House vote removes McCarthy as Speaker. i.e. Republicans Consuming Themselves :)


Dedicated LVC Member
May 17, 2005
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Santa Rosa, Ca
House vote removes McCarthy as Speaker: l

The House voted Tuesday to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), a vote that hasn’t taken place in more than 100 years.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) followed through on his promises and moved Monday to force a vote on a motion to vacate. On Tuesday afternoon, the chamber voted 216-210 on the motion to vacate, following a 208-218 vote on a motion to table Gaetz’s resolution to oust McCarthy.

It's good when Republicans consume themselves. Deplorables, the lot of them.

What happens when you embrace Trumpism.
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This is VERY embarrassing for Republicans, as once again they show how completely incompetent they are when in power. McCarthy's removal was also telegraphed long ago, as it took him an embarrassing 15 rounds of voting to get the speaker seat:

Elect deplorable clowns to office, get a deplorable clown-show. It's very telling that the core of the Republican party (Trumpers) desperately want to abandon Ukraine. Trump likes Putin, so they like Putin.

"I was the apple in his [Putin] eye" -Trump, Aug 2023

Ultimately the America people continue to suffer under Republican ineptitude.
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Why Matt Gaetz led charge to remove Kevin McCarthy as House speaker -NYP, a Far-Right News Outlet

McCarthy has repeatedly claimed Gaetz has held a grudge against him for refusing his demand that McCarthy intervene in an ongoing House Ethics Committee investigation.

“He’s blaming me for an ethics complaint against him that happened in the last Congress. I have nothing to do with it,” McCarthy told CNBC’s “Squawk Box” just hours before he was voted out.

Gaetz, who is rumored to be weighing a run for Florida governor in 2026, is being eyed by the ethics panel over allegations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use and campaign finance violations as well as taking bribes.

Many members of Congress, including fellow Republicans, reportedly are eager to expel the Sunshine State politician if he is found guilty of wrongdoing.

“He wants me to try to wipe that away … I’m not going to do that. That’s illegal,” McCarthy said Tuesday morning. “And you know what? If some way I lose my job because I uphold the law [and the] continuity of government, so be it.”

Matt Gaetz has been under ethnics investigations for deplorable crimes since 2021, but House Republicans only considered expelling him on Oct 2nd as a means save McCarthy:

Oh Republicans...
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McCarthy did do the right thing for once, that doesn't wave away all the lies, deals and promises he's broken before that. He's a deplorable.

Oh man, you finally got me on a spell-check error. Good job. Your day came :)
Republicans nominated Steve Scalise to be Speaker or the House and almost as quickly he dropped out. Republicans are a complete clownshow mess.

They've now nominated Far-Right extremist Jim Jordan to be speaker. Oh Republicans...
Jim Jordan lost his bid for speaker yesterday by 20 votes

Now it appears he's lost his second bid for speaker today by 22 votes

Republicans are so embarrassing and detrimental to the country's well being

Jim Jordan has now lost his third bid for speaker by losing 25 Republican votes, surpassing his previous 20 and then 22. If he runs a 4th time, he'll likely lose by more than 25. This is so EMBARRASSING for Republicans.

Republicans keep showing that they're scattered, cannot govern and its hurting the country. They should do what's best for the country step down.
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House GOP spirals into chaos as Emmer becomes third speaker nominee dropped in three weeks -Fox "News"

Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., has dropped out of the race for speaker hours after being named House Republicans’ nominee, three sources tell Fox News Digital. -snip


Oh Republicans...
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So it seems Emmer was booted out by a Trump phone call, because Emmer wasn't enough of a Trumper. Seems he had criticized Trump after the January 6th violent insurrection and failed coup.

Oh Republicans...
House Republicans are now poised to elect Far-Right Louisiana representative Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House.

He'll have the least experience of anyone to sit in that seat in 140 years and he's one of the 147 Republicans who voted against certifying the 2020 election. An election denying traitor.

Oh Republicans...
So it seems Emmer was booted out by a Trump phone call, because Emmer wasn't enough of a Trumper. Seems he had criticized Trump after the January 6th violent insurrection and failed coup.

Oh Republicans...
You guys seem brain washed, the fact that you post about it shows how much TV has effected your judgment. It's easy to point fingers at those in the line light, yet your confused to the real problem behind the scenes and allow it to happen due too your fixation on what others tell you to belive. Both sides are corrupt and allowed to use you in anyway they feel is to their advantages. The only law that should be relevant is the constitution, look at the back of your birth certificate, look at how our names are spelt on documents then tell me how educated you really are.
I don't know about your birth certificate, but mine has my name spelt correctly.

