Hood and Wing SPECIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
Southern New Jersey.
If you purchase a Wing by January 30th you can get the Cobra R one piece hood for ONLY $579.00!!!!!!!! C'mon people.
I think a Hood for the Gen 2 would have to be styled different - a bit less harsh to match the rest of the soft lines on the car
Joeychgo said:
I think a Hood for the Gen 2 would have to be styled different - a bit less harsh to match the rest of the soft lines on the car

I agree, the rise on the hood is about 1 1/2" to high & shouldn't have such a sharp line at the top, should be slightly rounded a " C " hair, Oh, if one were to buy the rear wing, where would you relocate the antenna ?
Joeychgo said:
I think a Hood for the Gen 2 would have to be styled different - a bit less harsh to match the rest of the soft lines on the car

i would love to see a p.s. of a gen II w/ a hood scoop.....:D
whoa...looks like I need to spend more time here.

when did the Cobra R hoods come back?


no wing for me, but R hood....hmmmm
Geno, You know me babe.....pics HOTTIE!!! where can I see a pic of the hood? (I'll pm ya about the other pics;) ) Nice pics in your gallery, when did you add those? Sure would like to see them, or are they photoshoped? No tech info yet (weird sound, made me want to spin around a pole lolo!) I am gonna swap gears to 4.10's, posi, and driveshaft....any url's you suggest I read?

OK....lets just trade off taking Strays hood, we can put mine on his....it will take him a while to notice....lolol

Thanks Hottie!

I've had DIBS on stray's hood every since this site was created(ask stray...he'll tell ya...I hit him up for it every chance I get!)!!!

But seriously... WHERE ARE THE HOODS/INFO???

I had no idea the Cobra R hoods were available...now you're offering s "hood/wing" special? I have no interest in a wing...but the HOOD!!! heall yea!
Heres a few shots. Thanks StraDog and Ray!








MsM8tress said:
I'm raining....... :hump:
Yessss....thanks Ray, Stra, Geno.....I've got to have one....

Debi, that Cobra R hood would look good on TUX :)
That hood sucks on a MK8. What the hell are you thinking? This is a luxury coupe. Give it a sportier edge not a hotrod edge.
That hood sucks on a MK8. What the hell are you thinking? This is a luxury coupe. Give it a sportier edge not a hotrod edge.
To each his own, some people like it some people don't!!!!
Yes the look does create some kind of be careful I'm more than you think I am look. I just don't care for a look modeled after a Cobra. As I wrote before the Mark has been around for some time so other than speed enhancement from the Cobra I don't see why its needed to follow the Cobra cosmetically.
The only problem with that is there is NOTHING else out there as far as hoods are concerned for the Mark VIII. NOTHING at all, I have called every company I can find in a magazine (car, truck, bike, model, or boat), or even on the internet. I have 2 companies that will make a mold of a hood if 1) we have one made (hood that is WITH a scoop, or whatever you want), and 2) if we can get 20 (MINIMUM, prepaid) orders after the mold is made. The problem is 1) find a place that will not cost an arm/leg to make a custom hood, 2) make a hood that a general consensus likes, and 3) get 20 PREpaid orders.

I have tried 2, and 3 in the past on other things (look at my gauge orders.....took me 3 years and I had 16 preorders upfront), and you are not likely to find enuf ppl to be happy with ONE hood style. Most might like the style, but will want one extra thing or another that will completely screw up the order, and then you have to have the right amount of ppl that will PREorder/pay for the item before they ever see it. It seems that the Mark VIII crowd is the CHEAPEST bunch of mo-fo's on the planet.

I have a hood that I am currently working on, and will NOT divulge it until I am completely done with it. If others like what I have, and are willing to prepay for them (minimum of 20 prepaid orders), then I might consider having my guy make them. The mold cost is roughly $1200 (and that is ONLY if the custom work is already done, and the guy is ONLY making a mold for the part), and he will NOT ship unless we have a minimum of 20 prepaid orders. I know the price he wants, but I will have to raise the price per hood so I can make up the difference between the cost of the hood itself, and my cost of the mold.

Hope that gives a small reason as to why we are copying the Cobra.
When i can buy a Mark VIII I will definetly be getting a custom hood for it!!!
Like any LUXURY COUPE, if you get one you might try to understand that it is a high matenance vehicle as well as a high cosmetic car from what I can tell. I don't bash the drivers that are looking for the cheapest way out but for those that have the $$$ but still want to model a LUXURY COUPE after a Cobra is just ass backwards. Oh it does cost more but still the Mark still has its own IDENTITY and should be given that respect.
It is bad enuf most ppl do not even know what make of car it is, let alone what model it is. It is nice to be able to set it off from the rest of the Mark VIII's, but you have a point with the Cobra. I am not sure if it is ass backwards, but it does a good job of setting it apart from the rest. Especially if you are planning on any speed upgrades to your car. I for one had some MAJOR plans that the scoop might have been ideal for, but I am lookin for something a bit different than the basic Cobra 'R' hood. Now, I am not saying that it will not be a form of the Cobra 'R', but it will be something custom. It is kinda difficult to be totally custom, without basing the scoop on something that is already out there.:D
You know what Peperman, I don't have my 98LSC yet but from my reseach I still have that respect for the car eventhough I purchased a Eldorado. Do you have respect for the Mark series regardless of having one?

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