How are you doing?

fossten said:
Sounds like GREAT news to me. Three cheers for Halliburton and United States Law!!! Finally a good story about some REAL GOOD NEWS happening in Iraq, and business profiting to boot!


Phil, you're such a hater. I bet you wish Saddam was back in control of Iraq and still oppressing his own people while thumbing his nose at us.

I think they should run Saddam on the Republican ticket here in the US in 2008-he can continue the work of Shrub. Granted, Shrub is a little more subtle about how he go's about it- he gets his Repug controlled house and senate to pass laws and bills that give breaks and power to his cronys and corporate buddies, but their ultimate goal seems the same-control of everything in the country by the corporations and rich and to hell with the middle class and poor.:D
97silverlsc said:
I think they should run Saddam on the Republican ticket here in the US in 2008-he can continue the work of Shrub. Granted, Shrub is a little more subtle about how he go's about it- he gets his Repug controlled house and senate to pass laws and bills that give breaks and power to his cronys and corporate buddies, but their ultimate goal seems the same-control of everything in the country by the corporations and rich and to hell with the middle class and poor.:D

You're really quite stupid, aren't you?

Is that the big white elephant in the room around here, the one no one is allowed to comment on? Did I just commit a faux paus by stating so?

Please, do us a favor, and build an argument including, maybe two, examples of how anything you just stated makes any sense.
...yeah, I know.
You might call that a "personal attack" and it's rather unbecoming, too bad we have a strict time limit on edits. Strike those first two sentences from the official record. Bad form on my part.

Apologies to the community.
97silverlsc said:
Not nearly as much as you. I didn't vote for Shrub in either election.

Hmm. Is it stupid to vote for the winning team, or to vote for the LOSING TEAM?

Food for thought.

Funny how you always try to paint the Bush voters as suckers, yet despite all the adversity, attacks, and natural disasters, the world is safer and the economy is booming. So what are you so mad about? Nothing Bush has done could possibly be affecting you personally. What's your problem?
97silverlsc said:
Not nearly as much as you. I didn't vote for Shrub in either election.

So who did you vote for.
And if you're really feeling bold, tell me who you would have liked to have voted for.

Note, I said who you would have liked to have voted for. This way you can't say "Anybody but Bush" or something like that.

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