And who did you vote for in 2016 and 2020? For posterity's sake, please be truthful.

I voted for Clinton and Biden.
I don't know about your birth certificate, but mine has my name spelt correctly.

And who did you vote for in 2016 and 2020? For posterity's sake, please be truthful.

I voted for Clinton and Biden.
Didn't vote but definitely not Clinton Obama nor Biden. If your name is in full capitol letters then it is not spelt right.
I don't know about your birth certificate, but mine has my name spelt correctly.

And who did you vote for in 2016 and 2020? For posterity's sake, please be truthful.

I voted for Clinton and Biden.

Screenshot_20231025_174516_Samsung Notes.jpg
In 1973 you and everyone else became a number that pays for a dept based on how much you will pay in taxes in your life time. Which is fraud that you nor your parents knew you signed up for. When you work to pay taxes those funds are sent over seas and taxed twice before its returned to you.

“To take advantage of – To use to ones own advantage.”

Blacks Law Dictionary
4TH ed. (1968) provides comprehensive definition

Means the diminishing of status through the use
of “capitalization” In Roman law.

A diminishing or abridgment of personality;

“A loss or curtailment of a man’s status”

So the the gift you where given at birth by your parents "your name" turned into a debt they signed to pay for not knowing this.

This FRAUD is called PERSONAGE.

i: MAN
Have a DUTY as all of us do to...
Stand with truth
Stand with honor
Stand with courage
But most importantly...

Stand with LOVE in your heart to...

Every man and woman IS born free;
[We are not slaves [subjects or "Legal" person
Every man and woman IS EQUAL under the LAW;
[law from our creator is recognized as Supreme] "DO NO WRONG OR HARM" [TRESPASS]; that is the law of this land only by Concent or Contract only binds a man or woman:
PERIOD! Governments are there to serve we the people.

The system you belive in right now is based on ignorance and not being shown these foundational truths.

I'm not here to judge you on what you're beliefs are hopefully to shed some light and educate you in some way to think for yourself to understand this garbage you post is a waste on your mental capacity and could be used for better instead of ranting about this crap on a forum for cars.
What you hear on TV is what they want you to see, the device in your hand is designed to track everything you do, the searches you do with your google certification is designed to only show you what they want you to see. If you belive for one minute a puppet in office that can't even hold a sentence is someone who should be in control, or a previous crime family who has caused countless murders against humanity is the right thing to vote for shame on you for your ignorance and believing something someone told you to belive in.
both Democrats and Republicans only care about power and use choice slang to get you and many others to belive their crap.

audio to the document Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, below is pdf link to actual document. for Quiet Wars Original Document Copy.pdf

Some education for you if you want to look into it.Home - A Warrior Calls
Didn't vote but definitely not Clinton Obama nor Biden. If your name is in full capitol letters then it is not spelt right.

So you sit on the sidelines doing nothing, except complaining and pointing the finger at others, while thinking you're superior. Sure sounds like a Trumper.

And being born into debt isn't some hush-hush conspiracy you've discovered. It's well known and talked about, the weighing down future generations with the debt we're piling today. Of course nothing much happens to fix it. YW.

Michael Savage? LoL. Might as well listen to Alex Jones as well. SMH.
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"More 2nd Amendment friendly house" -snip

Um. People with a history of mental illness, making threats of violence and spending time in mental facilities can still legally own assault riffles and go on mass shooting sprees like the one we just had in Maine, which is still ongoing. So how much more "friendly" do they plan on making it?

What we know so far about the mass shooting in Maine

And no one is surprised the deranged shooter is a Trump loving Rightist. Go NRA! Go Republicans!
Mike Johnson's campaign contributions from company tied to Russia

A group of Russian nationals were able to donate to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson's campaign in 2018 by funneling the money through a U.S. company.

The Texas-based American Ethane company previously donated tens of thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Louisiana Republicans including Johnson, who was voted by the House to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker on Wednesday following three weeks of GOP chaos in the lower chamber.

While American Ethane was run in 2018 by American John Houghtaling, 88 percent of the firm was owned by three Russian nationals—Konstantin Nikolaev, Mikhail Yuriev, and Andrey Kunatbaev.

Another Republican owned by Russian interests. Now we see why Mike Johnson wants to cut all aid to Ukraine.

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