the Last Day good Muslims will not love their non-Muslim friends and family members, not even their fathers, sons, or brothers (or their mothers, daughters, or sisters).
Don't be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah's) enemy.
Don't be friends with those who have warred against you because of religion. Whoever makes friends with them is a wrong-doer.
Don't be friends with those who disbelieve in the Hereafter. They are Allah's enemies.
Allah loves those who fight for him.
A hypocritical Jew looks like an ass carrying books. Those who deny the revelations of Allah are ugly
Allah seals the hearts of those who believe and then disbelieve so that they can understand nothing.
Don't bother to ask Allah to forgive the disbelievers. He will never forgive them.
Muhammad's wives need to be careful. If they criticize their husband, Allah will replace them with better ones